Production Management


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to provide students with the basics of the theory and practice of production management, to acquaint them with the key issues of production strategy of the company, preparation of new production, management of main production, as well as management of service and post-production activities. Students will gain knowledge on a theoretical level about production in the company and its various stages.
• on the preparation of production in the company, spatial and temporal arrangement of production
• about the stages of the production process, production service systems
• on material management, product labeling
• on the management of production activities and their optimization
• on progressive production management systems, Industry 4.0 application
• perform an analysis of production in the company
• identify evaluate deficiencies in the production process
• create and implement a new production process in the company, develop a production plan
• optimize the production program for different types of production
• apply the acquired knowledge in the field of production management with regard to increasing the competitiveness of the company
• optimize the company's production program
• prepare a proposal for a production layout solution
• develop a production plan for a specific type of production
• apply progressive methods of production management
• ability to make basic decisions in solving production problems
• apply the acquired knowledge in the implementation of procedures supporting increasing productivity

Indicative content

1. Basics of production management.
2. Production design.
3. Preparation of new production.
4. Pre-production stage of production.
5. Organizing the production process.
6. Layout solution of production.
7. Material management.
8. Production service systems.
9. Product labeling.
10. Production strategies.
11. Methods of production management.
12. Development trends in production management.
13. New directions of production development.
1. Introduction, analysis of construction technology.
2. Technological preparation of production.
3. Design preparation of production.
4. Network analysis - CPM method.
5. Network analysis - incidence matrix.
6. Calculation of the length of the production cycle.
7. Graphic solution of the production cycle.
8. Written examination of the material taken over.
9. Basic parameters and calculation of the current line.
10. Conversion of assembly line parameters.
11. Optimization of the production program.
12. Presentation and evaluation of assignments.
13. Granting credits.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. BOSÁK, M. a kol. Manažérstvo výroby - teória a prax, Košice, 2019. ISBN: 9788022543699.
2. DUPAĽ, A. a kol.: Manažment výroby. Bratislava: Sprint 2019. ISBN: 9788089710508.
3. 3.DUPAĽ, A.: Manažment výroby – zbierka príkladov. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2009. ISBN: 978-80-225-2832-0.
4. CHAPMAN, S., ARNOLD, T., GATEWOOD, A., CLIVE L.: Introduction to Materials Management, Pearson Publisher, 2016. ISBN: 978-0134156323
5. KUMAR S.: Production Management, Satya Prakashan, 2016. ISBN 9780367737627.
Supplementary literature:
1. BOSÁK, M. - RUDY, V.: Manažérstvo výroby, PHF EU Bratislava, 2016. ISBN 978-80-225-4369-9..
2. TOMEK, G. - VÁVROVÁ, V.: Řízení výroby. Praha: Grada Publishing 2001. ISBN: 8071699551.


Lectures: 1. Basics of production management. 2. Production design. 3. Preparation of new production. 4. Pre-production stage of production. 5. Organizing the production process. 6. Layout solution of production. 7. Material management. 8. Production service systems. 9. Product labeling. 10. Production strategies. 11. Methods of production management. 12. Development trends in production management. 13. New directions of production development. Seminars: 1. Introduction, analysis of construction technology. 2. Technological preparation of production. 3. Design preparation of production. 4. Network analysis - CPM method. 5. Network analysis - incidence matrix. 6. Calculation of the length of the production cycle. 7. Graphic solution of the production cycle. 8. Written examination of the material taken over. 9. Basic parameters and calculation of the current line. 10. Conversion of assembly line parameters. 11. Optimization of the production program. 12. Presentation and evaluation of assignments. 13. Granting credits.

Requirements to complete the course

project, continuous test
combined test
• elaboration and presentation of semester work - 20%
• written examination - 20%
• final written and oral exam - 60%

Student workload

• participation in lectures - 26 hours
• participation in exercises - 26 hours,
• processing of the semester assignment - 13 hours
• preparation for the semester paper - 13 hours
• preparation for the final test - 26 hours
• preparation for the exam - 26 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 14.03.2022

Date of the latest change: 17.12.2022