Economy of the EU States (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course aims to acquire knowledge about the economies of the European Union, understanding their current economic situation and position within the European Union. The course develops the student's analytical skills and deepens knowledge in the field of economics, the world economy and international economic relations. Through the research of individual regions of the European Union, it allows not only to gain knowledge about the current economic situation and economic policy of the member states of the European Union but also to comprehensively assess the direction of the European Union.
Knowledge: to analyze the development of European Union countries, gaining knowledge about the economic structure of the EU member states and the position of their economies within the EU, the ability to identify key EU challenges and attitudes of the member states towards them, the ability to critically define key challenges of the European Union and assess current EU challenges.
Competences: to analyze the economic environment and international economic relations, the ability to critically re-evaluate and analyze current European Union challenges, bring current proposals and solutions with knowledge of economic context and the ability to conduct a dialogue on the European Union with economic actors and politicians.
Skills: the ability to respond to the current economic situation, ability to manage communication with economic actors and political representatives, ability to prepare background materials for international economic policy strategies on the issue.
After completing the course, the student should:
- Identify the main problems and challenges of the European Union also at the level of individual Member States
- To be able to analyze and compare the individual economies of the Member States of the European Union also in relation to the European Union and the economic policy of the European Union
- Think critically and reflect on the current challenges of the European Union

Indicative content

The position of the EU in the world economy. Economy of Germany - economic policy. German economy - macroeconomic development. Economy of France - economic policy. Economy of France - macroeconomic development. Characteristics of the economies of the BENELUX countries. Characteristics of the economies of Spain, Portugal. Economy of Italy and Greece. Scandinavian region - economic policy. Scandinavian region - development of economies of Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Characteristics of the economies of the Baltic countries. Small open economies of the EU. Summary.

Support literature

Neal, Larry.: The economics of Europe and the European Union. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2007. 440 s. ISBN 9780521864510
Zeff, E. E.: European Union and the Member States. Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc, 2015,
3.vydanie. 500 s. ISBN 9781626372566
Bulmer, S. – Lequesne, Ch.: The Member States of the European Union. Oxford University
Press, 2020, 3. vydanie. 504 s. ISBN 9780198737391
Current documents and materials of an analytical and conceptual nature - central banks, statistical offices, economic government departments of individual member states of the European Union, EUROSTAT, European Commission, international institutions and organizations (OECD, IMF, WB, etc.).


1. The position of the EU in the world economy 2. Economy of Germany - economic policy 3. German economy - macroeconomic development - economic structure - foreign trade - foreign direct investment - economic policy - position of the economy within the EU 4. Economy of France - economic policy 5. Economy of France - macroeconomic development - the structure of the economy - foreign trade - foreign direct investment - economic policy - position of the economy within EU 6. Characteristics of the economies of the BENELUX countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) - macroeconomic development - the structure of the economy - foreign trade - foreign direct investment - economic policy - the position of the region within the EU 7. Characteristics of the economies of Spain, Portugal - macroeconomic development - the structure of the economy - foreign trade - foreign direct investment - economic policy - the position of economies within the EU 8. Economy of Italy and Greece - macroeconomic development - the structure of the economy - foreign trade - foreign direct investment - economic policy - position of the economy within the EU 9. Scandinavian region - economic policy 10. Scandinavian region - development of economies of Denmark, Finland, and Sweden – macroeconomic development - economic structure - foreign trade - foreign direct investment - position of the region within the EU 11. Characteristics of the economies of the Baltic countries - Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia - macroeconomic development - economic structure - foreign trade – direct foreign investment - economic policy - the position of the region within the EU 12. Small open economies of the EU - macroeconomic development - the structure of the economy - foreign trade - foreign direct investment - economic policy - position of the region within the EU 13. Summary, semestral test

Requirements to complete the course

40 % semestral work, 60 % exam

Student workload

total student workload: 130 hours
of this:
participation in lectures 26 hrs, participation in seminars 26 hrs, preparation for seminars 13 hrs, preparation for semestral test 25 hrs, preparation for final exam 40 hrs

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 30.09.2023