Business Etiquette


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the various theories and approaches to the formation of business ethics and provide the basis for the successful application of acquired knowledge in business practice. Following this, to enable students to develop a framework to address the ethical challenges that arise in and between different countries. The content of the course is to answer questions about the role and position of ethics and ethical standards in business practice. Defines the organization's code of ethics, manager's code of ethics, business and diplomatic code. It complements and deepens students' knowledge, skills and competences with examples of corporate social responsibility. At the same time, it allows students to acquire the ability to reflect and analyze the acquired skills from a corporate perspective.
• on theoretical aspects of business ethics,
• describe the development of business ethics as an independent scientific discipline,
• define basic concepts in the field of business ethics,
• understand the techniques of moral reasoning and argumentation that are needed to analyze moral problems in business,
• understand intercultural variations and similarities in organizational practices in the field of social responsibility and business ethics,
• understand the major challenges facing modern managers.
• identify ethical issues from the entrepreneur's point of view,
• compare, criticize and find innovative solutions to ethical issues in business practice,
• diagnose sources of organizational ethical culture and deviant behavior,
• consider how ethics and morals can be understood from different cultural perspectives, as well as in relation to social responsibility of society and society,
• discuss ethical issues related to rapid business change, including information technology and environmental degradation,
• apply the basic concepts of management through a comprehensive analysis of organizational settings by processing a semester project.
• implement ethical principles in managerial decisions,
• take and justify own opinion on an ethical issue in business practice,
• design ethical programs designed to achieve specific goals in organizations,
• develop ethical leadership skills,
• apply knowledge, skills and personal, social and / or methodological abilities in work or study situations and in professional and personal development.

Indicative content

1. Introduction to business etiquette.
2. Ethical dilemmas versus breaking etiquette rules.
3. Law of social significance.
4. Introducing and addressing.
5. Visits.
6. Dress code levels.
7. Distinguishing among social events.
8. Preparation and course of social events.
9. Semester test.
10. Telephoning, correspondence, netiquette.
11. Effective meeting.
12. Visual and verbal presentation.
13. Cultural differences in verbal and nonverbal communication.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. MESZÁROSOVÁ, M. 2020. Etiketa - Pravidlá slušného správania. Slovart, 2020. 32 s. ISBN 978-80-556-4702-9
2. ŠPAČEK, L. 2018. Malá kniha etikety pro manažery. Mladá fronta, 2018. 208 s. ISBN: 8020424601, 978-80-2042-4600.
3. BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A., DEMJANOVÁ, L. 2010. Základy spoločenského správania manažéra. Bratislava : Ekonóm, 2010. 143 s. ISBN: 978-80-225-3002-6.
4. SZABO, S., BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, A., DEMJANOVÁ, L. 2013. Etika a etiketa pre manažérov. Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Letecká fakulta, 2013. 185 s. ISBN: 978-80-553-1659-8.
5. ŠPAČEK, L. 2019. Moderní etiketa (To nejdůležitější). Mladá fronta, 2019. 368 s. ISBN 978-80-2045-4454.

Supplementary literature:
6. MITCHELL, N. R. 2017. Etiquette Rules!: A Field Guide to Modern Manners. Wellfleet Press, 2017. 224 s. ISBN: 978-1-57715-163-0.
7. SEGLIN, J. L. 2016. The Simple Art of Business Etiquette: How to Rise to the Top by Playing Nice. Tycho Press, 2016. 170 p. ISBN: 978-1-62315-688-6.


Seminars: 1. Introduction to business etiquette. 2. Ethical dilemmas versus breaking etiquette rules. 3. Law of social significance. 4. Introducing and addressing. 5. Visits. 6. Dress code levels. 7. Distinguishing among social events. 8. Preparation and course of social events. 9. Semester test. 10. Telephoning, correspondence, netiquette. 11. Effective meeting. 12. Visual and verbal presentation. 13. Cultural differences in verbal and nonverbal communication.

Requirements to complete the course

activity on seminars – 20%
- results of semesters – 20%
- results of final written exam – 60%

Student workload

- participation in seminars – 26 h
- preparation for seminars – 13 h
- preparation for semester test – 13 h
- preparation for exam – 26 h

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 14.03.2022

Date of the latest change: 17.12.2022