Trade and Economic Diplomacy


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- in the field of basics of economic and trade diplomacy in the world and in the Slovak Republic, models of their management in the world and intercultural aspect of diplomacy,
- to understand and be able to manage the complexity of the economic and trade diplomacy; to use knowledge gained so far from the study of economic disciplines, macro and microeconomic aspects of international trade, EU foreign trade policy, and international trade operations,
- to understand the context of the intercultural dimension of economic and trade diplomacy; to properly approach diplomatic negotiations, as well as actual work and activities of economic diplomats of the Slovak Republic,
- in the field of diplomatic protocol and etiquette, diplomatic communication and negotiations, dynamics and forms of diplomatic negotiations.,
Students will obtain following skills:
- professional diplomatic and management skills and abilities to actively work with new information and integrate them into the decision-making processes of economic and trade diplomacy,
- of cultivated behavior, ethical knowledge, and principles of etiquette in diplomacy,
- to process analytical documents for diplomatic negotiations in the field of economics and trade diplomacy,
- work in the field of trade and economy diplomacy abroad (in companies, international economic organizations, and diplomatic missions)
Students will gain following competences:
- to organize and actively participate in diplomatic negotiations, to communicate and work competently in working and negotiating teams,
- to take responsibility for decision-making processes in the field of economic and trade diplomacy and to analyze their diplomatic impact,
- professionally and sophistically work in positions of economic and trade diplomacy at home and abroad, i.e. in the decision-making sphere – Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the SR, Ministry of Economy of the SR, government institutions, within international economic organizations (OECD, WTO, European Parliament, European Commission and others).

Indicative content

The importance of the economic dimension of diplomacy in the historical context and its position in the theory of international relations. Management models of economic and trade diplomacy. Development of economic and trade diplomacy of the Slovak Republic, its current challenges in the economy of state. The intercultural dimension of economic and trade diplomacy. Typology of diplomatic negotiations. Fundamentals of diplomatic protocol and ethics. Performance of economic and trade diplomacy of the Slovak Republic - practical examples, case studies.

Support literature

ŠŤOURAČOVÁ, J. a kol. 2012. Proměny ekonomické diplomacie v ČR a ve světě. Professional Publishing 2012. 252 strán, ISBN 978-80-7431-081-2
RUŽEKOVA, Viera – ZÁBOJNÍK. Stanislav – HRINKO, Ján. 2021: Teritoriálne analýzy a ekonomická diplomacia. Sprint2. (v príprave, termín vydania podľa edičného plánu 11/2021).
Van BERGEIJK, P A.G. 2018. Research Handbook on Economic Diplomacy. Publisher: Edward Elgar. 2018. 416 pgs. ISBN: 978 1 78471 083 5
IMBERT, F.B.2017. EU Economic diplomacy strategy, In-depth analysis. European Parliament, Policy Department. 2017. Online: Research Handbook on Economic Diplomacy
GULLOVÁ, S. 2013. Mezinárodní obchodní a diplomatický protokol. 3. vydání. Praha: Grada 2013. ISBN: 978-80-247-4418-6


1. Introduction to trade and economy diplomacy issue, information about the course, teaching information, recommended literature, information about the topics of seminar papers. Basic information about the concept of economic and trade diplomacy. 2. The economic dimension of foreign policy and diplomacy – brief explanation of evolution of diplomacy, formation process of types of diplomacy in the world (case study). 3. The position of economic diplomacy in the theory of international relations, the impact of development trends in the world economy on strengthening the economic dimension of diplomatic relations 4. Economic and trade diplomacy as a tool for the development of bilateral and multilateral relations of the EU, the position and role of the EC and the EP in this process (case studies of EC and EP activities). 5. Models of economic and trade diplomacy in the world (case studies). 6. Economic and trade diplomacy in light of international economic activities and trade organizations (case studies - ED activities in individual IEOs). 7. The evolution of economic and trade diplomacy in the Slovak Republic. Economic and trade diplomacy of the Slovak Republic in the system of economic policy. (case studies) 8. Actual issues and challenges of economic and trade diplomacy of the Slovak Republic, competitiveness of Slovak diplomacy (case study). 9. How Slovak economic diplomacy works - basics of technical and professional ability of economic diplomats (case studies - specific processing of the territory). 10. Basics of diplomatic protocol and ethics - overview of the basics of diplomatic protocol, diplomatic correspondence, peculiarities of diplomatic negotiations, men, women, and gender-related etiquette. 11. Diplomatic communication (forms - verbal, nonverbal, written - case studies). Basics of negotiation in diplomacy (definitions, goals, types, stages of negotiation). Typologies of international agreements (case studies). 12. Dynamics of diplomatic negotiations. Negotiations in diplomatic practice (case studies). 13. Multicultural dimension of diplomatic relations (case studies)

Requirements to complete the course

20 % active participation in seminars
20% seminar project and its presentation
60% final written exam

Student workload

Total: study load 3 credits x 26 h = 78 hours
Separate study load for individual educational activities:
Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 6 hours
Elaboration of a semester project: 6 hours
Preparation for the final exam: 14 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English, others

Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 18.01.2022