Public Policy 2


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is:
expand students' knowledge in the field of public policy making and governance. The course focuses on the essence of public policy making, the links and relationships of individual actors in space, as well as the complexity of these relationships. Compared to the course Public Policy 1, the emphasis is placed not only on the expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge, but above all on the acquisition and improvement of analytical skills in the evaluation of public policies. These skills will enable students to perceive the impacts of public policies not only in the context of space but also long-term goals - strategic governance.
After completing the course, students will be able to:
• analyze and design public policies using appropriate tools
• assess the impact of public policies by several methods and design mechanisms for their evaluation
• perceive and design public policies in the broader context of strategic governance
• understand the concept of value for money
The student is able to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and / or methodological abilities in work or study situations and in professional and personal development (eg in a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of specific public policies, their design, etc. at various levels of government and in the system multi level governance).

Indicative content

1. The societal context of public policies
2. Creation and implementation of public policy, public policy as a process
3. Public policy actors
4. Public policy instruments
5. Outputs vs. Outcomes
6. Public Policy Analysis (process)
7. Public Policy Analysis (methods)
8. Public Policy Evaluation (process)
9. Public Policy Evaluation (methods)
10. Impact of public policies – Regulatory Impact Assessment
11. Value for money concept
12. Strategic governance

Support literature

• Salamon, Lester M. (ed). 2002 The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New Governance. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195136654
• Dunn, W. N.(2017): Public Policy Analysis. An Integrated Approach. Routledge. ISBN 9781138743847
• Moran, M.; Rein, M.; Goodin, R. E. (2008) The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Oxford: OUP.

Requirements to complete the course

100 % work:
• 10 % discussion contributions to the literature read (essays) and active participation in seminars.
• 30 % semester essay (assignment)
• 60 % final exam

Student workload

156 hours:
• 26 hours of participation in lectures,
• 26 hours participation in seminars,
• 52 hours of home regular preparation for seminars - study of literature and preparation of discussion papers,
• 26 hours of semester assignment preparation,
• 26 hours of preparation for the final exam.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 16.02.2022