Seminar to Final Thesis 2 (MEV) (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The final year student must submit the final thesis, proving that he can systematically and independently solve the assigned tasks and work in the relevant field. Through this seminar, the student receives regular professional support from the supervisor according to the focus of the particular thesis. The student discusses with the supervisor the structure of the thesis and the suitability of the methods used for processing the thesis, the choice of literature used, he/she acquires the practice of correct citation of sources. In addition, he/she continuously receives guidance and feedback from the supervisor on the individual parts of the thesis. As an educational output, the student prepares and submits a completed final thesis.
Knowledge: the student acquires the practical process of scientific work, deepens his knowledge about the rules of ethical processing of the final thesis
Competences: the student is able to independently solve a given problem and apply scientific methods, can apply the knowledge gained during the study and will be able to critically assess individual aspects of the problem based on the acquired knowledge. The student will be able to express themselves professionally in writing, logically and clearly formulate his/her arguments, correctly analyze, evaluate and propose measures.
Skills: the student is able to lead an academic discussion on the issue and present the findings and results of his/her thesis during the defence of the final thesis, the student will gain the prerequisites for solving tasks in the relevant field in the next study and practice.

Indicative content

1. Summary of obtained data, materials and theoretical knowledge in order to clarify the next procedure for writing the final thesis.
2. Discussion of problematic aspects of research.
3. Continuous guidance of the student and consultation of questions during the writing of the second chapter of the final thesis.
4. Arrangement of material, stylization of the text, specification of relations and formulations, completion and formal arrangement of the second chapter.
5. Presentation of the elaborated second (methodological) chapter of the final thesis and its evaluation by the supervisor in terms of the application of the used research methods.
6. Continuous guidance of the student and consultation of questions during the writing of the third chapter of the final thesis.
7. Arrangement of material, stylization of the text, specification of relations and formulations, completion and formal arrangement of the third chapter.
8. Presentation of the developed third, applicative, respectively synthetic chapter of the final thesis, evaluation of the content and formal pages of the submitted manuscript by the supervisor after taking into account the comments of the supervisor and suggestions resulting from the mutual discussion of the supervisor and the student.
9. Continuous guidance of the student and consultation of questions during the writing of the introduction, conclusion, abstract and bibliography.
10. Arrangement of material, stylization of the text, specification of relations and formulations, completion and formal arrangement of the introduction, conclusion, abstract and bibliography.
11. Submission and presentation of the completed final thesis, including the introduction, conclusion, abstract, bibliography, evaluation of the content and formal aspects of the submitted parts of the supervisor. Discussion of the final comments and suggestions of the supervisor to the submitted thesis.
12. Feedback of the supervisor, evaluation of the achieved results and the possibility of their use in further research and in practice.
13. Preparation of the student for the defence of the topic in the presence of the committee for the defence of final theses. Comprehensive evaluation of the final thesis and granting credits.

Support literature

1. BRYMAN, A. The Research Question in Social Research: What is its Role? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Vol. 10, No. 1, 5-20, 2020.
2. ALBAUGH, R. M. Thesis Writing, a Guide to Scholarly Style. Hassell Street Press, 2021.
3. CRESWELL, J. W., AND CRESWELL, J. D. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (Fifth edition). Los Angeles: SAGE, 2018.
4. EVANS, D., GRUBA, P., ZOBEL, J. How to Write a Better Thesis. New York: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
5. PUNCH, Keith F. Developing Effective Research Proposals, SAGE Publications, 3rd ed. 2016.
6. SHARP, J. A. – PETERS J. – HOWARD, K. The Management of a Student Research Project, Third Edition, Gower, 2002.
7. NEUMAN, W.L., Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 2011.
8. Code of Ethics of the University of Economics in Bratislava
9. Scientific literature related to the issue of a particular thesis

Requirements to complete the course

Continuous fulfilment of partial tasks within the set deadlines.
Submission and presentation of the manuscript of the second and third chapters of the final thesis.
Submission and presentation of the completed final thesis, including the introduction, conclusion, abstract, and bibliography.

Student workload

total 52 hours, of which 26 hours of active participation in the seminar and 26 preparation for seminars – fulfillment of partial tasks

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 14.01.2022

Date of the latest change: 12.01.2022