Štúdie z makroekonomických politík
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
-Students will know the process of deciding on policies and how to choose the applicable measures.
-Students will understand the consequences of policies and measures as well as the interaction of policies and measures.
- Students will understand the usability and effectiveness of policy measures in a variety of situations, including non-standard ones.
-Emphasis on the ability of students to develop and convincingly communicate their own view of the problem and its solution, to manage the opposition of their presented approach.
-Students will be able to use relevant data and economic analysis process to support their policy design.
-Students will be able to set measures and policies in the Slovak and EU environment using a available data.
-Ability to evaluate policies and guide the macroeconomic policy-making process.
Indicative content
1. Macroeconomic models for economic policy evaluation
2. Fiscal consolidation in the Slovak Republic and the EU
3. Data for decision-making in economic policy, data sources, their delays, quality, revisions
4. Disinflation, disinflation costs and the credibility of monetary policy
5. Balance of payments and international competitiveness
6. The process of creation and practical implementation of budgetary and monetary policy in the Slovak Republic
7. The process of creation and implementation of standard and non-standard monetary policies
8. EU banking union
9. Optimal monetary union and the introduction of the euro in the Slovak Republic
10. Distribution of income and assets. Revenue policies.
11. Optimal taxation, transfers, optimal mix of efficiency and equity
12. Determinants of economic growth, endogenous growth, beta and sigma convergence, policies to accelerate long-term growth and convergence
Support literature
Nicola Acocella: Economic Policy in the Age of Globalization, Cambridge University Press, 2005 – kapitoly 10-20
European Commission: Stability and Growth Pact
Blanchard, Leigh (2013): Growth Forecasts and Fiscal Multipliers, IMF WP 2013/01
Ilezetzki, Mendoza, Vegh (2011): How Big (Small) are Fiscal Multipliers?, IMF WP 2011/52
Ódor Ľ, Povala P (2020): Sporiteľ na prvom mieste. Ako zreformovať druhý dôchodkový pilier na Slovensku?, NBS OP 1/2020
The subject also works with analytical documents, professional articles according to their topicality and connection to the issue. The teacher makes them available to students during the semester, well in advance.
Requirements to complete the course
20 % continual tasks and activity on seminars, 20 % tests, 60 % final presentation of the selected topic
Student workload
Total workload: 156 h (participation in lectures 22 h, participation in seminars 22 h, preparation for seminars (continual tasks) 30 h, preparation for tests 34 h, preparation for the exam- presentation of selected topic 48 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Slovak language, English language (passive)
Date of approval: 19.09.2024
Date of the latest change: 03.01.2022