Green Economy
- Credits: 3
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
• Define the concept of a green economy and explain its value;
• Describe social, environmental and economic benefits of advancing a green economy;
• Identify enabling conditions for greening national economies;
• Provide examples of successful green economy investments, initiatives and projects;
• Describe national planning processes in support of a green transformation.
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
• Identify principal challenges and opportunities for greening key economic sectors;
• Recognize the range of international and regional green initiatives and support services to foster green development;
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
• Apply the green economy concept to a real world economic, policy and/or personal context.
Indicative content
The course is focused on different concepts and facets of the green economy, as well as global, national and sector-specific challenges and opportunities to advance low-carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive development. Students will be provided with practical insights on how to go about developing more sustainable products, using objective and scientific criteria and with examples of success and failure.
1. Introduction to a Green Economy: Concepts and Principles
2. Enabling Conditions for Advancing a Green Economy
3. Greening the Economy: Sectors and Strategies
4. Developing a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy
5. International Developments and Support to Advance a Green Economy
6. Green Economy and Funding
7. Green Jobs and Employment Impacts
8. Retraining Workers for the Green Economy
9. Promoting Green Jobs: Case Studies
10. Green Taxation
11. National Strategies for Development of the Green Economy
12. Green Economy: Slovak Republic
13. Vision for the Future: Pathways to a Sustainable Future
Support literature
CATO, M. S. 2009. Green Economics: An Introduction to Theory, Policy and Practice. London:
Earthscan. ISBN: 978-1-84407-571-3
GEORGESON, L., MASLIN, M. and POESSINOUW, M. 2017. The global green economy: A review of concepts, definitions, measurement methodologies and their interactions. Geo: Geography and Environment, 4 (1), e00036
EUROPEAN COMMISSION. 2013. Promoting green jobs throughout the crisis: a handbook
of best practices in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. ISBN
UNEP. 2008. Green Jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world. Nairobi:
United Nations Office. ISBN: 978-92-807-2940-5
OECD. 2012. The jobs potential of a shift towards a low-carbon economy,
UNCTAD. 2012. The Road to Rio+20: For a development‐led green economy. Issue 3, June
Requirements to complete the course
10% activity
30% course project
60% oral exam
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 12.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 06.04.2021