Methodology of Scientific Research


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The main objective of the subject "Methodology of Scientific Research" at the 3rd level of study is to deepen knowledge and conduct analysis in combination with extensive interdisciplinary knowledge from several fields of study. It will serve as a basis for research and development, formulation of solutions to economic and legal problems and the creation of new scientific knowledge in international economic relations. After completing the course, students will be able to develop a plan and process the academic text of their scientific work, identify the phases of scientific research and the bases of the scientific problem.
• Preparation and development of scientific work (articles, main provisions of dissertations, dissertations) in the field of international economic relations
• Methodology for the preparatory stage of the dissertation - literature review, statistical data and their processing
• Formulation of scientific questions and hypotheses
• Methodology and structure of the discussion of scientific work
• Technique for drawing conclusions for scientific work
• To search for and analyze information from various scientific and other professional and specialized sources, on the issues of the world's most important regions
• To carry out research at an appropriate level of qualification work
• To design and implement a specific research project.
• To design proposals and justifications for data analysis and research methods for specific projects
• To formulate the scientific conclusions based on understanding and predicting broader contexts

Indicative content

Introduction to the methodology of scientific activity. Review of literature on scientific work. The function of hypothesis and research question. Methodological and methodical preparation for writing a scientific work. Data preparation. Setting limits. Conclusion. Preparation of the student for the defence.

Support literature

BENČO, J.: Metodológia vedeckého výskumu. Bratislava, Iris, 2001
GONDA,V., Metodika vedeckej práce pre doktorandov. Bratislava. Vyd. Ekonóm, 2006
CRESWELL, J. W., AND CRESWELL, J. D. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (Fifth edition). Los Angeles: SAGE, 2018.
GONDA, V. A KOL. Metodika vedeckej práce. Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 2009, 252 s.
BIELIK, L. Metodologické aspekty vedy, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2009, 340 s.
PUNCH, K. Úspěšný návrh výzkumu, Portál, 2008.
SHARP, J. A. – PETERS J. – HOWARD, K., The Management of a Student Research Project, Third Edition, Gower, 2002.
YIN, R. K., Case Study Research: design and methods (fourth edition). Sage,Thousand Oaks, CA., 2009.
ETHRIDGE, R. Research Methodology in Applied Economics: Organizing, Planning, and Conducting Economic Research, Blackwell Publishing Professional, New York.


1. Introduction to the methodology of scientific activity 2. Review of literature on scientific work, methods of citation 3. The function of hypothesis and research question in scientific research 4. Methodological and methodical preparation for writing a scientific work (dissertation) 5. Data preparation (factual evidence, preliminary statements and results, importance of categories and relationships) 6. Setting limits (alternatives, setting limits) 7. Conclusion - contribution of scientific work, its significance 8. Preparation of the student for the defence and a comprehensive evaluation of the final work

Requirements to complete the course

The final evaluation is based on the elaboration of the project plan (40%) and the final work (60%).

Student workload

260 hours (10 ETCSx26 hours)
Consultations: 16 hours
Preparation for consultations: 26 hours
Assignment processing: 108 hours
Final study processing: 108 hours
Consultations for the final study: 2 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 20.01.2022