Derivatives on financial market


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to enable students to understand the market of financial derivatives, ways of their use, valuation and the current state in advanced financial markets, especially the issues associated with the process of globalization.
Knowledge and skills:
Upon successful completion of this course, participants should be able to: understand the mechanism of creation and functioning of financial market derivatives, use derivatives for hedging, speculation and arbitrage, value basic financial market derivatives, understand the problem of derivatives in the broader context of a globalized financial market.
Skills, properties and other attributes:
quantify the factors influencing financial derivatives, interpret empirical work in the field of financial derivatives, perform primary research, provide a balanced and reasoned opinion on the use of financial derivatives.

Indicative content

1. Introduction to financial derivatives. Definition of basic terms, inclusion of financial derivatives in the structure of the financial market. Future contracts - basic concepts, meaning, functions, valuation principles. Definition of futures contracts, basic characteristics of futures contracts, their use in practice, valuation principles, risk-free arbitrage and its exclusion. Functions of futures contracts - security, speculation, arbitration.
2. Currency forwards - valuation and use. Security, speculation, arbitration. Definition of currency forwards, use them in practice, valuation principles, risk-free arbitrage and its exclusion. Fair value of currency forwards and its calculation. Significance of the fair value of currency forwards, calculation of the fair value of currency forwards, the difference between the price and the fair value of the currency forward, its definition and use in IFRS and taxation.
3. Interest rate forwards - valuation and use. Definition of interest rate forwards, use them in practice, valuation principles, risk-free arbitrage and its exclusion. Security, speculation, arbitration. Fair value of interest rate forwards and its calculation. Significance of the fair value of interest rate forwards, calculation of the fair value of interest rate forwards, the difference between the price and the fair value of the interest rate forward, its definition and use in IFRS and taxation.
4. Futures - specifics and method of trading on the stock exchange. Basic characteristics of futures and specifics of futures trading on the stock exchange. Daily settlement of profit and loss. Futures on foreign currency. Definition of foreign currency futures, method of trading, use in practice. Security, speculation, arbitration.
5. Interest rate futures. Use the definition of short-term interest rate futures, the method of trading, in practice. Security, speculation, arbitration. Other futures - for indices, for long-term interest rates - CTD bonds. Definition of other futures, their meaning and use in practice. Calculation of CTDs of bonds when trading futures at the long-term interest rate. Security, speculation, arbitration.
6. Swaps - meaning and use. Basic characteristics of swaps, their importance and use in practice. Currency swaps. Definition of currency swaps, their calculation, use in practice. Interest rate swaps. Definition of currency swaps, their calculation, use in practice.
7. Option trades - meaning, use and basic graphs of profit and loss. Basic definition of option trades, their meaning, standardization. Security, speculation, arbitration. History of option trades. Basic principles of option pricing - Black - Scholes model I. Basic principles of option pricing, transition from pricing of futures contracts to option pricing. Distribution function of the standard normal distribution. Internal and time value.
8. Basic principles of option pricing - Black - Scholes model II. The basic principles of option pricing, Call and Put parity, use it in practice. Volatility and its importance. Volatility calculation, its importance in valuation and trading in practice.
9. Greek alphabet. Significance of derivatives of individual input variables influencing the option price. Delta hedging. The effect of the change in the spot price on the option price and the importance of delta hedging in trading in practice. Gamma hedging. The effect of the change in the spot price on the option price and the importance of gamma hedging in trading in practice. Normal distribution density.
10. Option strategies I. Vertical strategies: call spread, vertical put spread, condor, butterfly, straddle, strangle - meaning and use.
11. Option strategies II. Horizontal and diagonal option strategies - meaning and use.
12. Exotic options I. Asian options, barrier options, Bermuda options - basic principles and use in practice.
13. Exotic options II. Binary options, chooser options, compound options - basic principles and use in practice.

Support literature

. Brealey, Richard A. - Myers, Stewart C. Teorie a praxe firemních financí. Translated by Zdeněk Strnad - Vilém Jungmann - Tomáš Hlaváč. Vyd. 1. Praha : Computer Press, 2000. xix, 1064. ISBN 80-7226-189-4.
2. Sharpe, William F. - Alexander, Gordon J. Investice. Translated by Zdeněk Šlehofr. 4. vyd. Praha : Victoria Publishing, 1994. 810 s. ISBN 80-85605-47-3.
3. Blake, David. Analýza finančních trhů. Translated by Aleš Hrnčíř - Petr Šedý - Pavel Šimůnek. Vyd. 1. Praha : Grada, 1995. 623 s. ISBN 80-7169-201-8.
4. Jílek, Josef. Termínové a opční obchody. Vyd. 1. Praha : Grada, 1995. 286 s. ISBN 80-7169-183-6
5. Hull, John. Options, futures, and other derivatives. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. xxii, 822. ISBN 978-0-13-601586.

Requirements to complete the course

Evaluation of students' performance during the seminars 40 %
Final exam – 60 %
Passing the course is conditioned by obtaining at least 51% of the points set for the active form of teaching and at the same time at least 51% of the points set for the exam.

Student workload

participation in lectures 26 h,
participation in seminars 26 h
preparation for seminars 13 h
preparation and processing of tests 39 h
preparation for the exam 52 h

Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 20.02.2025