Communication and Managerial Skills


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge of communication, social and managerial skills that are necessary for the effective work of managers in the business and public spheres in the performance of their daily tasks.
Students will be acquainted with the basic starting points and concepts in a way of future use and application of them while analyzing specific social issues or social situations. The teaching result is the development of communication skills, skills in the field of interpersonal relationships and managerial skills, mainly time management, and negotiation, through interactive teaching methods.
- to know the models of interpersonal communication, forms of communication
- to understand persuasion strategies
- to compare and apply various approaches in problem communication
- to apply the style of leadership
- to know the techniques and methods of time management
- rhetorical skills
- preparation of documents
- ability to persuade
- conflict solving
- organize work tasks and delegate work tasks
- communication competence - verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal communication in different work situation
- competence to lead formal interviews (selection interview, evaluation interview, persuasion, conflict resolution, negotiation)
- ability to use the techniques and tools of time management in selfmanagement and task organization

Indicative content

Communication and managerial skills for career development. Introduction – requirements.
Mind map.
Active listening.
Verbal readiness – exercise.
Nonverbal communication.
Communication with employees – role playing.
Interview in managerial work. Selection interview. Feedback. Praise, criticism, constructive criticism.
Individual presentation – speech of manager.
Persuasive arguments.
Documents in organization (business offer of a new product, addressing new clients, complaint, answer to a complaint, positive and negative answer to a job seeker, job reference). Formulation of statements.
Models of conflict solving at a workplace. Passive, aggressive and assertive reaction. Stress management.
Time management techniques and tools.
Negotiation – role playing.
Communication and managerial skills – introduction.
Introduction to communication. Interpersonal communication.
Forms of communication I.: verbal and paraverbal communication.
Forms of communication II.: Nonverbal communication.
Communication in organization.
Oral communication. Selection interview. Feedback. Assessment interview. Meetings.
Development of presentation skills. Speech.
Persuasion – strategies and techniques.
Written communication – formal documents, business letters, specifics of electronic communication.
Problem communication – conflict solving in organizations. Mediations. Assertiveness, aggressivity and passivity.
Leadership and style of leadershiping
Time management.
Time management techniques and tools.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. Quintanilla, K. M. – Wahl, S. T.: Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence. 4th ed., London: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2020. ISBN 978-15-0636-959-4.
2. Szarková, M.: Komunikácia v manažmente. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2018. ISBN 978-80-7598-184-4.
3. Špaček, L.: Byznys etiketa a komunikace. Praha: Nakladatelství Universum, 2021. ISBN 978-80-2427-366-2.
4. Mayfield, M. – Mayfield, J., Walker, R.: Fundamental Theories of Business Communication : laying a Foundation for the Field. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 266 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-57740-7.
5. Muthusamy, S. K.: Power of positive words: communication, cognition, and organizational transformation. In: Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2019. Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 103-122.
Supplementary literature:
6. Mautner, G. – Rainer, F.: Handbook of Business Communication. De Gruyter, 2019. ISBN 150-151-900-X.
7. Szarková, M. – Beláňová, B. – Matkovčíková, N.: Komunikácia v malých a stredných podnikoch SR. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií VSERS, 2018. 99 s. ISBN 978-80-7556-036-0.
8. Ter Hoeven, C.L. – Miller, V. D. – Peper, B. – den Dulk, L.: “The Work Must Go On”: The Role of Employee and Managerial Communication in the Use of Work–Life Policies. In: Management Communication Quarterly, 2017, 31(2), 194-229.
9. Olexová, C.: Aby mala prezentácia úspech... In Personálny a mzdový poradca podnikateľa. - Žilina : Poradca podnikateľa, 2020. ISSN 1335-1508, 2020, roč. 25, č. 8, s.130-132.
10. O komunikaci. 10 nejlepších příspěvků z Harvard Business Review. Praha: Management Press, 2017. 204 s. ISBN 978-80-7261-497-4.


Consultation: Communication and managerial skills for career development. Introduction – requirements. Mind map. Active listening. Verbal readiness – exercise. Nonverbal communication. Communication with employees – role playing. Interview in managerial work. Selection interview. Feedback. Praise, criticism, constructive criticism. Individual presentation – speech of manager. Persuasive arguments. Documents in organization (business offer of a new product, addressing new clients, complaint, answer to a complaint, positive and negative answer to a job seeker, job reference). Formulation of statements. Models of conflict solving at a workplace. Passive, aggressive and assertive reaction. Stress management. Time management techniques and tools. Negotiation – role playing. Self-study: Communication and managerial skills – introduction. Introduction to communication. Interpersonal communication. Forms of communication I.: verbal and paraverbal communication. Forms of communication II.: Nonverbal communication. Communication in organization. Oral communication. Selection interview. Feedback. Assessment interview. Meetings. Development of presentation skills. Speech. Persuasion – strategies and techniques. Written communication – formal documents, business letters, specifics of electronic communication. Problem communication – conflict solving in organizations. Mediations. Assertiveness, aggressivity and passivity. Leadership and style of leadershiping Time management. Time management techniques and tools. Negotiation.

Requirements to complete the course

Team semester assignments, continuous test
Combined exam
The team for processing semester assignments consists of 2 members and the selection of team members will be made randomly. The evaluation of semester assignments is performed as a team. All team members receive the same rating.
• elaboration and presentation of team semester assignments - 30%
• activity - 10%
• final written test and oral exam - 60%

Student workload

• Participation in consultations: 20 hours
• Self-study: 32 hours
• Preparation of semester assignments: 13 hours
• Preparation for the final evaluation: 39 hours
Total: 104

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 17.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 16.05.2023