Accounting for managers


Included in study programs

Teaching results

24 hours of lectures
54 hours of preparation for the seminars
24 hours of preparation for the interim concept check test (30 % of the overall grading)
54 hours of preparation for the exam,
- out of which 24 hours of the preparation for the exercises (30 % of the overall grading)
- out of which 30 hours of the preparation for the compilation and the analysis of the financial statements of a company (40 % of the overall grading
Total study load (in hours): 156

Indicative content

Financial statements and its use in practice by leading international companies and in the SR. Factors which contribute to the results presented in the financial statements. Legal framework of accounting and its impact on the comparability of the accounting data. Financial analysis and the elements of the financial statements (assets, liability, equity, expenses, income, cash flows). Measurement of asssets and liabilities. Description of the financial statements and its compilation. Accounting for selected transactions, events and and their compilation.

Support literature

1. Šlosárová, A. - Blahušiaková, M. 2020. Analýza účtovnej závierky. Bratislava : Wolters
Kluwer SR. ISBN 978-80-571-01666-6
2. Juhászová, Z. a kol. 2021. Účtovníctvo. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer SR
3. Tumpach, M. - Gedeon, M. - Parajka, B. - Surovičová, A. 2023. Účtovníctvo pre manažérov a
pre podnikateľov. Zbierka príkladov. Bratislava : SKCÚ
Optional (laws and other statutes for the accounting in the SR):
1. Zákon č. 431/2002 Z. z. o účtovníctve v znení neskorších predpisov.
2. Opatrenie Ministerstva financií č. 23054/2002 –92 ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o postupoch účtovania a rámcovej účtovej osnove pre podnikateľov účtujúcich v sústave podvojného účtovníctva v znení neskorších predpisov.
3. Opatrenie Ministerstva financií Slovenskej republiky z 3. decembra 2014 č. MF/23377/2014-74, ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o individuálnej účtovnej závierke a rozsahu údajov určených z individuálnej účtovnej závierky na zverejnenie pre veľké účtovné jednotky a subjekty verejného záujmu v znení neskorších predpisov


Indicative content: 1. Accounting information for investors: financial statements of selected companies quoted at New York Stock Exchange and analysis of the scope of disclosed information. Register of the financial statements in the SR. 2. Economic and non-economic factors contributing to results presented in the financial statements (changes in the level of the production, provision of services and sales of goods and merchandise; changes of cost from operating and financing activities; fraudulent financial reporting). 3. Alternative ways of accounting for selected transactions, events and other conditions on the economic results of a company. Accounting regulation and its impact on comparability of accounting information. National and international (IFRS) legal framework of accounting. 4. Selected financial metrics and their relation to financial statements. Definitions and criteria for the recognition of the elements of the financial statements (assets, liabilities, expenses, income). 5. Measurement of assets and liabilities and its impact on the metrics of financial analysis. Historical costs, current value, and fair value. 6. Accounting records, books of accounting and their use in the process of the preparation of financial statements. 7. Accounting for funding of entities from the contribution of the owners, credits and loans. 8. Accounting for acquisition of assets and its use in the process of manufacturing, sale and / or provision of services. 9. Accounting for financial assets. 10. Stock-taking of assets and liabilities. Use of estimates in accounting. 11. Preparation and presentation of the Balance-sheet. 12. Preparation and presentation of the Income statements. 13. Preparation and presentation of the Cash flow statements.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.10.2023