FL 1 – Culture and Communication in Slovak for Advanced Level


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Knowledge: Understanding the impact of culture on communication and manifestations of culture in communication, primarily in intercultural interactions stemming from mastering basic terminology and comprehension of selected theories of culture and communication.
Skills: Ability to adequately assess and analyse a particular communication encounter in an intercultural context so that its understanding results in successful communication at the relevant level of the Slovak language command.
Competence: Built-up basic cultural sensitivity and developed cultural awareness.

Indicative content

1. Cultural and anthropological roots of intercultural communication.
2. Classification of cultures.
3. Models of culture acquisition. Acculturation and culture shock.
4. Barriers and conflicts in intercultural communication and the ways of their elimination.
5. Intrinsic and extrinsic elements in cultural identity. Cultural dialogues.
6. Verbal and non-verbal means in intercultural communication.
7. Cultural values.
8. Traditional ethno-cultural characteristics.
9. Current socio-cultural values.
10. Culture and art. Crisis in culture.
11. National specific features in civic and business ethics.
12. Intercultural communication in the global world.

Support literature

1. LISÁK, L. 2001. Medzinárodné organizácie. Bratislava: EKONÓM.
2. SZARKOVÁ, M. a kol. 2002. Komunikácia v manažmente. Bratislava: EKONÓM.
3. KOVÁČ, M., MATOŠ, B. 2003. Etiketa a spoločenské správanie. Bratislava: EKONÓM.
4. CARNEGIJE, D. 2011. Prejavy na verejnosti. Cesta k úspechu. Bratislava: Príroda

Requirements to complete the course

Project (assessed work) and its presentation – 40 %
Final examination – 60 %

Student workload

78 hours
26 hours – participation in sessions
20 hours – project and presentation preparation (assessed work)
32 hours – preparation for the examination

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 14.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 12.01.2022