Regional Development


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to point out the growing regional differences in Slovakia as well as in the EU and to identify tools that would mitigate the impact of these regional differences. The key disparities will be presented, as well as the main factors in the development of individual regions of the Slovak Republic and the possibilities of increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of the most backward.
• At the theoretical level, the student will gain knowledge that will enable him to understand the issue of increasing regional differences in Slovakia and the laws of use of structural funds of the European Union in the programming period 2021 - 2027 in order to mitigate them. The student will gain knowledge about the National Strategic Reference Framework of the Slovak Republic, as a starting document for drawing funds from the Structural Funds in the Slovak Republic and the possibilities of financing specific projects from these sources, as well as the European Union strategy called Europe 2030.
• By completing the course, students will acquire competencies in the field of critical thinking in working with information on regional development and in generating relevant outputs of analysis and presentation of results. Students will also gain the ability to identify barriers to regional development and reveal the possibilities of their elimination and to suggest the possibility of their removal or solution.
• At the practical level, the student will gain skills on how to develop and finance a strategic document for the development of a selected city / municipality in Slovakia in order to ensure regional development. They will also acquire the ability to work with information on regional development - to search for it, select it, analyze it and synthesize it with an orientation towards the creation of development projects and the ability to predict further development.

Indicative content

1. Basic information about the subject, definition of basic terms
2. Basic principles of regional development.
3. Subjects of regional development, support of regional development.
4. Factors of regional development.
5. Methods for measuring spatial concentration and industry specialization.
6. Theories of regional development
7. Economic structure of regions and regional disparities
8. Basic documents to support regional development
9. Regional policy of the European Union and the possibility of drawing on the Structural Funds in the programming period 2021 – 2027
10. Regional policy of the Slovak Republic and priority areas of regional development
11. Regional analyzes and work with regional data
12. Strategic regional planning
13. The budget of the European Union and the Europe 2030 project, current problems of regional development.
1. Basic concepts related to regional development.
2. Defining priorities and goals of regional development.
3. Factors of regional development.
4. Strategic development documents of the European Union.
5. National Strategy for Regional Development of the Slovak Republic.
6. Program of economic development and social development of a higher territorial unit.
7. Municipal Development Program and Joint Municipal Development Program.
8. Analysis of the current state of selected regional indicators.
9. Defining regional needs and setting development goals.
10. Analysis of possible sources of financing regional needs.
11. Analysis of the links of priorities to strategic documents of regional development.
12. Presentation of semester works focused on regional development.
13. Presentation of term papers and final evaluation.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. RUSNÁK, J. – KOREC, P. 2020 Teória regionálneho rozvoja a výskum regiónov. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. 2020. 212 s. ISBN: 978-80-223-5059-4.
2. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 2015. dostupné:
3. ARMSTRONG, H. - TAYLOR, J. 2000. Regional Economics and Policy. Wiley, 2000. 437 s. ISBN 978-06-3121-713-8.
4. BUČEK, M. - REHÁK, Š. - TVRDOŇ, J. 2010. Regionálna ekonómia a politika. Bratislava : IuraEdition, 2010. 269 s. ISBN 978-80-8078-392-4.
5. RAJČÁKOVÁ, E. 2009. Regionálny rozvoj a regionálna politika Európskej únie a Slovenska. Bratislava : Geo-grafika, 2009. 136 s. ISBN 978-80-89317-09-7.
6. WOKOUN, R. et al. 2008. Regionální rozvoj (východiska regionálního rozvoje, regionální politika, teorie, strategie a programování). Praha : Linde, 2008. 475 s. ISBN 978-80-7201-699-0.
7. Zákon č. 539/2008 Z. z. o podpore regionálneho rozvoja
Supplementary literature:
8. STRIČÍK, M. 2011. Regionálny rozvoj. Bratislava: Ekonóm, 2011. 132 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3173-3.
9. HUDEC, O. et al. 2009. Podoby regionálneho a miestneho rozvoja. Košice : Ekonomická fakulta, TU Košice, 2009. 344 s. ISBN 978-80-553-0117.
10. BUČEK, M. et al. 2006. Regionálny rozvoj novšie teoretické koncepcie. Bratislava : Ekonóm, 2006. 270 s. ISBN 80-225-2151-5.
11. New Cohesion Policy for 2021-2027. Available at:


Lectures: 1. Basic information about the subject, definition of basic terms 2. Basic principles of regional development. 3. Subjects of regional development, support of regional development. 4. Factors of regional development. 5. Methods for measuring spatial concentration and industry specialization. 6. Theories of regional development 7. Economic structure of regions and regional disparities 8. Basic documents to support regional development 9. Regional policy of the European Union and the possibility of drawing on the Structural Funds in the programming period 2021 – 2027 10. Regional policy of the Slovak Republic and priority areas of regional development 11. Regional analyzes and work with regional data 12. Strategic regional planning 13. The budget of the European Union and the Europe 2030 project, current problems of regional development. Seminars: 1. Basic concepts related to regional development. 2. Defining priorities and goals of regional development. 3. Factors of regional development. 4. Strategic development documents of the European Union. 5. National Strategy for Regional Development of the Slovak Republic. 6. Program of economic development and social development of a higher territorial unit. 7. Municipal Development Program and Joint Municipal Development Program. 8. Analysis of the current state of selected regional indicators. 9. Defining regional needs and setting development goals. 10. Analysis of possible sources of financing regional needs. 11. Analysis of the links of priorities to strategic documents of regional development. 12. Presentation of semester works focused on regional development. 13. Presentation of term papers and final evaluation.

Requirements to complete the course

Continuous assessment 40 % :
• 30% quality of elaboration and presentation of semester work,
• 10% activity in seminars,
Final assessment 60 % :
• 60% result of the final exam.
Total: 100 %

Student workload

• participation on lectures – 26 hrs.
• active participation on seminars - 26 hrs.
• other activities - study of literature, preparation of home assignments and examples, research, preparation for seminars, preparation of semester work and preparation for the final exam - 52 hrs.
Total: 104 hrs.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 16.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 12.05.2022