Seminar for Final Thesis 1
- Credits: 2
- Ending: Credits
- Range: 0P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Košice
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The aim of the course is: To acquaint students with the basic requirements for the final work in the conditions of the university. To teach students to solve professional and research problems in the field of business economics and management using scientific publications and primary and secondary data. Help students formulate the research plan of the final work and to process a literary research on the topic of the work.
• on the procedure for resolving the final thesis,
• on the basic documents governing the elaboration of the final thesis, on the procedures and
requirements for the submission of the thesis, on the control of its originality, on the consent to its
disclosure and on its defense.
• formulation of the main goal and partial goals of the final work,
• ability to obtain the necessary information from available sources,
• processing of materials for the final work and literary research,
• presentation of the results of the final work.
• an independent and creative approach to solving economic problems,
• responsibility for compliance with relevant legislation, internal regulations,
• responsibility for respecting the usual ethical principles of scientific work.
Indicative content
1. Basic requirements for the final work in the relevant documents of the university.
2. Final thesis assignment.
3. The current state of the problem at home and abroad. Literary research.
4. Internet information sources.
5. Scientific databases, statistical databases.
6. Search and use of information sources.
7. Literary search processing.
8. Citation according to STN ISO 690 and citation options.
9. Object, subject and aims of the final work.
10. System of methods and methodology of the final work.
11. Review report.
12. Defense of semester work.
13. Presentation of semester work.
Support literature
Elementary literature:
Interná smernica č. 8/2021 o záverečných, rigoróznych a habilitačných prácach. Bratislava : Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, 2021. Dostupné na:
KATUŠČÁK, D. 2013. Ako písať záverečné a kvalifikačné práce. Nitra : Enigma, 2013. ISBN 978-80-89132-45-4.
MEŠKO, D. – FINDRA, J. - KATUŠČÁK, D. 2013. Chcete byť úspešní na vysokej škole? Akademická príručka. Martin : Osveta, 2013. ISBN 978-80-8063-392-9.
SAUNDERS, M. –LEWIS, P. – THORNHILL, A. 2019. Research methods for business students. Eight edition. Harlow : Pearson, 2019. ISBN 9781292208787.
Supplementary literature:
ADAMS, J.- HAFIZ, T. A. – KHAN, R. R. 2014. Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students. New Delhi : SAGE Publications India, 2014. ISBN 9788132119814.
BRYNMAN, A. - BELL, E. 2015. Business Research Methods. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. ISBN 978-0-19-966864-9.
GHAURI, P. N. – GRØNHAUG, K. 2005. Research Methods in Business Studies: A Practical Guide. Harlow : Pearson Education, 2005. ISBN 0273-68156-7.
LEE, B. - SAUNDERS, M. 2017. Conducting Case Study Research for Business and Management Students. London : SAGE Publications, 2017. ISBN 978-1-44627-416-3.
Seminars: 1. Basic requirements for the final work in the relevant documents of the university. 2. Final thesis assignment. 3. The current state of the problem at home and abroad. Literary research. 4. Internet information sources. 5. Scientific databases, statistical databases. 6. Search and use of information sources. 7. Literary search processing. 8. Citation according to STN ISO 690 and citation options. 9. Object, subject and aims of the final work. 10. System of methods and methodology of the final work. 11. Review report. 12. Defense of semester work. 13. Presentation of semester work.
Requirements to complete the course
• individual work - elaboration of materials for the final thesis - 15 %
• individual work - elaboration of literary research - 40 %
• written test - 45 %
Student workload
• participation in seminars - 26 hrs.
• other activities - study of literature, preparation of materials for the final thesis, preparation for
seminars, elaboration of literary research and preparation for a written test - 26 hrs.
Total: 52 hrs.
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 05.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 19.12.2022