Case Studies from Economic Policy 2


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• The student will gain the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge from economic theory in real economic and political situations.
• The student expands his theoretical knowledge by practical approach to its utilization on various levels of government.
• Active participation in discussion of the presented studies leads him to the development of critical thinking.
• Empirical verification of the conclusions and statements provided.
• During the process of its own case study creation, the student uses available statistical data (Datacube, statistical reports of individual industries and specific datasets to covered topic) and knowledge from economic analysis acquired in other courses.
• The use of quantitative econometric methods in the elaboration of his own case study is expected.
• A case study and its presentation develops the student's communication skills in both written and oral presentation with an emphasis on explaining causal and empirically verified causes in the researched topics.
• Collective discussion and brainstorming on the presented topic encourages students to work in a team and supports the ability to clearly formulate bottlenecks of the analysis not only in the field of its focus but also in the methodology used.

Indicative content

Current case studies and papers focused on individual segments of Slovak economic policy:
1. Competition policy
2. Tax policy
3. Income policy
4. Labor market policy
5. Proposed and adopted economic measures
6. Analysis of monetary policy
7. Analysis of fiscal policy
8. Analysis of foreign economic policy
9. Analysis of economic models
10. Analysis of social policy
11. Analysis of transport policy
12. Analysis of cohesion policy

Support literature

Protimonopolný úrad SR (2020): Vybrané zistenia a závery z vykonaných prešetrovaní Protimonopolného úradu Slovenskej republiky v sektore maloobchodného predaja pohonných látok (online)
IFP (2020): Trh práce v karanténe, Komentár 2020/10. Inštitút finančnej politiky MF SR (online)
KISS, I. – PALKO, F. a kol. (2013): Európske fondy v praxi. Bratislava. ISBN 978-80-971284-7-0. Dostupné na:
NBS (2020): „Skutočná“ inflácia počas pandémie. Analytický komentár č. 85, NBS (online).

Requirements to complete the course

Class activity, Continuous preparation of final seminar paper 40 %.
Assigned seminar paper and its presentation 60 %.

Student workload

Total study load 78 hours
Of which: Seminars 26 hours, Preparation for seminars 26 hours, Semester assignment 26 hours.

Language whose command is required to complete the course

English, Slovak

Date of approval: 04.03.2022

Date of the latest change: 04.03.2022