Management Theory


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Teaching results:
The aim of the course is to explain to students the ideas, knowledge and experiences of pioneers who formed the form of management. The content of the course is an overview of the origin and development of management, starting from its historical basis to current management theories and models applicable in business practice. It provides insights and contributions from renowned managers and pioneers for management development.

• on the development of management, managerial theories and directions of their development,
• understand the basic principles of management and the tasks of management functions,
• understand the modern challenges of today's managers,
• about new trends and challenges in business management,
• on the methodology of scientific work and methods applied in the theory and practice of management,
• compare classical, neoclassical, modern, alternative theories and management models.
• identify the benefits and limitations of individual currents of opinion in management theory,
• discuss management theories of different periods and schools,
• critically evaluate the knowledge and experience of individual management theories and models,
• distinguish managerial theories from a territorial point of view.
• apply the acquired knowledge and skills to today's companies,
• design solutions for business practice by applying relevant management theories and models,
• develop current management theories with new knowledge and trends.

Indicative content

Management as a science, theory and practice. Scientific knowledge in current management theory and practice. Classical theories of management. Fundamentals of scientific and administrative management. Bureaucratic model. Baťa's management system. Neoclassical theories of management. Psychological and social theories. Modern theories of management. Pragmatic and empirical approach in management. European and American management. Japanese management system. Ouchi's Theory Z. Currents of opinion in the field of strategic management (Ansoff, Mintzberg, Porter). Neoclassical and alternative theories of business. Managerial and behavioral approach in management. Baumol's model. Williamson's model. Marris's model. Employee enterprise model. Simon's model. Doyle zone model. Current trends in the theory and practice of management. New concepts in strategic management and quality management. Informatization of society. New trends in the development and use of human resources, changes in the approach to leading of people. Increasing economy, efficiency and performance with emphasis on the added value of the company.
Self-study: Study of topics that are the content of consultations
Management as a science, theory and practice. Scientific knowledge in current management theory and practice. Classical theories of management. Fundamentals of scientific and administrative management. Bureaucratic model. Baťa's management system. Neoclassical theories of management. Psychological and social theories. Modern theories of management. Pragmatic and empirical approach in management. European and American management. Japanese management system. Ouchi's Theory Z. Currents of opinion in the field of strategic management (Ansoff, Mintzberg, Porter). Neoclassical and alternative theories of business. Managerial and behavioral approach in management. Baumol's model. Williamson's model. Marris's model. Employee enterprise model. Simon's model. Doyle zone model. Current trends in the theory and practice of management. New concepts in strategic management and quality management. Informatization of society. New trends in the development and use of human resources, changes in the approach to leading of people. Increasing economy, efficiency and performance with emphasis on the added value of the company.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. MIHALČOVÁ, B. – PRUŽINSKÝ, M. 2006. Manažérske teórie. Skriptá – učebné texty. Ružomberok : Pedagogická fakulta Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2006. 108 s. ISBN: 80-8084-076-8.
2. STANKOVIČ, L. 2014. Úvod do manažérskych teórií. Košice : Vydavateľstvo VÚSI, spol. s.r.o., 2014. 86 s. ISBN: 978-80-89383-31-3.
3. MARSHEV, V. I. 2021. History of Management Thought. Genesis and Development from Ancient Origins to the Present Day. Contributions to Management Science. Springer : 2021. 710 s. ISBN 978-3-030-62336-4, ISBN 978-3-030-62337-1 (eBook),
Supplementary literature:
4. MIHALČOVÁ, B. – PRUŽINSKÝ, M. 2006. O manažmente a manažovaní. Monografia – Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae č. 99 – Ružomberok : Pedagogická fakulta Katolíckej univerzity, 2006. 241 s. ISBN: 80-8084-122-5.
5. McGRATH, J. – BATES, B. 2015. 89 nejdůležitějších manažerských teorií pro praxi. Management Press, 2015. 264 s. ISBN: 9788072613823.
6. ANDREFF, W. 2021. Comparative Economic Studies in Europe: A Thirty Year Review (Studies in Economic Transition). Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2021 edition. 455 p. ISBN-10 : 3030482944.
7. KURUPPUGE, R. H. – GREGAR, A. 2020. Strategic, Tactical and Operational Decisions in Family Businesses: A Qualitative Case Study. The Qualitative Report, 25(6), 1599-1618.
8. McGRATH, J. – BATES B. 2017. The Little Book of Big Management Theories: And how to use them. Pearson Business, 2nd edition. 288 s. ISBN-13: 978-1292200620.
9. KESSLER, E. H. 2013. Encyclopedia of Management Theory. SAGE Publications, 2013, 1056 s. ISBN: 1506307795, 9781506307794.
10. ADETULE, P. J. 2011. The Handbook on Management Theories. AuthorHOuse Publishing. 120 s. ISBN-13: 978-1438948010.


Consultation Management as a science, theory and practice. Scientific knowledge in current management theory and practice. Classical theories of management. Fundamentals of scientific and administrative management. Bureaucratic model. Baťa's management system. Neoclassical theories of management. Psychological and social theories. Modern theories of management. Pragmatic and empirical approach in management. European and American management. Japanese management system. Ouchi's Theory Z. Currents of opinion in the field of strategic management (Ansoff, Mintzberg, Porter). Neoclassical and alternative theories of business. Managerial and behavioral approach in management. Baumol's model. Williamson's model. Marris's model. Employee enterprise model. Simon's model. Doyle zone model. Current trends in the theory and practice of management. New concepts in strategic management and quality management. Informatization of society. New trends in the development and use of human resources, changes in the approach to leading of people. Increasing economy, efficiency and performance with emphasis on the added value of the company. Self-study: Study of topics that are the content of consultations Management as a science, theory and practice. Scientific knowledge in current management theory and practice. Classical theories of management. Fundamentals of scientific and administrative management. Bureaucratic model. Baťa's management system. Neoclassical theories of management. Psychological and social theories. Modern theories of management. Pragmatic and empirical approach in management. European and American management. Japanese management system. Ouchi's Theory Z. Currents of opinion in the field of strategic management (Ansoff, Mintzberg, Porter). Neoclassical and alternative theories of business. Managerial and behavioral approach in management. Baumol's model. Williamson's model. Marris's model. Employee enterprise model. Simon's model. Doyle zone model. Current trends in the theory and practice of management. New concepts in strategic management and quality management. Informatization of society. New trends in the development and use of human resources, changes in the approach to leading of people. Increasing economy, efficiency and performance with emphasis on the added value of the company.

Requirements to complete the course

Ongoing evaluation:
presentation of semester assignment 40 %
Final evaluation:
written exam 60 %

Student workload

78 hours total, of which:
• 10 hours participation in consultation
• 16 hours self-study
• 26 hours processing of semester assignment
• 26 hours preparation for exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.03.2022

Date of the latest change: 15.05.2023