Business Italian for Intermediate Students I.


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Language knowledge: mastering the basic principles of professional language.
Language skills: the student is able to use receptive and productive language skills at the required level and is able to create a clear comprehensible text on professional topics, he/she understands the main ideas in a clear standard speech, understands texts, is able to react in various situations which are typical for private and professional life.
Language competencies: effective use of acquired language skills which are necessary for student’s successful application in practice and for social, academic or professional purposes.

Indicative content

1. Curriculum vitae
2. Cover letter
3. Recruitment process
4. Job interview
5. Hiring a new employee
6. Work environment
7. Mail communication
8. Telephone communication
9. Advertising
10. Marketing
11. Product
12. Brand

Support literature

Cherubini, N: Convergenze: Iperlibro di italiano per affari. Roma: Bonacci editore, 2012
Pelizza, G. – Mezzadri, M.: L‘italiano in azienda. Perugia: Guerra Edizioni, 2002
Complementary articles from the current Italian press and the Internet.

Requirements to complete the course

Activity at seminars – 20 %
Assessment of homework assignments – 20 %
Results of the final written exam – 60 %

Student workload

78 hours
26 hours – Seminars participation
26 hours – Seminars preparation
26 hours – Exam preparation

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 14.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 11.01.2022