Public Administration
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
After completing the course, students will:
1. Gain knowledge about the role and functioning of public administration and its role in society
and understand the nature and role of the citizen in governance
2. Acquire skills in applying the theoretical basis of administrative science to the conditions of Slovakia and will be able to critically interpret changes in public administration of the Slovak Republic as a reform process of the changing social environment of the late 20th and early 21st century.
3. On the basis of knowledge and acquired skills, they will be able to critically evaluate the citizen's participation in the system of public administration and competently apply individual methods and techniques of participation in specific situations of their involvement in the decision-making process on public affairs.
Indicative content
The course provides knowledge focused on the theoretical basis of public administration from ancient Chinese and Greek knowledge to the theory of modern public administration, public management and governance. These are complemented by the criteria and typology of systems needed for a comparative study of public administration and the evaluation of the performance of administrative systems in the production of public services and the fulfillment of public policy objectives. At the same time, it provides knowledge about the development, reform and system of public administration in the Slovak Republic. Part of the knowledge is also the position of the citizen and the evaluation of his participation in the administration of public affairs. Emphasis is also placed on mastering the basic methods of research in the field of public administration.
1. Subject, position and definition of public administration
2. Sources of public administration
3. Stages of public administration development - NPM, NPA, active state, activating state
4. Decentralization and organization in public administration
5. Public administration reforms
6. Development of public administration in Slovakia
7. System of public administration of the Slovak Republic
8. Financing of public administration
9. Control in public administration
10. Efficiency of public administration
11. E-government
12. Public service and ethics in public administration
13. Participation of citizens in public administration decision-making
Support literature
• ŽÁRSKA, E. A KOL. 2016. Verejná správa. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2016. 354 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4228-9
• POLLIT, C. – BOUCKAERT, G. 2017. Public Management Reform. Oxford: xford University Press 2017. 410 s. ISBN 9780198795186
• BOVAIRD, T. – LOEFFLER, E. 2016. Public Management and Governance. Routledge. 446 s. ISBN 9780415501866
• HENDRYCH, D. 2007. Správní věda. Teorie veřejné správy. Praha: ASPI 2007. 211 s. ISBN 978-80-7357-248-8
• KLIMOVSKÝ, D. 2014. Základy verejnej správy. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer. 455 s. ISBN 978-80-8168-002-1
• POMAHAČ, R. A KOL. 2013. Veřejná správa. Praha: C.H.Beck 2013. ISBN 978-80-7400-447-6
• LYNN, LAURENCE, E. Jr. 2006. Public management: Old and new. New York and London: Routlegde Taylor & Francis Group. 210 s. ISBN 0-415-28730-8
• OSBORNE, S. P. 2010. The New Public governance? New York and London: Routlegde Taylor & Francis Group. 431 s. ISBN 978-0-415-49463-2
Requirements to complete the course
100% work:
• 20% written work - 45 minutes in the 8th week of the semester
• 20% semester project 2500 words
• 60% written exam - 2 hours
Student workload
156 hours:
• 26 hours of participation in lectures,
• 26 hours participation in seminars,
• 26 hours of home regular preparation for seminars - study of literature
• 30 hours of semester project preparation,
• 14 hours of semester assignment preparation,
• 34 hours of preparation for the final exam.
Date of approval: 10.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 21.12.2021