National Accounts


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- presentation of economic relations using graphical and mathematical tools in MS Excel based on data on national accounts provided by Eurostat
- creation of meaningful interpretations of monitored macroeconomic indicators created by combination of various variables in the system of national accounts
- being familiar with the used data and realizing their advantages and limitations - current prices, international comparison, role of proxy variables in economic analysis
- ability to analyze and verify economic knowledge on real macroeconomic data with use of seminar paper for selected country and assigned account
- take an analytical approach to development trends and understand the causes of their development - ability to critically evaluate achieved results during the process of indicators formation
- development of skills for processing qualitative economic analysis during the seminar paper preparation
- interpretation of economic data and achieved results using their own created indicators - qualitative economic analysis
- correct interpretation of various empirical results and awareness of the limits of the achieved results
- creation of own qualitative analysis with emphasis on finding the causes of economic indicators development - distinguish between correlation and causality
- team cooperation during creation of a joint semester project - seminar paper is created by team of students encouraging cooperation among them

Indicative content

1. System of national accounts. Basic principles of the ESA 2010 system
2. Institutional sectors
3. Production account
4. Generation of income account
5. Allocation of primary income account
6. Secondary distribution of income account
7. Use of income account
8. Capital accounts
9. Goods and services account
10. Supply table
11. Use table
12. Macroeconomic aggregates.

Support literature

Morvay, K. (2021): Základy práce s národnými účtami. Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, Bratislava 2021.
Stanislava Hronová, Jakub Fischer, Richard Hindls, Jan Sixta: Národní účetnictví – od výroby k bohatství Praha: C. H. Beck, 2019. 1st edition. 432 pages. ISBN 978-80-7400-738-5
Lequiller, F. and D. Blades (2014), Understanding National Accounts: Second Edition, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Requirements to complete the course

Class activity, continuous written assignment and final seminar work 40 %.
Written exam 60 %.

Student workload

Total study load 156 hours
Of which: Lectures 26 hours, Seminars 26 hours, Preparing for seminars 13 hours, Semester assignment 13 hours, Preparing for evaluations during the semester 26 hours, Final exam preparation 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 12.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 11.03.2025