doc. RNDr. Kvetoslava Matlovičová, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Commerce

Department: Department of Tourism

Position: Associate Professor



Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person

Second degree of higher education

Study field and programme: Join First & Second degree of higher education (MSc.), Study field: Teacher training; Geography & Mathematics Teacher Education Programme, 1994, P. J. Safarik University (UPJS), Faculty of Education

Third degree of higher education

Study field and programme: Study field: Earth sciences; Programme: Regional geography, 2008, University of Presov, Faculty of Humanities & Natural Sciences, Department of Geography & Regional Development

Associate professor

Study field and programme: Geography, 2016, University of Presov, Faculty of Humanities & Natural Sciences, Department of Geography & Applied Geoinformatics

Current and previous employment

Associate professor
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce, Department of Tourism
since 2022

Vice-rector for International Relation
University of Presov (PU)
2019 - 2022

Associate professor
University of Presov (PU), Faculty of Humanities & Natural Sciences, Department of Geography & Applied Geoinformatics
from 2016

Travel agnecy executive director
Horex Ltd., Savoy Ltd.
1996 - 2005

Secondary school teacher of the Economic geography
Business college in Presov
1994 - 1996

Marketing and Tourism Senior lecturer in the Central European Studies programme (External lecturer)
Faculty of Arts, Institute of Ukrainian and Central European Studies, PU
2011 - 2015

Assistant professor
Department of Geography & Regional Development, FHPV, PU
2008 - 2016

PHD student (full-time)
Department of Geography & Regional Development, FHPV, PU

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Certificated Tourist Guide (Course Accreditation Code: 1884/2016/75/1; certificate No. 06/2017)
Center of Competencies and Lifelong Learning, PU

Postgraduate study: Banking, Finance & Insurance
Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Košice

Future Learn: The Secret Power of Brands (6 weeks MOOC course)
University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom

English courses
LAL London & &LAL Summer Schools, Paignthon, UK; EF International School of English, Bournemouth, UK; Torbay Language Centre, Paignthon, UK; Alexander School of English, Brighton, Sussex England, UK
2010; 2009; 2004; 1997

Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 11

Diploma (second degree): 39

Dissertation (third degree): 2

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 39

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 512 - 228 (WoS), 313 (SC)

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 5

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

Matlovičová, K., (2024). The Triadic Nexus: Understanding the Interplay and Semantic Boundaries Between Place Identity, Place Image, and Place Reputation. Folia Geographica 66(1), pp. 69-102.

Matlovič, R., Matlovičová, K., (2024). Polycrisis in the Anthropocene as a Key Research Agenda for Geography: Ontological Delineation and the Shift to a Postdisciplinary Approach. Folia Geographica 66(1), pp. 5-33.

Brunn S., Matlovičová K., Mušinka A., Matlovič R. (2018). Policy implications of the vagaries in population estimates on the accuracy of sociographical mapping of contemporary Slovak Roma communities. GeoJournal, SPRINGER, Vol. 83, Issue 4, pp. 853-869,

Matlovič R., Matlovičová K. (2016). The position of tourism and territorial marketing in the context of paradigmatic change to tertiary geography education in Slovakia. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 18 (2), pp. 133-144.

Szabó, Z., Matlovičová, K., Molnár, E.I., Bujdosó, Z., Hojcska Á., E. (2023). Territorial Inequalities of Medicinal Waters, as Natural Healing Factors, in Hungary. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 20(10), 13-31, DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.10.2023.10.2.

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

Matlovičová, K., (2024). The Triadic Nexus: Understanding the Interplay and Semantic Boundaries Between Place Identity, Place Image, and Place Reputation. Folia Geographica 66(1), pp. 69-102.

Matlovič, R., Matlovičová, K., (2024). Polycrisis in the Anthropocene as a Key Research Agenda for Geography: Ontological Delineation and the Shift to a Postdisciplinary Approach. Folia Geographica 66(1), pp. 5-33.

Szabó, Z., Matlovičová, K., Molnár, E.I., Bujdosó, Z., Hojcska Á., E. (2023). Territorial Inequalities of Medicinal Waters, as Natural Healing Factors, in Hungary. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 20(10), 13-31, DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.10.2023.10.2.

Kostilnikova, K., Matlovicova, K., Demkova, M., Mocak, P., Mishra, P.K., Bujdoso, Z., Matlovic, R., Zawilinska, B. (2022). Slow Travel in Tourism - an Outline of Conceptual Frameworks: Potential and Limits in the Context of Post-Pandemic Recovery. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 42(2spl), pp. 751–758,

Demkova, M., Sharma, S., Mishra, P.K., Dahal, D.R., Pachura, A., Herman, G.V., Kostilnikova, K., Kolesárová, J. & Matlovicova, K. (2022). Potential for Sustainable Development of Rural Communities by Community-Based Ecotourism. A Case Study of Rural Village Pastanga, Sikkim Himalaya, India. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 43(3), pp. 964-975,

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

KEGA No. 020EU-4/2024 Game-based learning (GBL) - innovation in teaching and training of tourism students; 2024-2026 - project leader.

VEGA č. 1/0544/21(2021-2023) Dysfunctional states - a current phenomenon of the world political-spatial structure - research team member.

APVV-15-0306; 7/2016 - 6/2019: Cooperative activities of local governments and measurement of their efficiency and effectiveness. Project partners: the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, co-investigators: University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica - Faculty of Economics, University of Prešov - Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra - Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development.

VEGA č. 1/0165/15; 2015-2017: Pro-poor tourism as a tool for sustainable development of marginalized communities and settlements in Eastern Slovakia - project leader deputy.

Cooperation with economic practice: research grant for ZMOS (The Association of Urban Municipalities of Slovenia, AUMS). Leader of the team of authors of the study: Economic development of the regions through tourism and labour market settings. Grant No. 312031V749 - Social Dialogue Support (4-9/2023).

For more about project activities see at:

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

KEGA No. 020EU-4/2024 Game-based learning (GBL) - innovation in teaching and training of tourism students; 2024-2026 - project leader.

VEGA č. 1/0544/21(2021-2023) Dysfunctional states - a current phenomenon of the world political-spatial structure - research team member.

APVV-15-0306; 7/2016 - 6/2019: Cooperative activities of local governments and measurement of their efficiency and effectiveness. Project partners: the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, co-investigators: University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica - Faculty of Economics, University of Prešov - Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra - Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development.

VEGA č. 1/0165/15; 2015-2017: Pro-poor tourism as a tool for sustainable development of marginalized communities and settlements in Eastern Slovakia - project leader deputy.

Cooperation with economic practice: research grant for ZMOS (The Association of Urban Municipalities of Slovenia, AUMS). Leader of the team of authors of the study: Economic development of the regions through tourism and labour market settings. Grant No. 312031V749 - Social Dialogue Support (4-9/2023).

For more about project activities see at:

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

Member of the Sector Council for Trade, Marketing, Gastronomy and Tourism
Sectoral Councils Alliance, Republican Union of Employers
Since 2024

Best Place - European Place Marketing Institute
Since 2010

External fellow in the Center for Research in Leisure Geography at Charles University in Prague
Center for Research in Leisure Geography at Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography & Regional Development, Charles University in Prague, Czechia
Since 2017

Member of the examining board for state doctoral exams and thesis defence in Social Geography and Regional Development Doctor Program at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography & Regional Development in Prague, Czechia
Since 2016

Member of the Slovak Geographical Society
Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Institute of Geography, Bratislava
Since 2005

Member of the Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society
Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Bratislava
Since 2016

Executive Editor of the Folia Geographica Journal
Journal indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, ERIH PLUS, ICI Journals Master List, DOAJ, EZB, ResearchBib, CGP, GS, ROAD directory, DRJI
Since 2016

Editorial board member of the Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development (CEJGSD)
Journal indexed in: Scopus, DOAJ, ICI, Cabells, Ulrichs, ErihPlus, ROAD, OAJI, IRIS etc..
Since 2019

Pro bono jury member - Assessment the nominated green projects for outstanding practice on environmental protection, Via Bona Slovakia Awards 2013 in category “Green Company” Pontis foundation
Pontis Foundation, Bratislava, Slovakia
2014, 2016

Member of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Washington
American Association of Geographers (AAG), Washington
2016 - 2019

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts & Science, Department of History, Ukrainian Studies, Toronto, Canada
Research fellowship focused on geographical aspects of the Rusyn minority social relationships in Toronto. Lecture: Roma minority in Slovakia - A Geographical Perspective / Contact person: prof. Paul Robert Magocsi
Soochow University, Department of Sociology, Taipei, Taiwan
Scholarship focused on destination image and possibilities of its formation. Lecture: The Slovak Way of Life - Presov Urban Community Analysis / Contact person: prof. Chia-Ming Chang
Institute of Geography and Spatial Management (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Instytut Geografii i Gospodarki Przestrzennej), Cracow, Poland
Research fellowship Visegrad fund č. 21120080: Roma population on the peripheries of the Visegrad focused on PPT Tourism & destination management / Contact person: dr hab. Mirosław Mika, PhD.
Royal Bhutan University (Sherubtse College a Samtse College of Education), Kanglung a Samtse, Bhutan
30.10.2022- 15.11.2022,
ICM ERASMUS + staff mobility with focus on sustainable tourism, cultural tourism and cultural heritage management
Tribhuvan univerzity, Kathmandu, Nepal a Nepal Mountain Academy (NMA), Kathmandu, Nepal, Kirtipur, Thapagaun, Bijulibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal
30.10.2022- 15.11.2022,
ICM ERASMUS + Staff Mobility focused on sustainable tourism and mountain tourism. Field trip to the Chitwan National Park and the region of Pokhara - gestor: Dr Ranjan Kumar Dahal. The other part was at the Nepal Mountain Academy (NMA), Thapagaun, Bijulibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, The Geography of Leisure Research Center, Prague, Czech Republic
Erasmus+ STT - Staff Mobility for Training focused on sustainable forms of city tourism - slow food tourism / Contact persons: prof. RNDr. Jiří Blažek, Ph.D., Prof. RNDr. Luděk Sýkora, Ph.D. a RNDr. Jiří Vágner, Ph.D.
University of Oradea, Faculty of Geography, Tourism & Sport Department of Geography, Tourism & Territorial Planning, Oradea, Romania
Erasmus+ Mobility for Training & Teaching focused on Culinary Tourism / Contact persons: prof. Dorina Ilies, Ph.D, dr. Vasile Grama, PhD.
Lille University of Science and Technology (Université Lille 1: Université des sciences et technologies de Lille), Lille, France
10.4.-12.5. 2006,
internship focused on the Concept of place from the perspective of regional geography & marketing in the geographical thought development / Contact person: Assoc. prof. Frédéric Dumont, PhD.
University of Cantabria (Universidad de Cantabria), Santander, Spain
ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Training / Contact person: prof. José Carlos Gómez Sal
Daito Bunka University Tokyo and Japan-Slovakia association in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Scholarship focused on the folklore as an important attribute of the Slovak national identity & its perception in Japan / Contact person: prof. Akihiro Ishikawa