Economic Seminar


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course consists of a series of seminars, selected topics are delivered by invited external lecturers or researchers from the home university. Students actively participate in the discussion by questioning assumptions, analyzing the methodology or the presentation of results.
By the end of the course students will
• Knowledge: get to learn about cutting-edge research from researchers in their respective fields
• Skills: interactively engage in scholarly debate
• Skills: successfully present their own research
• Competence: critically assess the analysis of other researchers

Indicative content

The presented research papers are beneficial for students in terms of research and / or methodology used. Students will prepare themselves for a moderated discussion on pre-distributed materials.
Discussed topics may include areas such as:
 Industrial Economy
 Assessment of socio-economic development "beyond GDP"
 Evaluation of interventions and public policies
 Income and opportunity inequalities: microeconometric analyses
 Regional analyzes and spatial effects

Support literature

Papers to be discussed sent out beforehand.
LÁBAJ, M. - LUPTÁČIK, M. - NEŽINSKÝ, E. Data envelopment analysis for measuring economic growth in terms of welfare beyond GDP. In Empirica : Journal of European Economics. - Cham : Springer., 2014, vol. 41, pp. 407-4241.

LUPTÁČIK, M.- NEŽINSKÝ, Eduard. Measuring Income Inequalities Beyond the Gini Coefficient. In Central European Journal of Operations Research. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2019.

Requirements to complete the course

At least 80% attendance (monitored by sign-up sheets)
Total study load (in hours): 130 (participation at seminars 26 hours, studying research papers 52, preparation for discussion 52)

Language whose command is required to complete the course

English langauge

Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.06.2021