European Union
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 2
- Faculty of International Relations
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The graduate of the course will have knowledge of the history of integration efforts in Western Europe and its motives, the institutional development of EC / EU institutions, the process of the European Union and its functioning from its inception to the present. The graduate will be able to name the main EU institutions and its representatives and will understand their interaction and role in the functioning of the EU. In the context of the degrees of economic integration, he will be able to apply them to the European Union and distinguish the degree of integration of the EU Member States.
The graduate of the course will know what the revenues of the EU budget are, how they are generated and what was the development of the creation of the EU budget, they will also know what funds are spent from the EU budget.
The graduate will be able to distinguish the individual powers of the EU and the Member States within the basic EU policies under the Lisbon Treaty. Within these policies he will know the history of their origin, principles, goals and tools of policies - trade, agriculture, fisheries, cohesion policy and transport policy. It will be able to critically evaluate the position of the EU and EU Member States in the implementation of these policies in a real time situation.
Indicative content
Development of the integration process in Western Europe. Institutional development within integration groupings in Europe. EU institutions. Stages of economic integration. Single market of EU. Monetary and economic union of the EU. EU budget. Common trade policy. Common agricultural policy. Common fisheries policy. Cohesion policy. Transport policy. Recovery Plan for Europe.
Support literature
BOOKER, CH. – NORTH, R. (2006).Skryté dějiny evropské integrace. Nakladatelství Barrister&Principal,2006. ISBN 80 – 7364-026-0. s.623
LIPKOVÁ,Ľ. et al. (2011). Európska únia. Bratislava: Sprint dva. ISBN 978-80-89393-33-6.
FIALA,P.-KRUTÍLEK, O.- PITROVÁ,M. (2018): Evropská unie. Brno: CDK,ISBN 978-80-7325-450-6. s.990
LACINA L.,OSTRÍŽEK J. (2011): Učebnice Evropské unie. Barrister&Principal o.s. ISBN 978 80 -87474-31-0
VEBER, V.(2004): Dějiny sjednocené Evropy. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny., 2004. ISBN 80-7106-663-X. s.645
HRIVÍK, P.(2016) Európska integrácia a základy fungovania Európskej únie. Vydala Trenčianska univerzita A.Dubčeka v Trenčíne, 2016. ISBN 978 – 80-8075-620-8.s. 307
BRHLÍKOVÁ, R. (2012). Európska únia po Lisabone. Nitra : UKF, ISBN 978 – 80 – 558- 0478 – 1. s.324
BALDWIN, R. – WYPLOSZ, CH.(2013). Ekonomie evropské integrace. Praha: Grada ISBN 978-80-247 – 45.s.580
KUNOVÁ V. (2014) Vnútorné politiky a činnosti Európskej únie. Plzeň.ISBN 978-80-7380 – 498 – 5. s.270
1.Development of the integration process in Western Europe - motives and goals of integration after World War II. 2. Institutional development within integration groupings in Europe 3. EU institutions - functioning of institutions, their structure of powers, main representatives. 4. Stages of economic integration - their development, treaties establishing the EU. 5. Single market of EU - 4 freedoms 6. Monetary and economic union of the EU 7. EU budget - budgeting, approval procedure, tasks of individual institutions, 8. Common trade policy - development, tools, goals, principles. 9. Common agricultural policy - objectives, principles, instruments, reforms, current form; 10. Common fisheries policy - development, principles, tools, financing 11. Cohesion policy (regional, cohesion) policy - development, objectives, financing, European structural funds 12.Transport policy - development, goals, position of member states 13.Recovery Plan for Europe
Requirements to complete the course
60% continuous written and verbal work during the semester, which includes written testing of knowledge and elaboration of the project within the group together with its presentation, and verbal presentation of knowledge in confrontation with the current situation concerning the EU; 40% of the final written and oral exam.
Student workload
6 x 26 = 156 hours
participation in lectures: 26 hours
participation in seminars: 26 hours
preparation for credit tests: 32 hours
project elaboration: 18 hours
preparation for the exam: 54 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 10.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 12.01.2022