Managerial and Social Skills Training


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course provides knowledge of the abilities and skills needed for managers and service workers with the intention of their development. The aim of the course is for the graduate to be able to communicate effectively, solve interpersonal problems and conflicts that arise from the work and social position of managers at the level of lower and middle management or employees in contact with clients.
After completing the course, students will have knowledge of the specifics of the service company, about managing people, communication in the organization, communication with clients and the possibilities of personal development.
Students will be able to communicate effectively - following the principles of assertive communication and feedback in a multicultural environment. They will be able to work in a team, play a team role / role, identify potential employees. They can use methods of effective learning, time management, motivation, psychohygiene.
The acquired competencies will enable the student to apply their knowledge in fulfilling the goals of the organization. He has managerial and social competencies, especially in the field of personality development, work with people and communication with clients.

Indicative content

The nature and contents of management and requirements on manager. Learning organization as management and learning method. Specifics of management in services. Inter-action of service provider and customer and it´s influence on final quality of the service. Requirements on social competences of employees in services. Personality and personal development. Effective communication.

Support literature

ANTALOVÁ, M., CHINORACKÁ, A.,PŘÍVARA, A. 2013. Ľudské zdroje a personálny manažment. Bratislava: EKONÓM. ISBN 978-80-225-3742-1
ARMSTRONG, M. 2010. Řízení lidských zdrojú. Nejnovější trendy a postupy. 10. vydání. Praha: GRADA Publishing. ISBN 978-80-247-1407-3
JAROŠOVÁ, E., KOMÁRKOVÁ, R., PAUKNEROVÁ, D.,PAVLICA, K. 2005. Trénink sociálních a manažérskych dovedností. 2. rozšířené vydání. Praha: MANAGEMENT PRESS. ISBN 80-7261-135-6
KLOUDOVÁ, J. a kol. 2010. Kreatívní ekonomika: trendy, výzvy, příležitosti. Praha: Grada Publishing. . ISBN 978-80-247-3608-2
PROVAZNÍK, V. a kol. 2002. Psychologie pro ekonomy. GRADA Praha. ISBN 8024704704706.
LUKNIČ, A.S . 2008. Manažment Kreativity a inovácií. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Komenského. ISBN 978-80-223-2452-6
Jarošová, E., Pavlica, K., Kaiser, R. B. (2015). Vyvážený leadership. Management Press (2015) ISBN: 9788072612895 Počet strán: 240
Goleman, D. (2017). Emocionálna inteligencia. Vydavateľstvo Citadella. ISBN: 978-80-8182-086- 1. 432s.
Dweck, C. S. (2015). Nastavenie mysle. Nová psychológia úspechu. Vydavateľstvo Citadella, .ISBN 9788089628933. 328s


1. Content and methods of managing communication in the organization. Requirements on skills and abilities of managers and employees in the services. 2. Psychology of personality. The structure of the personality. Output characteristics of the personality. Dimension for the motivation. Profile of the personality. Typology of clients. Typology of consumers. 3. Communication. Social interaction. The communication process. The intercultural communication. 4. Verbal communication. Active listening. Assertive communication. Feedback. Effective communication 5. Non-verbal communication. Forms of non-verbal communication. Body language. The importance of the non-verbal communication. The rules of presentation. Preparation and realization of the presentation. Importance of non-verbal communication in presentation. 6. Emotional intelligence. 7. Motivation as an activity of the manager. Forms of employees motivation. Ability of managers to motivate the employees. Principles of the motivation. 8. Motivators as tools of an increase of employees output. 9. Team work. Principles of team work. Creation of teams. Testing the team roles. 10. Learning and education. Rational intelligence and learning. Basic forms of learning. Motivation, concentration, memory, working conditions. Testing of learning and knowledge gaining. 11. Creativity. Creative economy. Creative management. Methods of creativity development. 12. Time management. Priorities and targets. Systems of time management. 13. Psychological hygiene. Factors of influence on employees outputs. Stress situations and conflicts.

Requirements to complete the course

- 20 % Activity at seminars.
- 20 % Project elaboration.
- 60 % Oral exam.

Student workload

Total study workload – 104, out of which:
Active forms attendance - 26 hours
Preparation for active forms – 13 hours
Project elaboration – 26 hours
Preparation for oral exam – 39 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 06.06.2022