Mgr. Martin Novysedlák, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Business Management
Department: Department of Management
Position: Assistant professor
Current and previous employment
Assistant professor
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business management; Department of management
2020 - present
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
State Language Examination - Level C1 - C2
State Language School, Prešov
Number of defended theses
Bachelor's (first degree): 9
Diploma (second degree): 5
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 1
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
ČAKANOVÁ, Lucia [20 %] - DORČÁKOVÁ, Ingrid [20 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [20 %] - PEKÁR, Miroslav [20 %] - VEDEJ, Mojmír [20 %]. Research of Shopping Preferences, Factors and Habits at Impulsive Purchasing in Physical and Virtual World. In Wissenschaft und Forschung 2019 : Digitalisierung in Lehre und Management. - Berlin : uni-edition, 2019. ISBN 978-3-947208-11-1, s. 375-390. APVV-15-0511. GOLDAU, Hartmut [50 %] - MARKOVIČ, Peter [25 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [25 %]. Die Preisentwicklung bei Bestandsimmobilien und mögliche Einflüsse auf die finanzielle Nachhaltigkeit von KMUs. In Podnikové financie vo vede a praxi 2020 : zborník vedeckých statí Katedry podnikových financií = Proceedings of Scientific Papers of Department of Corporate Finance. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4785-7, s. 20-46 online. VEGA 1/0240/20. HUDÁK, Dávid [34 %] - MARTIČEKOVÁ, Ivana [33 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [33 %]. Design thinking ako fenomén 21. storočia. In Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku XII. : zborník vedeckých statí pri príležitosti Týždňa vedy a techniky. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4543-3, s. 133-138 online. APVV-15-0511. DORČÁK, Peter [25 %] - MARKOVIČ, Peter [25 %] - DORČÁKOVÁ, Ingrid [25 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [25 %]. Public Finance - The Impact of Recreational Vouchers on Public Finances and Support for Domestic Tourism. In Public Finance 2019. International Conference. Public Finance 2019 : Proceeedings Book of the 34. International Conference, April 24-27, 2019, (Antalya, Turkey). - Istanbul : Istanbul University, 2019. ISBN 978-605-07-0704-5, s. 17-28 online. APVV-15-0511. MARKOVIČ, Peter [20 %] - DORČÁK, Peter [20 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [20 %] - DORČÁKOVÁ, Ingrid [20 %] - POLLÁK, František [20 %]. Business Succession Model for SMEs in the Central Europe Region. In ISER International Conference. Proceedings of ISER 233rd International Conference. - Bhubaneswar : IRAJ Research Forum, 2019. ISBN 978-93-89469-70-7, pp. 1-6 online. VEGA 1/0066/17, KEGA 025EU-4/2017, INTERREG CE 1158 ENTER-transfer.The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
ČAKANOVÁ, Lucia [20 %] - DORČÁKOVÁ, Ingrid [20 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [20 %] - PEKÁR, Miroslav [20 %] - VEDEJ, Mojmír [20 %]. Research of Shopping Preferences, Factors and Habits at Impulsive Purchasing in Physical and Virtual World. In Wissenschaft und Forschung 2019 : Digitalisierung in Lehre und Management. - Berlin : uni-edition, 2019. ISBN 978-3-947208-11-1, s. 375-390. APVV-15-0511. GOLDAU, Hartmut [50 %] - MARKOVIČ, Peter [25 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [25 %]. Die Preisentwicklung bei Bestandsimmobilien und mögliche Einflüsse auf die finanzielle Nachhaltigkeit von KMUs. In Podnikové financie vo vede a praxi 2020 : zborník vedeckých statí Katedry podnikových financií = Proceedings of Scientific Papers of Department of Corporate Finance. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4785-7, s. 20-46 online. VEGA 1/0240/20. HUDÁK, Dávid [34 %] - MARTIČEKOVÁ, Ivana [33 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [33 %]. Design thinking ako fenomén 21. storočia. In Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku XII. : zborník vedeckých statí pri príležitosti Týždňa vedy a techniky. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4543-3, s. 133-138 online. APVV-15-0511. DORČÁK, Peter [25 %] - MARKOVIČ, Peter [25 %] - DORČÁKOVÁ, Ingrid [25 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [25 %]. Public Finance - The Impact of Recreational Vouchers on Public Finances and Support for Domestic Tourism. In Public Finance 2019. International Conference. Public Finance 2019 : Proceeedings Book of the 34. International Conference, April 24-27, 2019, (Antalya, Turkey). - Istanbul : Istanbul University, 2019. ISBN 978-605-07-0704-5, s. 17-28 online. APVV-15-0511. MARKOVIČ, Peter [20 %] - DORČÁK, Peter [20 %] - NOVYSEDLÁK, Martin [20 %] - DORČÁKOVÁ, Ingrid [20 %] - POLLÁK, František [20 %]. Business Succession Model for SMEs in the Central Europe Region. In ISER International Conference. Proceedings of ISER 233rd International Conference. - Bhubaneswar : IRAJ Research Forum, 2019. ISBN 978-93-89469-70-7, pp. 1-6 online. VEGA 1/0066/17, KEGA 025EU-4/2017, INTERREG CE 1158 ENTER-transfer.The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE100136 VReduMED - Virtual Reality Education and Training Solutions for Medicine Sector
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE0100090 GREENPACT - Futurepreneurs and SMEs for a sustainable Central Europe | Certification Scheme
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE1158 ENTER-transfer - Advancement of the economic and social innovation through the creation of the environment enabling business succession
"VEGA 1/0328/21 Post-pandemický manažment podniku: identifikácia dočasných a trvalo udržateľných zmien v sekvenčných a paralelných funkciách manažmentu v kontexte s pandémiou ochorenia COVID-19 / Post-pandemic business management: identifying temporary and sustainable changes in sequential and parallel management functions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic"
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE1569 ProsperAMnet - Progressing Service Performance and Export Results of Advanced Manufacturers Networks
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE100136 VReduMED - Virtual Reality Education and Training Solutions for Medicine Sector
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE0100090 GREENPACT - Futurepreneurs and SMEs for a sustainable Central Europe | Certification Scheme
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE1158 ENTER-transfer - Advancement of the economic and social innovation through the creation of the environment enabling business succession
"VEGA 1/0328/21 Post-pandemický manažment podniku: identifikácia dočasných a trvalo udržateľných zmien v sekvenčných a paralelných funkciách manažmentu v kontexte s pandémiou ochorenia COVID-19 / Post-pandemic business management: identifying temporary and sustainable changes in sequential and parallel management functions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic"
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE1569 ProsperAMnet - Progressing Service Performance and Export Results of Advanced Manufacturers Networks
Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, DE
03/2020 - 06/2020,