European Social Systems


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- - Gain knowledge of the European social model functioning and particular areas of social policy in the most important EU countries.
Skills and Competences:
- Analyse and compare different approaches to particular areas of social policy and thus contribute to the formation of analytical and critical thinking of students.

Indicative content

Social policy in the context of European integration.
Current social policy in EU countries.
Specific instruments of social policy in EU countries.
European social model.
Typology of European social models.
Social policy in selected EU countries.
Demographic trends in EU countries and their impact on social policy.
Social differentiation of the population in EU countries.
Disadvantaged groups in the labour market in selected EU countries.
Family policy in selected EU countries.
Housing policy in EU countries.
Social protection.
Development aspects of European social systems.

Support literature

1. Dudová, I.: Európska sociálna politika. Bratislava, Ekonóm 2009.
2. Koldinská, K., Štefko, M.: Sociání reformy ve střední Evropě – cesta k novému modelu sociálního státu? Praha, Auditorium 2011.
3. Európska sociálna charta. Bratislava, Epos, 2009.
4. Sociálna Európa: o čom je európska sociálna politika? Brusel, Európsky parlament, 21.5.2019.
5. Diskusný dokument o sociálnom rozmere Európy. Brusel, Európska komisia 2017.
6. Oznámenie Európskej komisie: Efektívnejšie rozhodovanie v sociálnej politike: Identifikácia oblastí, kde by sa mal posilniť prechod na hlasovanie kvalifikovanou väčšinou. Štrasburg, 16.4.2019. COM (2019) 186 final.
7. Gabrižová, Z.: Euroeizácia sociálnej politiky – prelomenie tabu?. EurActiv 6.11.2017.
8. Geist, R.: EÚ v roku 2017: Sociálne politiky a zamestnanosť.
9. Employment and Social Developments in Europe review: why social fairness and solidarity are more important than ever European Commission. Brussels, 15 September 2020.
10. Employment and Social Developments in Europe. Sustainable growth for all: choices for the future of Social Europe. Brussels: Annual Review 2019.

Requirements to complete the course

active seminar participation -20%
essay – 20%
written exam – 60%

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 07.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 04.11.2021