Doing Business in the Global Environment


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- about historical background of doing business on the global level,
- about international rankings of business environment,
- about mechanism and functioning of tax havens,
- about global problems, risks and impact of COVID-19 pandemic on business in the global environmentí,
- about Slovak companies doing busines on the global level.
Studentswill obtain following skills:
- assess business environment of countries based on various international rankings,
- assess the scale of impact of various aspects (e. g., climate change, tax optimization) on doing business in the global environment,
- apply the knowledge gained throughout the course in practice.
Students will gain following competences:
- orientation in current aspects of doing business in the global environment,
- critical assessment of benefits and risks of doing business in the global environment,
- evaluation of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different aspects of business on the global level.

Indicative content

The course is focused on basic aspects of doing business in the global environment, current factors and problems impacting the business in the global environment (e. g., climate change, tax optimization, business ethics, COVID-19 pandemic) and examples Slovak companies successful on the global level..

Support literature

JANATKA, František. Podnikání v globalizovaném světě. Wolters Kluwer, 2017,
OBADI, Saleh Mothana. Vývoj a perspektívy svetovej ekonomiky : krehký posun z oblasti rizika do rastovej trajektórie. - Bratislava : VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7144-279-0
MORRISON, Janet. The Global Business Environment: Towards Sustainability? 5th ed. 2020 Edition. Red Globe Press, ISBN-10 1352008971,
FEENSTRA, Robert C. Advanced International Trade: Theory and Evidence - Second Edition 2nd Edition. 2021, ISBN-13: 978-0691161648
Online zdroje:
International Institute for Management Development. (2021). IMD World Competitiveness Ranking 2020. Dostupné na:
Medzinárodný menový fond. (2021). Policy responses to COVID-19. Dostupné na:
Svetová banka. (2021). Doing Business. Dostupné na:
Svetové ekonomické fórum. (2021). Global Competitiveness Report. Dostupné na:
Svetové ekonomické fórum. (2021). Global Risks Report 2021. Dostupné na:


1. Historical backgroung of doing business in the global environment 2. Protectionist policies and their impact on international business 3. International rankings of business environment 4. Types of capital (human, knowledge, physical), spillover effects 5. World Economic Forum and its comparison of business environments 6. Significance of tax havens in the global business environment 7. Climate change and its impact on global business 8. Impact of decarbonization and the Paris Agreement on the global business environment 9. Workforce migration and foreign direct investment in global environment 10. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on doing business in the global environment, global problems and risks 11. Unethical business pratices in the global environment 12. Doing business in the global environment – Mossack Fonseca case study 13. Slovak companies doing business on the global level

Requirements to complete the course

10% - essay and its presentation
30% - end-term exam
60% - final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak language, English language

Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 17.10.2021