Financial Operations in International Business


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will obtain following knowledge:
- the principles and values of managerial decision-making on the structure of capital procurement in relation to the corporation's equity and the requirements of banks on the basis of new scientific knowledge,
- decision-making in the field of foreign exchange cash flow in corporations,
- comprehensive financial recommendations in the context of social responsibility.
Upon successful finishing of the course, students will obtain mainly following skills:
- formulate scientific-research problems in the field of financial operations in international
business, select adequately a research sample and apply appropriate research methods,
- apply the results of own scientific research in drafting comprehensive internationally acceptable recommendations for corporate finance.
Upon successful finishing of the course, students will acquire following competences:
- respect and implement ethical, social, economic and legal aspects in the context of scientific
research growth, as well as in managerial control and decision-making in the corporate environment,
- present the acquired knowledge, argue own opinions on the issue, lead a discussion and work within multidisciplinary teams,
- publish the results of our own scientific research activities in the field of international financial
operations in respected journals and proceedings registered in the international professional
databases WOS, Scopus, etc.

Indicative content

• Determinants and instruments of monetary policy of central banks.
• Digitization of banking in the conditions of liberalization and globalization of economies.
• Alternative forms of corporate financing in relation to domestic and foreign customers.
• Cooperation of banks with fintech companies for the creation of managers’ investment
decision-making concepts in the implementation of tools based on blockchain technologies and
raising capital on crowdfunding platforms.
• Issues of corporate debt securities, including subordinated debt.
• Choice of strategy for managing foreign exchange positions and foreign currency cash flow of
domestic corporations.
• Default management in the conditions of domestic business entities.
• Restructuring of registered capital and capitalization of assets in corporations.

Support literature

ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena - GACHOVÁ, Katarína - PAVELKA, Ľuboš. Investovanie na trhu komodít a reálnych aktív. Praha : Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2018. 368 p. ISBN 978-80-7598-186-8.
PAVELKA, Ľuboš. - JAMBOROVÁ, E. Mária - RUŽEKOVÁ, Viera. Manuál slovenského exportéra: základy bezpečného obchodovania so zahraničím Prievidza: GNOWEE, 2015. 107 p. ISBN 978-80-97-22059-4.
BALÁŽ, Peter - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - ŠKORVAGOVÁ, Simona - KITTOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Ludmila - KAŠŤÁKOVÁ, Elena - MINÁRIK, Marek - PAVELKA, Ľuboš - DRIENIKOVÁ, Kristína. Medzinárodné podnikanie. Bratislava: Sprint 2, 2019. 304 p. ISBN 978-80-89710-51-5.
ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena - PAVELKA, Ľuboš. Vplyv nemeckého akciového trhu na akciové trhy krajín V4. In Politická ekonomie: teorie, modelování, aplikace. - Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická, 2020, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 554-568. ISSN 0032-3233.
PAVELKA, Ľuboš. Kríza globálnej financializácie a nová finančná architektúra. In Ekonomický časopis. Bratislava: SAV, 2009, vol., 57, no. 8, pp. 804-820. ISSN 0013-3035.


• Determinants and instruments of monetary policy of central banks on the financial sector in economies: differences between the objectives of the monetary policies of FED vs. ECB. • Digitization of banking in the conditions of liberalization and globalization of economies and its impact on the corporate sector in EU countries. • SEPA instruments and instant payments in EEA countries - corporate applications. • Alternative forms of corporate financing and cooperation of banks with fintech companies for the creation of managers’ investment decision-making concepts in the implementation of tools based on blockchain technologies and raising capital by the form of TRADE FINANCE on platforms such as crowdfunding, etc. • Issues of corporate debt securities in conditions of corporations of EEA-based countries. • Application of foreign exchange cash flow in corporations and utilization of tools for elimination of exchange rate/currency risk – comparation of bank products and solutions on the platform of business entities from the field of shadow banking. • Default management in the conditions of domestic business entities and analysis of models of collection mode of failed assets from B2B relations. • Restructuring of debts, liabilities from the perspective of both debtors and creditors, and subordinate debt acquisition in corporations.

Requirements to complete the course

40% seminar paper,
60% exam.

Student workload

Participation in lectures and seminars: 16 hours
Preparation for seminars: 32 hours
Processing of semester work: 32 hours
Preparation for presentation of semester work: 8 hours
Processing of final thesis: 60 hours
Preparation for presentation of final thesis: 8 hours
Preparation for the final exam and discussion for the final study: 104 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 02.04.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.03.2022