Tax Systems


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to gain theoretical and practical knowledge of international tax systems with an orientation on current issues and trends in international taxation.

Theoretical knowledge
Practical examples of taxation of multinational companies
International tax systems
Carousel scams
Tax systems of individual countries
Assessment of the level of knowledge
Practical application of selected double taxation methods
Management of an internationally active company from the point of view of the tax burden
Tax liability optimization

Application of methods to avoid double taxation
Application of the principles of international taxation
Income classification
Taxation of multinational companies
Transfer pricing methodology
Taxation of e-commerce

Indicative content

Tax systems in the world. Basic characteristics and principles of taxation. US tax system. Tax systems in selected EU countries and their comparison with the tax system of the Slovak Republic. Principles of international taxation. Classification of income and policy of their taxation. Methods of avoiding double taxation. OECD and UNCTAD model agreement and double taxation treaties. Taxation of economic entities of the Slovak Republic abroad. Taxation of foreign entities in the Slovak Republic. Trends in international taxation - tax competition and tax harmonization. Bases of international taxation in the conditions of globalization. Tax cooperation in the world, multilateral tax centers of the OECD. Exchange of information by international experts. Information technologies and their impact on changes in taxation. E-commerce and its taxation. International tax planning, tax havens and offshore companies. Tax avoidance, tax evasion. Multinational companies, application of taxation of multinational companies. Specifics in the field of transfer pricing. Taxation of virtual currencies. Cryptocurrency, virtual currency, resp. digital value carrier. Cryptocurrencies from the perspective of the Income Tax Act. Environmental taxes from an EU perspective. Energy taxes. Transport taxes. Pollution taxes
Assignment of topics for semester works. Application of treaties and methods of avoiding double taxation on practical examples. Methodology of creating a model contract between OECD and UNCTAD. Methods of application of international tax laws in the field of tax agreements using global tax standards and forms of cooperation in tax policy. Transfer pricing methods using the principles of independent relationship and usual prices (traditional methods, transactional profit methods and combined methods). Application of the method of comparable profits, return on investment capital and allocation of global profits on practical examples from practice. Application of international tax laws in the field of tax agreements and valuation of transfers. Specific problems of transfer pricing. Forms of electronic commerce and methods of its taxation on specific examples. Selected problems of greening tax systems (taxation of natural resources). Application of taxes on international trade to solve specific cases from practice. Analysis of tax incentives, forms of international tax competition and application of the process of tax harmonization of EU countries. Tax aspects of international transactions and international tax evasion. Practical examples of the principles of international tax planning. Methodology and procedure for stablishing tax havens and offshore companies in practice. Tax cooperation in the world, principles of functioning of multilateral tax centers OECD - practical examples. Taxation of virtual currencies. Analysis of current approaches to taxation from the perspective of the Slovak Republic and other selected countries. Environmental taxes. Practical examples from around the world.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. LÁCHOVÁ, L.: Daňové systémy v globálním světe. Praha: ASPI, 2007, ISBN
2. LENÁRTOVÁ, G.: Daňové systémy. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2004.
3. NERUDOVÁ,D.: Harmonizace daňových systému zemí Evropské unie.3.preprac.a rozšír.
vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer,a.s.,2011. 320 s. ISBN 978-80-7357-695-0.
4. SCHULTZOVÁ, A.a kol.: Daňové sústavy štátov EÚ. Bratislava: EKONÓM 2010. 224 s.
ISBN 978-80-225-3059-0.
the international context, Ostrava: VŠB TU 2018. 216 s. ISBN 987-80-248-4198-4.
6. ŠIROKÝ, J.: Daně v EÚ.4.aktualiz.vyd.Praha , LINDE,2010,ISBN 978-80-7201-799-0.
Supplementary literature:
7. VAN BOEIJEN-OSTASZEWSKA,O.: European Tax Handbook.2011 Amsterdam:IBDF.
930 s. ISBN 978-90-8722-093-8.
8. Lang, M.: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Internationalen Steuerrecht. Linde Verlag Viedeň
2009. ISBN 3 85122 421 3.


Consultation: Tax systems in the world. Basic characteristics and principles of taxation. US tax system. Tax systems in selected EU countries and their comparison with the tax system of the Slovak Republic. Principles of international taxation. Classification of income and policy of their taxation. Methods of avoiding double taxation. OECD and UNCTAD model agreement and double taxation treaties. Taxation of economic entities of the Slovak Republic abroad. Taxation of foreign entities in the Slovak Republic. Trends in international taxation - tax competition and tax harmonization. Bases of international taxation in the conditions of globalization. Tax cooperation in the world, multilateral tax centers of the OECD. Exchange of information by international experts. Information technologies and their impact on changes in taxation. E-commerce and its taxation. International tax planning, tax havens and offshore companies. Tax avoidance, tax evasion. Multinational companies, application of taxation of multinational companies. Specifics in the field of transfer pricing. Taxation of virtual currencies. Cryptocurrency, virtual currency, resp. digital value carrier. Cryptocurrencies from the perspective of the Income Tax Act. Environmental taxes from an EU perspective. Energy taxes. Transport taxes. Pollution taxes Self-study: Assignment of topics for semester works. Application of treaties and methods of avoiding double taxation on practical examples. Methodology of creating a model contract between OECD and UNCTAD. Methods of application of international tax laws in the field of tax agreements using global tax standards and forms of cooperation in tax policy. Transfer pricing methods using the principles of independent relationship and usual prices (traditional methods, transactional profit methods and combined methods). Application of the method of comparable profits, return on investment capital and allocation of global profits on practical examples from practice. Application of international tax laws in the field of tax agreements and valuation of transfers. Specific problems of transfer pricing. Forms of electronic commerce and methods of its taxation on specific examples. Selected problems of greening tax systems (taxation of natural resources). Application of taxes on international trade to solve specific cases from practice. Analysis of tax incentives, forms of international tax competition and application of the process of tax harmonization of EU countries. Tax aspects of international transactions and international tax evasion. Practical examples of the principles of international tax planning. Methodology and procedure for stablishing tax havens and offshore companies in practice. Tax cooperation in the world, principles of functioning of multilateral tax centers OECD - practical examples. Taxation of virtual currencies. Analysis of current approaches to taxation from the perspective of the Slovak Republic and other selected countries. Environmental taxes. Practical examples from around the world.

Requirements to complete the course

written semester work
written ongoing work
written exam

Ongoing evaluation:
-development and presentation of semester work 20% (20 points)
-written continuous work 20% (total 20 points)

Final rating:
-written exam- final written test (open questions) 60% (60 points)

Student workload

104 hours total, of which:

• 20 hours active participation in consultation
• 24 hours self-study
• 22 hours preparation and processing of semester work
• 11 hours preparation for written continuous work
• 27 hours exam preparation

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 17.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 24.01.2022