Project Management in Tourism (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The main educational goal of the course is to comprehensively and in context understand the
principles of project management, to master and know how to use its selected methods and
techniques and to integrate knowledge in project management in practice.
After completing the course, the student should be able to (level of knowledge and understanding):
- understand the project approach as a way of managing the organization
- understand the individual phases and processes of project management
- to master selected methods and techniques in individual phases of project management
- understand the project preparation process as a response to the call for projects from the
European Structural and Investment Funds, its evaluation, implementation up to the completion
and monitoring of the project
After completing the course, the student should be able to (skills and competences):
- plan the project and its individual phases
- demonstrate skills associated with the application of project management methods and techniques
and make the right decisions about their use,
- use the support and functionality of the software solution in project management
- prepare a tourism project with the required project documentation on the basis of the conditions
specified in the call
- be able to communicate their decisions in the various stages of project management in the
project team and improve in soft skills, especially leadership, result orientation, creativity, conflict
resolution, presentation skills

Indicative content

The subject Project Management in Tourism focuses on project management processes in the
application for the use of European Structural and Investment Funds of the European Union in
tourism projects. It specifies the individual phases of project preparation and solution, individual
project management processes and used methods and techniques of project management.

Support literature

Základná literatúra:
1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE.: The Standard for Project Management and a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute, 2021. ISBN 978-1-62825-664-2.
Odporúčaná literatúra:
1. DICK, B.: Project Management Tools and Techniques. Best Practices in Project Management. Independently Published, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-7309-3161-1.
2. MICHÁLKOVÁ, A. - KROŠLÁKOVÁ, M. - FODRANOVÁ, I.. The importance of public resources for entrepreneurship and development of innovation. Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Central and Eastern Europe in the changing business environment. International joint conference. Central and Eastern Europe in the changing business environment : proceedings of 16th international joint conference : May 27, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic and Bratislava, Slovakia. Prague: Oeconomica Publishing House, University of Economics, Prague, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2145-9. ISSN 2453-6113, s. 291-305. VEGA 1/0205/14.


1. Introduction to project management, project definition, tasks of project management, world standards and methodologies, certification in project management. 2. System of program documents for drawing public resources. Work with a specific operational program, orientation in its priorities and measures 3. Call for projects and its documents. 4. Project preparation. Project documentation. 5. Governance Vs. Project organization. 6. Project management. Project team. 7. Functionalities of the project management software solution. Working with software. 8. Project planning. 9. Communication and solving challenges. 10. Financial management of the project in terms of project management 11. Evaluation and selection of projects. 12. Implementation phase of projects. 13. Project completion, final phase and monitoring.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % semester project;
60 % examination – presentation and discussion of the project

Student workload

Total: 156 hours
Lectures: 26 hours
Seminars: 26 hours
Individual preparation for seminars: 13 hours
Processing of the semester project 50 hours
Individual preparation for the examination – presentation of the semestral project: 41 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 03.03.2024