European Union Trade Policy


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- in-depth knowledge of the development and current state of EU foreign trade policy,
- an understanding of the links between the common commercial policy and other EU policies that affect it, in particular the common agricultural policy and EU development policy,
- an understanding of the challenges posed by the changing global economic environment in the field of the EU's external trade and economic relations and their impact on the EU's foreign trade policy.
Students will obtain following skills:
- the ability to actively acquire new knowledge and information on the EU's external trade relations, as well as the ability to analyse and use this information,
- the ability to creatively propose solutions and evaluate solutions to professional tasks and problems in the EU's external trade relations,
- the ability to formulate recommendations for the development of the EU's external trade relations.
Students will gain following competences:
- ability to work in teams as well as to coordinate work in teams,
- the ability to make independent decisions in a changing international environment reflecting social responsibility,
- ability to think innovatively and creatively,
- ability to critically evaluate the knowledge gained,
- ability to communicate about professional opinions and present the results of own study and work.

Indicative content

Historical background of EU foreign trade policy, common trade policy, common agricultural policy, EU foreign trade policy towards third countries and regions (EFTA, United Kingdom, Eurasian region - Russian Federation, Eastern Partnership and Central Asia, countries of East and Southeast Asia, USA, Canada, Balkan countries, African countries, Latin America).

Support literature

1. KITTOVÁ, Zuzana. The European Union as a Major Trading Player in the Global Economy. Handbook of Research on Social and Economic Development in the European Union. Herschley, USA: IGI Global, 2020. 45-68 s. ISBN 978-17-998-1188-6. ISSN 2327-5677.
2. EURÓPSKA KOMISIA. Preskúmanie obchodnej politiky - otvorená, udržateľná a asertívna obchodná politika. Luxemburg: Úrad pre vydávanie publikácií Európskej únie, 2021. 39 s. ISBN 978-92-76-28795-7.
3. KAŠŤÁKOVÁ, Elena - DRIENIKOVÁ, Kristína - ZUBAĽOVÁ, Ľubica. Impact of the Geopolitical Changes on the EU Foreign Trade Relations with Selected Territories: Implications for the Slovak Economy. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg University Press, 2019. 246 s. ISBN 978-5-288-05988-9.
4. KITTOVÁ, Zuzana - KRIVOSUDSKÁ, Simona. Slovakia-UK Trade and Investment Relations at the Time of Brexit: Scientific Monograph. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2022. 128 s. ISBN 978-80-7556-119-0.
5. WEISS, Wolfgang – FURCULITA, Cornelia. Global Politics and EU Trade Policy. Facing the Challenges to a Multilateral Approach. Cham: Springer, 2020. 284 s. ISBN 978-3-030-34587-7.


1. Historical background of EU foreign trade policy. 2. EU common trade policy - goals, tools, institutions. 3. EU foreign trade policy towards the United Kingdom. 4. EU foreign trade policy in the CIS region - Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia. 5. EU foreign trade policy in the region of East and Southeast Asia. 6. EU-US and EU-Canada Transatlantic Partnership. 7. The EU's common agricultural policy and its relationship with the EU's common commercial policy. 8. Relations between the EU and the Balkan countries, EU candidate countries. 9. The southern branch of the EU neighbourhood policy. 10. Traditional EU cooperation with African countries. 11. Prospects for EU cooperation with Latin American countries. 12. Anti-dumping in EU foreign trade policy. 13. New modern instruments of EU foreign trade policy.

Requirements to complete the course

20% elaboration and presentation of the semester work, including discussion of it,
20% result of the semester written exam,
60% result of the final exam.

Student workload

Total: study load 7 credits x 26 h = 182 hours
Separate study load for individual educational activities:
Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 26 hours
Elaboration of a semester project: 26 hours
Preparation for written verification of knowledge: 26 hours
Preparation for the final exam: 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 29.02.2024