Investment analyses on capital markets


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Knowledge and Competences:
By completing the course Investment analyses on capital markets, a student should significantly improve his capital market analytical skills. The course further develops analytical skills obtained by completing the Capital Markets course. In terms of fundamental analysis, the course focuses on macroeconomic factors affecting the behavior of capital markets, on sectoral analysis that investigates the structure of individual industries from the capital markets standpoint, and also on microeconomic analysis on the company level. In terms of technical analysis, the course deals with technical analysis tools widely used on stock markets, ranging from the analysis of trends and cycles, to graphical price formations and mathematic-statistical indicators. In terms of psychological analysis, attention is paid especially to the theory of bubbles and to calendar anomalies. By completing this course, the student should obtain deeper knowledge and skills in the area of investment analyses on capital markets, that can be used in praxis in a wide range of analytical and asset management positions in banks, insurance companies, and asset management companies, as well as for an individual analysis of financial markets.

To learn how to work with databases and to improve analytical skills and abilities of interpretation of capital market changes.
To solve problems as a team.
To seek the most effective and rational methods from the point of view of a financial institution as well as an individual investor.

Indicative content

1. Macroeconomic analysis I.
- The basics of fundamental analysis at the macro-level
- Macroeconomic indicators and their impact on stock markets
2. Macroeconomic analysis II.
- The impact of monetary policy on stock markets
- Inflation and stock markets
3. Macroeconomic analysis III.
- The impact of budgetary policy on stock markets
4. Macroeconomic analysis IV.
- The impact of the election cycle on capital markets
- The impact of other external factors (wars, coups, natural disasters) on capital markets
5. Sectoral analysis
- Sectoral structure in relation to stock markets
6. Microeconomic analysis I.
- Financial analysis at the company-level and its indicators
7. Microeconomic analysis II.
- Valuation of shares using discount models
8. Technical analysis I.
- Analysis of trends
- Graphic price formations
.9 Technical analysis II.
- Mathematical-statistical tools of technical analysis
10. Psychological analysis
- Causes and effects of bubbles on capital markets
- Calendar anomalies on capital markets
11. Bottom-Up analysis of a selected stock company I.
12. Bottom-Up analysis of a selected stock company II.
13. Final evaluation of semester activities

Support literature

1. CHOVANCOVÁ, B. – ÁRENDÁŠ, P. – KOTLEBOVÁ, J. – PILCH, C. (2017). Analýzy na akciových trhoch. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2017. ISBN 978-80-755-2796-7
2. SIEGEL, J. (2011). Stocks for the Long Run. New York: McGraw Hill, 2011. ISBN 978-00-718-0051-8
3. HRVOĽOVÁ, B. (2015). Analýza finančných trhov. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2015. ISBN 978-80-747-8948-9

Requirements to complete the course

20 % discussion to the covered topics
20 % work on team assignments
60 % work on individual assignments

Student workload

- seminars 22 hours
- preparation for seminars 18 hours
- preparation of the semestral assignment 38 hours

Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 19.02.2025