Digitalisation in finance
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The aim of the course is to comprehend the processes of digitalisation occurring at the financial market and understand its economic and social consequences. This course shall offer students basic understanding about gradual penetration of digital technologies into the world of finance and financial services in private and public sector.
I. Knowledge base and understanding
After completing this course, students should be capable of:
• understanding trends, introduced by digital transformation into financial services and into the services of public sector and what are the motivations behind their development
• comprehending a status-quo of digital infrastructure and of financial digitalisation from the perspective of its concepts, definitions, legislation, data protection, regulation and economic and social effects.
• Knowledge base, cost and benefits that digitalisation brings into the private sector and what do these processes imply for efficiency of public sector.
II. Skills and Competence
After completing this course, students should be able to:
• design an innovative product for the digitalised world of finance
• create a business plan aiming to boost efficiency of services in financial or public sector and understand its wider consequences.
Indicative content
• Trends in digitalisation
• Innovative products and services. Designing a business plan.
• Digital transformation in financial market services and in public sector
• Big data, artificial intelligence, and their place in digital transformation of finance
• Data management, text mining, handling paradata and their use in digital finance
• Selected technologies and digital platforms. Effects on corporate efficiency, changes in corporate structure and competitiveness.
• Digital currencies. Cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology and its potential use.
• Legal matters, privacy and security concerns. Data protection. Ethical issues in digital transformation of financial services.
• Student projects and their presentation – products and services in e-finance and their introduction to market
• Regulation of FinTech. Regulation of shadow banking.
• Economic processes in the environment of digital transformation of finance.
Support literature
Rogers David, L.: Digital Transformation Playbook, Columbia University Press, 2016
Ustundag, A., Cevikcan E. Industry 4.0: Managing the Digital Transformation, Springer, 2017
Requirements to complete the course
15% individual project, 15% mid-semester test, 10% class activity, 60% final exam.
Student workload
Total study load (in hours):
1 credit = 8 hours, i.e. total student load = 6 credits * 8 hours
Student workload: 156 hours
Attendance of lectures – 26 hours, Seminars – 26 hours, Seminar preparation – 26 hours
Semester project and mid-term test preparation – 26 hours,
Preparation for the final exam – 52 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 11.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 28.01.2022