Municipal Policy


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is:
To provide students with basic knowledge of the functioning of municipal self-government as a representative of municipal policy based on its legislative, economic and personnel assumptions and explain the nature of the creation and links of individual municipal policies as a local government unit in relation to public services and citizens' needs.
After completing the course, students will be able to:
a) Gain knowledge of the functioning of local self-government as part of endogenous development processes with an emphasis on the effectiveness of its performance as an actor of local development
b) They will be able to apply knowledge and creatively analyze the assumptions of the functioning of the municipality as a local government unit, critically evaluate their impact and propose effective measures
c) gain competencies to quantify the state of the municipality on the basis of various methods (financial strength, debt capacity, tax return, creditworthiness, benchmarking) and apply them from the position of municipal manager for the effective development of the municipality

Indicative content

The course is focused on current issues of theory and practice of municipal economic policy. It defines the basic categories and factors: competencies in the development of the municipality, property of municipalities, financial and budgetary relations, tools of municipal policy, quality of staffing. Attention is paid to new approaches in the work of local authorities: management and marketing activities, efficiency of performance and achieving sustainable development. An important part is the position of the municipality in relation to citizens and the role of the citizen in municipal processes (tax, social and information policy). Also the role of the municipality as an actor of local development (business, property, infrastructure and environmental policy of the municipality). Emphasis is placed on the municipal policy of the Slovak Republic in relation to European standards of municipal policy.
1. The position of self-government in the system of public administration
2. Basics of municipal self-government
3. Municipal economy and politics
4. Municipal property and property policy
5. Municipal budget and budget policy
6. Financial management and financial policy of the municipality
7. Social policy of the municipality
8. Control in local government
9. Local economic development
10. Efficiency of local government
11. Sustainable development of the municipality
12. Communication and marketing of the municipality

Support literature

1. ŽÁRSKA, E. a kolektív 2007. Komunálna ekonomika a politika. Bratislava: Ekonóm. 192 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2293-9
2. BLAKELY, E. – GREEN LEIGH, N. 2010. Planning Local economic Development. SAGE Publications. 444 s. ISBN978-1-4129-6093-9
3. PEKOVÁ, J. 2011. Finance územní samosprávy. Česká republika : Wolters Kluwer, 2011. 587 s. ISBN: 978-80-7357-614-1.
4. PROVAZNÍKOVÁ, R. 2015. Financování měst, obcí a regionů. Praha: Grada.280 s. ISBN 978-80-247-5608-0
5. Zákony a legislatívne normy determinujúce postavenie a fungovanie obcí v SR

Requirements to complete the course

100% of that:
• 20% continuous written work - 45 minutes in the 8th week of the semester - evaluates output a) and b),
• 20% semester assignment 2000 words - evaluates output b)
• 60% written exam - 1 hour - evaluates outputs a), c), d)

Student workload

78 (participation in lectures 13 hrs, participation in seminars 13 hrs, preparation for seminars 7 hrs, elaboration of a semester project 7 hrs, preparation for a test 10 hrs, preparation for the final exam 28 hrs)

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 18.02.2022