The Methodology of Economics


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- prepare a literature review that demonstrates knowledge and critical understanding in the area relevant to the study program,
- formulate a research question,
- develop professional and scientific work using appropriate methods,
- present professional and scientific work, discuss and provide feedback to peers.
- propose, justify and apply research methods suitable for the elaboration of scientific article or policy paper,
- prepare scientific paper and policy paper, including the formulation of a research question,
- present, discuss and provide critical feedback on a scientific article or policy paper.
- ability to independently prepare and present scientific work,
- ability to carry out research at the appropriate level.

Indicative content

Methods of scientific work. Independent research of students. Formulation of a research question. Hypothesis formulation. Elaboration of relevant literature review. Determination of research methods used, determination of variables (indicators) and the methods of their visual expression. Scientific style of writing an article. Data processing, elaboration and formulation of results. Presentation skills. Discussion and critical argumentation (feedback on a scientific article/policy paper).

Support literature

Core literature:
1. Dudenhefer, P. (2009). A guide to writing in Economics. EcoTeach Center and Department of Economics, Duke University.
2. Neugeboren, R. H., & Jacobson, M. (2005). Writing Economics. Harvard University.
3. Johnson, J. B., Reynolds, H. T., & Mycoff, J. D. (2015). Political science research methods. Cq Press.
4. Gonda, V. a kol.(2009). Metodika vedeckej práce. Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 252 s.
5. Katuščák, D. (2007). Ako písať záverečné a kvalifikačné práce. Nitra: ENIGMA.
Suggested reading:
1. Gonda, V. (2012). Ako napísať a úspešne obhájiť diplomovú prácu. 6 vyd. Bratislava: Iura Edition, 180 s.
2. Meško, D. – Katuščák, D. – Findra, J. a kol. (2005). Akademická príručka. 2. vyd. Martin: Osveta.
3. Grančay, M. – Szikorová, N. (2011). Nová metodika tvorby písomných prác. Pravidlá písania seminárnej práce. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM.

Requirements to complete the course

Individual work, written essay
- elaboration and presentation of the research question: 15%
- elaboration of scientific article: 40%
- application of appropriate methods: 10%
- presentation of scientific article: 15%
- understanding of the issue of a scientific article: 20%

Date of approval: 13.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 08.04.2021