Financial Analysis and Financial Planning
- Credits: 5
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Košice
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The aim of the course is to provide students with the latest knowledge of financial analysis - the evaluation and management of the financial situation, to enable them to acquire skills in processing financial analysis and preparation of financial plans of companies.
Knowledge: Theoretical and especially practical knowledge and understanding of knowledge related to the issues of financial analysis and financial planning..
Competence: Ability to work with information - search for it, select, analyze, synthesize, implement and design solutions for use in the financial management of the company in the part of financial analysis and financial planning.
Skill: Ability to independently assess the financial results of the company based on the evaluation of not only quantitative, but especially qualitative factors in the company, even in the context of cross-sectoral comparison. Acquired skills for the preparation of financial plans of companies, which are an important part of business planning and financial management.
Indicative content
The nature, goals, meaning and tasks of financial analysis, sources of information and users of financial analysis.
Techniques and methods of financial analysis.
Retrospective financial analysis. Analysis of absolute indicators in financial analysis.
Analysis of difference and flow indicators in financial analysis.
Analysis of ratios in financial analysis.
Analysis of ratios in financial analysis II.
Analysis of systems of indicators in financial analysis.
Predictively focused financial analysis.
Modern trends in predictively focused financial analysis.
Financial planning. The essence, tasks, structure of the financial plan. Modern trends in planning.
Methods and models of creating a financial plan. Long - term financial planning. Short - term financial planning. Modern trends in planning.
Modern trends in financial analysis.
Modern trends in financial analysis II.
Horizontal and vertical balance analysis.
Analysis of cash flow statement.
Financial analysis procedure using financial ratios.
Comparison of the company with the industry and the competition. Methods of intercompany comparison
Written continuous work. Creditworthiness and bankruptcy models.
Drawing up a long-term financial plan.
Drawing up a short-term financial plan.
Evaluation of the level and quality of the developed financial plan.
Checking the fulfillment of the plan, adjustments and changes to the plan.
Written continuous work. Presentations of financial analyzes of specific business entities.
Presentations of financial analyzes of specific business entities.
Presentations of financial analyzes of specific business entities.
Presentations of financial analyzes of specific companies. Subjects. Ongoing evaluation.
Support literature
Elementary literature:
1. ZALAI, K. a kol.: Finančno-ekonomická analýza podniku. Bratislava: Sprint 2, 2016.
ISBN 978-80-8971-022-5.
2. KOTULIČ, R. – KIRÁLY, P. – RAJČÁNIOVÁ, M.: Finančná analýza podniku.
Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8168-888-1.
3. RUČKOVÁ, P.: Finanční analýza. 2021. 7. vyd., Praha: Grada. ISBN 9788027131242.
Supplementary literature:
1. ALEXANDER, J.: Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management. 1. vyd.
2019. New Jersey: Wiley, ISBN 978-1119491484.
2. CFA Institute Investment Series: International Financial Statement Analysis. 4. vyd. 2020.
New Jersey: Wiley, ISBN 978-1119628057.
3. EASTON, P.D. – MCANALLY, M.L. – SOMMERS, G.A.: Financial Statement Analysis
& Valuation. 6. vyd. 2020. Westmont: Cambridge Business Publishers, ISBN 978-
4. KISEĽÁKOVÁ, D. – ŠOLTÉS, M.: Modely řízení finanční výkonnosti v teorii a praxi
malých a středních podniků. 2018. Praha: Grada, ISBN 978-80-271-0680-6.
5.KNÁPKOVÁ, A., PAVELKOVÁ, D. Finanční analýza: Komplexní průvodce s příklady. 2017.
3.vyd., Praha: Grada, ISBN 9788027105632.
6. KRÁĽOVIČ, Jozef. 2010. Finančné plánovanie podniku. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Sprint, 2010. 212 s. ISBN 978-80-89393-20-6. 7. GRÜNWALD, R. – HOLEČKOVÁ, J.: Finanční analýza a plánování podniku. Praha: Ekopress 2007. ISBN 978-80-86929-26-2.
Lectures: The nature, goals, meaning and tasks of financial analysis, sources of information and users of financial analysis. Techniques and methods of financial analysis. Retrospective financial analysis. Analysis of absolute indicators in financial analysis. Analysis of difference and flow indicators in financial analysis. Analysis of ratios in financial analysis. Analysis of ratios in financial analysis II. Analysis of systems of indicators in financial analysis. Predictively focused financial analysis. Modern trends in predictively focused financial analysis. Financial planning. The essence, tasks, structure of the financial plan. Modern trends in planning. Methods and models of creating a financial plan. Long - term financial planning. Short - term financial planning. Modern trends in planning. Modern trends in financial analysis. Modern trends in financial analysis II. Seminars: Horizontal and vertical balance analysis. Analysis of cash flow statement. Financial analysis procedure using financial ratios. Comparison of the company with the industry and the competition. Methods of intercompany comparison Written continuous work. Creditworthiness and bankruptcy models. Drawing up a long-term financial plan. Drawing up a short-term financial plan. Evaluation of the level and quality of the developed financial plan. Checking the fulfillment of the plan, adjustments and changes to the plan. Written continuous work. Presentations of financial analyzes of specific business entities. Presentations of financial analyzes of specific business entities. Presentations of financial analyzes of specific business entities. Presentations of financial analyzes of specific companies. Subjects. Ongoing evaluation.
Requirements to complete the course
Preparation and presentation of semester work 20%
Continuous written assessment 20%
Final written assessment (written exam): 60%
Student workload
130 hours in total, of which:
26 hours participation in lectures
26 hours participation in exercises
26 hours preparation for active forms
26 hours preparation of semester work
26 hours exam preparation
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 06.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 15.09.2024