Business in the Practice 2 - BUSINESS FINANCING IN PRACTICE


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Be able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in lower grades to solve practical tasks assigned by representatives of economic practice. To practice a cognitive approach to solving problems and projects, to adopt work habits, to take responsibility for working in a team, to get to know the business environment, to learn to work in a heterogeneous or interdisciplinary team.
Competence - to be able to take responsibility for work in a team, to know how to coordinate cooperation in a team, to be able to analyze a given project, to process a concept, to verify results, to be able to argue and coordinate project tasks, to solve conflicts in a team, to model business situations, to create marketing concepts.
Skill – critical thinking, ability to work in a team and analyze the situation, acquire work habits, apply theoretical knowledge to practical activities, keep records, ability to self-reflect.

Indicative content

Entrepreneurship in practice is focused on the comprehensive practical performance of the student,
which is realized in several forms, such as solving projects (project-based learning) in a selected
club in the segment of international trade, tourism or marketing and business management.
Furthermore, it can be participation in an ERASMUS + study or ERASMUS practice, or another
suitable form chosen by the teacher in coordination with the representative of economic practice,
including a visit to the workplace or workplaces of a practice partner.

Support literature

Kotler, P. – Keller, K. L., 2013. Marketingový management. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s. 816 s. ISBN 978-80-247-4150-5.
Oreský, M., 2017. Finančná a ekonomická analýza obchodného podniku. Bratislava: Wolters Kluver. 200 s. ISBN 978-80-8168-763-1.
Filo, P., 2010. Marketing pre projekty. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM. 96 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3005-7.


Individually according to individual clubs, e.g. - Assignment of a professional topic and its solution during the semester with the support of the economic practice coordinator. - Professional lectures and discussion on the issue. - Discussion of students with a representative of top management and a representative from practice. - Excursions and tours of the work spaces of a practice partner. - Work at representative bodies of the Slovak Republic. - Practical performance in the field of tourism. - Solving ad hoc problems (assigned by the teacher or representative of economic practice).

Requirements to complete the course

Term project.
Final presentation.
10% partial presentations
30% processing of semester work
60% final presentation and answers to questions from practice and faculty representatives.

Student workload

Number of credits: 4
Participation in seminars: 26 h
Processing of the semester project: 52 h
Preparation for seminars: 26 h

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 06.04.2022

Date of the latest change: 02.06.2023