Intellectual Property Law


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The main educational goal of the course:
The main educational goal of the course is to teach students the basics of Intellectual property law, the legal analysis of Intellectual property law institutes and to improve their knowledge about Intellectual property law.
Knowledge: The student understands the importance of Intellectual property law for practical life, understands the hierarchy of legal norms, after completing the course. The student understands the economic context of Intellectual property law.
Practical skills: Ability to orientate oneself in the basic legal regulations of Intellectual property law, which relate to the future profession / business of the graduate. Ability to work with databases of legal regulations (, Ability to choose a suitable type of contract and assessment of a simple contract.
Competences: The ability to work with effective legislation and the ability to apply legislation to ordinary acts in practice. Ability to read legal norms with knowledge of basic legal concepts and institutes.

Indicative content

Intellectual property law as a fundamental branch of jurisprudence regulates relations arising in the field of intellectual creative activity. The aim of the course is primarily acquisition of basic institutes which are inherent in Intellectual property law. Teaching focuses on basic institutes of intellectual property law (copyright and related rights, industrial property rights to the results of the technical creative activity, the designation and a host of other related rights, etc.).

Support literature

KROPAJ, M. a kol.: Základy práva duševného vlastníctva pre ekonómov. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2017, 208 s.


1. The importance of Intellectual property law (IPL) for the economist. Basic legal terminology. Intellectual Property Protection 2. Origin of intellectual property. Subject matter, content and subjects of IPL. 3. Interdisciplinary context of the subject 4. Basic sources of national, European and International Intellectual property law. System of IPL. 5. The right to create. Introduction to copyright. New copyright law. Collective forms of authorship. 6. Introduction to rights related to copyright. 7. Contractual and liability relations in copyright. 8. Introduction to industrial rights to the results of creative intellectual activity. Inventions and utility models. 9. Designs. Topography of semiconductor products. Plant variety rights. 10. Industrial and commercial intellectual property rights. Label rights. Trademark. Designation of origin of products and geographical indication of products. Trade name law. 11. Rights similar to industrial property rights and rights related to industrial property rights. Improvement proposals, know-how, logo, domain names, new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Protection of the name and reputation of the legal person. 12. Introduction to media law with special regard to the general protection of the individual. Introduction to competition law. 13. Marketing and intellectual property.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % active forms of evaluation during semester
60 % final written exam

Student workload

Total student workload: 78
Student workload for individual educational activities: 78
Attendance at seminars: 13
Preparing for the seminar: 13
Preparing for the continuous test: 26
Preparing for the exam: 26

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 15.02.2023