Analyzes and Trends in Tourism Services


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of teaching the subject is to acquire knowledge, competences and skills in the analysis and identification of the development and trends in the economics of services and within it, primarily in tourism services.
Students will acquire knowledge of the economics of services and within it the services of tourism. Theoretical background will serve to understand the structural changes in the Slovak economy, the position and importance of tourism services as a cross-cutting sector in the Slovak economy. Students will better understand the data obtained from secondary sources using the method of analysis and synthesis. Combining knowledge of service economics and quantitative methods will increase students´ motivation, better understanding of the issue, deepening skills and better analytical and critical thinking.
After completing the course, students will have skills in searching for data in statistical databases, to orient themselves in the most important performance indicators of tourism services. They will be able to use quantitative methods appropriately in analyzes for the field of tourism services and related services, they will be able to interpret the obtained results correctly and use them to answer questions or verify hypotheses and to formulate recommendations.
The acquired knowledge and skills reflect the profile of the top / middle manager in tourism, in connection with the need for analytical and synthetic thinking in solving strategic tasks in the company, as well as in solving projects and applying new trends and challenges. Teamwork in the creation of case studies creates the student's competence for cooperative work in a team.

Indicative content

The course defines the economics of services, explains the structural changes in the economy, the benefits and barriers to liberalization, the demand and supply of tourism services. Based on performance indicators obtained from secondary sources of statistical databases through the use of analysis methods, time series and selected mathematical and statistical methods, it monitors the development, trends and position of tourism services as a cross-sectional sector in the context of service economics in Slovakia and the EU. It identifies the benefits and features of international trade in services and the position of international trade in tourism services in the export and import of services in the Slovak Republic and the EU.

Support literature

Základná literatúra:
BENEŠOVÁ, Dana at al. Analýza trendov v cestovnom ruchu a súvisiacich službách. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2021. 140 s. ISBN 978-80-7556-090-2.
Odporúčaná literatúra:
BENEŠOVÁ, Dana at al. Services and Trends. 1. vydanie. Praha : Leges, 2022.128 s. ISBN978-80-7502-647-7
KUBIČKOVÁ, Viera – BENEŠOVÁ, Dana. The Innovation in Services and Service Economy. 1. vydanie. Praha : Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2022. 87 s. ISBN 978-80-7676-379-1
KUBIČKOVÁ, Viera. – BENEŠOVÁ, Dana. Vplyv inovačného prostredia ekonomiky na cestovný ruch. In Súčasnosť cestovného ruchu v trajektórii budúcnosti. Zlín : Radim Bačuvčík - VeRBuM, 2020. s. 29-56. ISBN 978-80-88356-05-9.


1. Definition of services as economic activities and products, specific nature of services, asymmetric information and moral hazard, classification of tourism services and related services. 2. Subjects of demand for services, demand of tourism enterprises for related services and knowledge-intensive services. Determinants of consumer behavior in the tourism market, the consumer and his decision-making. 3. Human factor in tourism services, work in services as a relationship, human resource management in services. 4. Human resources in tourism, regularities of human potential development as well as a specific personality and its creativity, communication skills and behavior in social groups and work teams, human resources management in tourism. 5. The impact of technological progress on changes in the processes of tourism enterprises, electronic business and within it electronic tourism, adaptation of ICT in tourism enterprises in the Slovak Republic and new trends in the use of ICT. 6. Economics of services and society of services, analyzes of structural changes in the economy, position of tourism services in the economy of the Slovak Republic and in the EU, new trends. 7. Development features and restructuring of services, services as a global phenomenon of the modern economy, social strategy in the economy of tourism services. 8. Production and productivity in tourism services and related services, knowledge intensity of production of tourism services, relationship between tourism services and knowledge intensive services. 9. Analysis of the market for tourism services and related services, the importance and impact of the Services Directive, the strategy for the single market for services and within it tourism services, new challenges and trends for building a single market. 10. Liberalization of trade in services, WTO and Slovakia, foreign direct investment in services and tourism services. 11. International trade in services and within it international trade in tourism services, analysis of factors of development of international trade in services, classification systems, trends of development of world trade in tourism services. 12. Services in the economy of Slovakia, achieved state, development features, factors influencing the growth of tourism services. 13. Participation of tourism in international trade in services in the Slovak Republic, comparison of international trade in tourism services in the Slovak Republic: EU.

Requirements to complete the course

Individual work, team work in the elaboration of case studies, written exam
Seminars 40% of that
Seminar activity 15%
Elaboration and presentation
of the semester project 25%
Final written exam 60%

Student workload

Total workload: 156 hours of that
Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 13 hours
Elaboration of the semester project: 13 hours
Preparation for written verification of the project: 26 hours
Preparation for the exam: 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 03.03.2024