Research Methods in Economic Systems of Tourism
- Credits: 4
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Commerce
Included in study programs
Teaching results
In particular, students will acquire the following knowledge:
• The new institutional economic theory and the theory of transaction costs offer evidence of the application of quantitative methods in the management of tourism enterprises, as it identifies the source of transaction costs in the existence of imperfect information, the risk of opportunism and specific assets.
• The student will get acquainted with the basic quantitative and statistical methods needed in the analysis of economic systems in tourism, including the basics of descriptive, correlation and regression analysis of cross-sectional data.
• The student theoretically distinguishes the type of data, i.e., he will be able to distinguish between time, cross-sectional and panel data.
• In addition to basic statistical methods, the student will gain knowledge of the necessary verification tests, including the possible occurrence of errors.
• The student will gain knowledge about the availability of suitable databases and information resources.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will acquire the following skills:
• The student obtains data from available sources.
• The student applies basic analytical methods to input data.
• The student will be able to verify, test and reveal the basic methods of cross-sectional data analysis.
• The student will acquire basic skills in predicting time data using extra- and intrapolation methods.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will acquire the following competencies:
• Decision-making in conditions of information uncertainty.
• Analytical competencies.
• Decision-making based on objective data.
• Presentation and communication competencies.
Indicative content
Theoretical background in accordance with the new institutional economic theory and the theory of transaction costs. Introduction and basics of quantitative and statistical methods, including the selection of appropriate sources and databases. Descriptive statistics in tabular and graphical form. Basic processing of time series, including the basics of prediction. Fundamentals of correlation and regression analysis of cross-sectional data, including their testing, interpretation and presentation.
Support literature
1. LUKÁČIKOVÁ, Adriana, Martin LUKÁČIK a Karol SZOMOLÁNYI. (2022). Úvod do ekonometrie s jazykom R. Bratislava: Letra Edu, 372 s.
2. LUKÁČIKOVÁ, Adriana, Martin LUKÁČIK a Karol SZOMOLÁNYI. (2018). Úvod do ekonometrie s programom Gretl. Bratislava: Letra Edu, 345 s.
3. OKUMUS, Fevzi, S. Mostafa RASOOLIMANESH a Shiva JAHANI, eds. (2023). Cutting Edge Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism [online]. Emerald Publishing Limited, s. 157-172. DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80455-063-220231010. ISBN 978-1-80455-064-9. Dostupné na internete:
4. STEINHAUSER, Dušan a Ľuboš PAVELKA. (2021). Riadenie rizík v medzinárodnom obchode. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 140 s.
5. STEINHAUSER, Dušan. (2022). Metódy výskumu v ekonomických systémoch cestovného ruchu a medzinárodnom podnikaní. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 83 s.
1. Theoretical introduction and significance of analysis in accordance with the new institutional economic theory and the theory of transaction costs; 2. Introduction to quantitative and statistical methods, types of data, formulation of hypotheses; 3. Selection of information sources and databases; 4. Introduction to statistical and econometric software GRETL, possibilities of MS EXCEL; 5. Preparation of information sources and databases; 6. Descriptive statistics in MS EXCEL, GRETL and PAST programs; 7. Graphic data display options, scatter plots and box plots; 8. Basics of time series analysis, basics of prediction (intra- and extrapolation); 9. Correlation analysis in MS EXCEL, GRETL and PAST programs, basics of cluster analysis in PAST program; 10. Paired regression analysis of cross-sectional data in MS EXCEL and GRETL programs; 11. Multiregression analysis of cross-sectional data in MS EXCEL and GRETL programs; 12. Testing of regression analysis of cross-sectional data in the GRETL program, detection of errors of heteroskedasticity, collinearity, normal distribution of residues, confidence intervals; 13. Interpretation and presentation of results.
Requirements to complete the course
40% semestral project;
60% written exam.
Student workload
Total: workload 3 credits x 26 h = 78 h.
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 10 hours
Semester semestral project: 22 hours
Preparation for the exam: 20 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Slovak and English
Date of approval: 05.04.2022
Date of the latest change: 25.10.2023