Sustainable Tourism (in English)
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Commerce
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Students will gain the knowledge of sustainability issues. The theory and practical experience are
the background of specific characteristics and phenomena in sustainable tourism. This knowledge
will create a comprehensive view of cooperation between stakeholders with the aim to solve social,
cultural, economic and environmental phenomena in mutual synergy. Case studies will present the
latest knowledge. They will apply the principles of sustainability in tourism.
Specific examples of good practice establish the basis for the student's new skills. They will
do apply the principles of sustainability in destination management or into product management
in the company. The study of documents in English language helps to develop the professional
terminology in English language.
The study of Sustainable Tourism in combination with the mentioned conditional courses will
prepare the graduate for middle or top management position especially with the aim of sustainable
management in tourism destinations (self-governing bodies, regional and sub-regional DMOs,
associations, foundations). Student will reach the same conditions in the framework of sustainable
tourist products management ( mainly in selected services of accommodation facilities, catering
operating units, travel agencies, TIC)
Indicative content
Sustainability in tourism in line with the set goals of UN and UNWTO. Sustainable tourism
in terms of 3 + 1 pillars and its application in the practice of tourism destinations and tourism
companies. Environmental responsibility, EMS, certification in tourism. Social responsibility and
necessary cooperation of individual stakeholders. Sustainable capacity of the destination space and
sustainability of tourism in relation to the local population.
Support literature
Basic literature:
1. Fennell, D.A., Cooper, Ch. 2020. Sustainable tourism: principles, contexts and practices. Channel View Publication, 504. p. ISBN-10 : 1845417666
Support literature:
1. Demkova, M., Sharma, S., Mishra, P.K., Dahal, D.R., Pachura, A., Herman, G.V., Kostilnikova, K., Kolesárová, J. & Matlovicova, K. 2022. Potential for Sustainable Development of Rural Communities by Community-Based Ecotourism. A Case Study of Rural Village Pastanga, Sikkim Himalaya, India. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 43(3), pp. 964-975.
2. Hall, C. M. 2021. Constructing sustainable tourism development: The 2030 agenda and the managerial ecology of sustainable tourism. In Activating Critical Thinking to Advance the Sustainable Development Goals in Tourism Systems (pp. 198-214). Routledge.
3. Kostilnikova, K., Matlovicova, K., Demkova, M., Mocak, P., Mishra, P.K., Bujdoso, Z., Matlovic, R., Zawilinska, B. 2022. Slow Travel in Tourism - an Outline of Conceptual Frameworks: Potential and Limits in the Context of Post-Pandemic Recovery, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 42(2spl), pp. 751–758.
4. Matlovičová, K.; Kolesárová, J.; Demková, M.; Kostilníková, K.; Mocák, P.; Pachura, P.; Payne, M. 2022. Stimulating Poverty Alleviation by Developing Tourism in Marginalised Roma Communities: A Case Study of the Central Spiš Region (Slovakia). Land 2022, 11, 1689.
1. 3 + 2 pillars of sustainable development in tourism. Specific examples of social responsibility at the level of state administration and self-government, business sector, specific enterprises of tourism, non-profit sector (foundations, associations) 2. The basic idea of 17 "Sustainable development goals" proclaimed by UN and UNWTO. UNWTO recommendations for stakeholders. international organizations, the public sector, businesses, academia, donors, passengers. Implementation of selected goals in practice. Critical views on setting up SDG in practice. 3. Active and passive attitude to sustainable tourism. UNWTO 2020: responsible, sustainable and generally accepted tourism. 4. Tourism and new thinking in order to optimize the needs and expectations of new customers (tourists) in symbiosis with the needs of the local communities and capacity of the destination. Over tourism. 5. Algorithm of domestic population behavior in the conditions of tourism development and increased number of visitors destination. Good practice and example of preventive decision to eliminate negative consequences. Case studies of specific decision making in abroad and in the Slovak Republic 6. Global risks. Impacts on the sustainability of tourism (technological, social and geopolitical, environmental, economic). Case study of a specific risk in the conditions of supply the tourist product in a selected destination. 7. Environmental responsibility of individual bodies in relation to nature and landscape protection. Mutual interconnection of the state, self-government tourist companies with the aim to protect nature and landscape in the Slovak Republic. 8. Environmental responsibility of tourist enterprises. Application of environmental quality management EMAS. 9. Evaluation of environmental responsibility in the practice of tourist companies. Environmental quality certification and good practice (Blue flag, Green Gloe, Green Key, Travel Green Awards, etc.) 10. Corporate social responsibility of tourist companies in relation to employees. Health and career social care. Economic view of corporate social responsibility. Case studies of selected global (international) and local companies. 11. Social responsibility of stakeholders in the protection of cultural heritage in the Slovak Republic. 12. Traditions as a social phenomenon in the offer of tourism. System of traditions and creative application and interpretation. 13. Case study of related to specific product of tradition, Social cultural and economic significance in relation to the local population.
Requirements to complete the course
• 10 % permanent written work
• 15 % activity
• 15 % semester theses
• 10% survey, data for semester theses
• 50 % written exam
Student workload
Total study load (in hours): 156 hours
Attendance - lectures: 26 hours
Participation in seminars : 26 hours
Homework for the seminars: 26 hours
Elaboration of a semester project: 26 hours
Survey, data for semester project: 15 hours
Homework for the exam: 37 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 09.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 06.03.2024