International Operations in Transport and Forwarding


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- on the underlying economic theories and methods, as well as the interrelationships that form the basis of global business operations in freight forwarding and logistics,
- on international transport and forwarding chains in selected territories,
- in the field of management of international transport, forwarding and logistic operations, as well as management of their risks – export, re-export, import and re-import,
- on pricing in global freight forwarding chains, which reflects export, re-export, import, re-import management activities and is based on a managerial perspective,
- concerning the structure of the international freight market, entities and contractual relations (named/unnamed contracts, outsourcing and incentive contracts), which regulate their functioning,
- concerning positive and negative externalities in the international transport, forwarding and logistic markets.
Students will obtain following skills:
- to work actively with knowledge and information in the field of international transport, shipping and freight forwarding chains,
- to creatively design solutions for the functioning and management of international markets for logistics service providers in the sense of the triangle of transport, freight forwarding and logistics operators (outsourcing/ insourcing in terms of increasing competitiveness and creating added value),
- to work with advanced technologies in highly competitive international freight forwarding (5PL, 6PL/ AI),
- to design solutions for creating simple business models in freight forwarding,
- concerning trade in smart connected products, which form the basis of innovation in international transport, freight forwarding and logistics.
Students will gain following competences:
- to think innovatively and creatively, to manage processes and teamwork in the field of international transport and freight forwarding chains,
- to negotiate the conditions of transport, freight forwarding, logistics, warehousing and management of the freight forwarding chain, conclude outsourced logistics contracts, critically assess, manage and evaluate their performance and success,
- to communicate and present expert opinions in the field of contractual relations, prices of global logistics transactions, liability, transaction mechanism, delivery and financing axis, transfer of ownership of goods between EXW and DDP clauses according to INCOTERMS 2020.

Indicative content

Theoretical background of international transport, shipping and forwarding, international operations in global supply chains, international shipping and forwarding market (demand, supply and export price calculation), positive and negative externalities of international shipping, forwarding and logistics markets with a focus on ecology, ethics, innovation and added value, business models in forwarding and transport.

Support literature

1. KHÚLOVÁ, Lucia. Manažment obchodných operácií v doprave, zasielateľstve a logistike: (prípadové štúdie). Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. 75 s. ISBN 978-80-225-5066-6.
2. CHRISTOPHER, Martin. Logistics & supply chain management. 4th ed. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall/Pearson Education, 2011. 276 s. ISBN 978-0-273-73112-2.
3. GNAP, Jozef – POLIAK, Miloš – SOSEDOVÁ, Jarmila – JAGELČÁK, Juraj. Zasielateľstvo. 3. aktualizované a doplnené vydanie. Žilina: EDIS-vydavateľské centrum ŽU, 2021. 262 s. ISBN 978-80-554-1771-4.
4. KAŠŤÁKOVÁ, Elena – RUŽEKOVÁ, Viera – KHÚLOVÁ, Lucia – PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka. Dovozné a vývozné obchodné operácie. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2022. 219 s. ISBN 978-80-225-5031-4.
5. SOLER, David. Practical Guide to the Incoterms 2020 rules. Marge Books, 2021. 132 s. ISBN 9788418532856.


1. International transport and logistics, transport and freight forwarding chains in selected territories and in current research: Porter, Kindleberger, Krugman, Coase, Williamson. 2. The position of freight forwarding and logistics chains in the fragmentation and participation of global production in business operations. 3. The process of outsourcing/ offshoring in global freight forwarding and logistics chains: relations between the actors of the global freight forwarding chain. 4. Innovations and risks related to the “internetisation” of supply chains in international trade (through 5PL and 6PL operators/ AI). 5. The position of transport in freight forwarding chains: transport and shipping strategies, processes and activities within the technology of foreign trade operations. 6. International freight forwarding market: demand, supply, contract, price in international trade operations in transport and freight forwarding. 7. Nuclear competencies of shippers in the process of international business operations – material, information and financial flows. 8. International contract freight forwarding and logistics in global trade: 3PL, 4PL, triangle of transport, forwarding and logistics providers. 9. Freight forwarding in exports and its impact on the calculation of the export price – the dynamics of transaction costs and their impact on the competitiveness of business entities. 10. Ecological aspects of current international transport and global transportation chains, their importance and specifics. 11. Phenomena of knowledge, information and ethics as aspects of international business activities in transport and freight forwarding. 12. Structure and added value in freight forwarding chains and the contribution of transport and freight forwarding to the international trade in value-added goods (TiVA-OECD). 13. Business modes in international freight forwarding and externalities resulting from the transaction mechanism: critical analysis of the most important business models used in freight forwarding practice, new challenges and trends.

Requirements to complete the course

10% active participation in seminars, solving case studies, their analysis, presentation and discussion
15% ongoing tests
15% project (PowerPoint presentation) its presentation and discussion
60% final written exam

Student workload

Total: study load 5 credits x 26 h = 130 hours
Separate study load for individual educational activities:
Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars and solving case studies: 13 hours
Preparation and processing of the presentation in Power Point: 10 hours
Preparation for ongoing tests (control work): 15 hours
Preparation for the final exam: 40 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 29.02.2024