Travel and Tourism Management (in English)
- Credits: 8
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Commerce
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The student will gain a comprehensive set of knowledge about tourism management as a basic tool
for the systematic development of tourism in the destination. Knowledge of the state and regional
tourism policy and the system of tourism support form the basis is important for professional level.
The knowledge create the background to analytical and critical thinking of the student. It will
prepare a starting position for student to apply this knowledge in DMO-s and other institutions.
In relation to study of strategic documents and plans of the DMO, the student will reach the
skills to create content of relevant documents and plans in the conditions of a tourist destination.
Experience from teamwork in project elaboration set up preconditions for developing of teamwork
in professional life. During the study excursion, students will discuss with managers - stakeholders
directly in the tourism area. There they will verify communication skills in a professional economic
This pilot course creates a starting point for the graduate student in the manager position
of destination manager in DMO-s, regional and local government- municipalities, Ministry of
Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, national associations, working project groups
in the field of tourism.
Indicative content
Comprehensive overview of destination tourism management and the specifics that have a positive
or negative effect on the destination. The system and principles of tourism in the destination. State
policy and local government policy in the field of tourism. Tourism development strategy. Direct
and indirect support for tourism. DMOs in the Slovak Republic. Regional and local level of DMOs
(tourist boards KOCRs, OOCRs). Activities of DMOs.
Support literature
Basic literature
1. PAGE, Stephen J. - CONNELL, Joanne. Tourism: A modern synthesis. New York: Routledge, 2020. 633p. ISBN 978-1-003-00552-0.
Recommended literature:
1. BEIRMAN, David. Restoring tourism destinations in crisis: A strategic marketing approach. London: Routledge, 2020. 304p. ISBN 9781000247183.
2. ELLIOT, James. Tourism: Politics and public sector management. London: Routledge, 2020. 296p. ISBN 9781000158731.
3. INKSON, Claire., - MINNAERT, Lynn. Tourism management: an introduction. London: Sage, 2022. 480p. ISBN 9781529784152.
4. Law no. 91/2010 Z. z. o podpore cestovného ruchu v znení neskorších predpisov.
5. ROBINSON, Peter - LÜCK, Michael - SMITH, Stephen L. J. Tourism. Boston: CABI, 2020. 480p. ISBN 9781789241488.
1. Management in tourism, basic principles. The destination as the tourist product with the added value of environment. 2. Destination life cycle Internal / external growth of the destination. Stakeholders in destinations on the market supply and demand side. 3. Destination management in tourism. Nature, functions and tasks of destination management and destination marketing organizations (tourist board). 4. Crisis management in the tourist destination. Economic, environmental, social and health risks, information and technological risks, risks related to the tourism services 5. Competences of state administration and self-government in tourism management. System of finance at national level of the Slovak Republic, regional and local self-government. 6. Public procurement of goods and services of state administration entities, self-government and institutions, which are financed from the state budget 7. State tourism policy in accordance with the governmental program of Slovak Republic. Coordination of state policy from the view of destination management. Legal system of direct and indirect support to tourism. Tourism policy of self government authorities in the framework of social and economic development plan. Grant schemes. 8. Direct and indirect financing of tourism from EU funds in programming period. 9. Strategic management of tourism in the Slovak Republic. Documents. Vision, goals, tasks, action plan. 10. Activities of a national marketing agency in the Slovak Republic. Marketing strategy. Foreign representations. International cooperation. 11. Regional and local DMOs. Legal specific position of DMOs. Mission, Activities. Sakeholers who operate in the DMOs (OOCR KOCR). 12. System of multi-source financing of KOCR and OOCR. Request and application for a subsidy from the state budget. Official requirements. 13. Project of the plan of activities and financial plan for the calendar year. Action plan.
Requirements to complete the course
Semester theses, dialogic work, excursion, written exam Seminars:
• Seminars 50%
• 15 % permanent activity of the student
• 35 % semester theses
• 10 % excursion report according to assigned tasks
• Exam:
• 40 % written exam
Student workload
Total study load (in hours): 208 hours Participation in lectures: 26 hours Participation in seminars:
26 hours
Homework for the seminars: 26 hours
Elaboration of a semester project in accordance with a study excursion: 30 hours Make-ready project
outputs into PP: 10 hours
Study professional excursion: 30 hours
Excursion report according to assigned tasks: 10
Homework for the exam: 50 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 09.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 04.03.2024