Asset Value Management


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• Comprehensive knowledge of valuation, valuation, determination of the fair value of assets, factors that affect it and management of this value, in the context of applicable accounting regulations, objectification of the value of assets, transfer pricing, current legislation at national and European level, expert, advisory and expertise. The student will also gain knowledge especially about the valuation of assets, approaches, methods and procedures contained in the International Valuation Standards, local legislation, the latest scientific research publications and procedures used in practice. New trends in value management according to ISO / DIS 55000: 2012 Asset management, which represents “coordinated activities of the organization, through which it creates value by using its assets. Furthermore, Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), which is a system for managing the life cycle of all assets owned by the company - from planning, through purchase, subsequent operation to decommissioning
• Possibilities of using various valuation and valuation procedures in objectifying the book value and determining the fair value of assets
• Methods and procedures used in transfer pricing
• Identification of factors influencing the value of assets and quantification of their impact on the company's value flows
• Application of globally applied valuation and valuation standards, European valuation standards (EVS) and European valuation guidance notes (EVGN)
• The student's ability to identify the asset and the economic benefits from it
• Ability to identify factors affecting the fair value of the asset
• Ability to assess these factors and competently select an appropriate method for valuing the asset
• Ability to determine the fair value of the asset (market, investment and fair value)
• Ability to create value stream scenarios
• Presentation skills and reporting, holding transfer pricing of assets

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Introduction to asset value management.
2. Valuation of assets at fair (market) value according to accounting regulations.
3. Purposes of fair value measurement according to the Accounting Act.
4. International valuation standards IVSC and expert activity in the field of valuation (determination of general value) in the conditions of the Slovak Republic.
5. Real estate appraisal - land and buildings.
6. Valuation of machines.
7. Valuation of means of transport.
8. Valuation of securities.
9. Evaluation of receivables.
10. Valuation of inventories.
11. Transfer pricing, rules and principles, transfer documentation, market analyzes, tax aspects, risk and problem management
12. International standardization of property valuation and its principles.
13. Issues of environmental debt assessment, environmental burden.
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Introduction to the subject.
2. Valuation and revaluation in accounting.
3. European Valuation Standards (EVS).
4. Valuation of assets according to valid regulations in the Slovak Republic.
5. Real estate appraisal.
6. Evaluation of machines.
7. Evaluation of means of transport, division into railways, aircraft and ships.
8. Valuation of securities.
9. Valuation of receivables, methods of valuation of receivables.
10. Inventory evaluation, methods, principles and procedures.
11. Current structure and content of European valuation standards (EVS).
12. Continuous written exam
13. Evaluation of seminar papers and continuous written exam.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. KUBICA, Milan a kol. Znalectvo. 2. vyd. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2016, 332 s. ISBN 978-80-571-0115-4.
2. KUBICA, Milan a kol. Znalectvo – praktikum. 2. prepracované a rozšírené vydanie. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer SR, 2019. 426 s. ISBN 978-80-571-0115-4.
3. ILAVSKÝ, Miloslav – NIČ, Milan – MAJDÚCH, Dušan. Ohodnocovanie nehnuteľností. Bratislava : MIpress, 2012. 466 s. ISBN 978-80-971021-0-4.
4. HARUMOVÁ, Anna a kol. Stanovenie hodnoty podniku. Bratislava : Iura Edition, 2009. 499 s. ISBN 978-80-8078-224-5.
5. HARUMOVÁ, Anna Ohodnocovanie pohľadávok. Bratislava : Iura Edition, 2002. 238 s. ISBN 80-89047-45-9.
6. KUBICA, Milan a kol.: Výnosové metódy v znalectve. (pripravené do tlače)
Supplementary literature:
1. BRADÁČ, Albert. Soudní inženýrství. Brno : Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 1997. 719 s. ISBN 80-7204-057-X.
2. BRADÁČ, Albert. Teória oceňovania nehnuteľností. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, Ústav súdneho znalectva. 2002. 156 s. ISBN 80-227-1780-0.
3. BRADÁČ, Albert. Teorie oceňování nemovitostí. 8. přepr. a dopl. vyd. Brno : Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2009. 754 s. ISBN 978-80-7204-630-0.
4. BRADÁČ, Albert – FIALA, Josef. – HLAVINKOVÁ, Vítězslav. Nemovitosti. Oceňování a právni vztahy. Praha : Linde, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7201-679-2.
5. BRADÁČ, A. – KLEDUS, M. – KREJČÍŘ, P. 2010. Soudní znalectví. Brno : Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2010. 242 s. ISBN 978-80-7204-704-8.
6. BRADÁČ, Albert – PORADA, Viktor. Súdne inžinierstvo. Bratislava : Bratislavská vysoká škola práva, 2008. 184 s. ISBN 978-800-89363-08-7.
7. BRADÁČ, Albert – SCHOLZOVÁ, Vlasta – KREJČÍŘ, Pavel. 2011. Uřední oceňování majetku. Brno : Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2011. 302 s. ISBN 978-80-7204-719-2.
8. COPELAND, Tom – KOLLER, Tim – MURRIN, Jack. 1991. Stanovení hodnoty firem. Praha : Victoria Publishing, 1991. 360 s. ISBN 80-85605-41-4.
9. BĚLOHLÁVEK, A. J. – HÓTOVÁ, R. 2011. Znalci v mezinárodním prostředí – v soudním řízení a trestním, v rozhodčím řízení a investičních sporech. Praha: C.H.BECK, 2011. 592 s. ISBN 978-80-7400-395-0
10. ADAIR, A. – DOWNIE, M. L. – MCGREAL, S. – VOS, G. 1996. European valuation practice: theory and technique. London : Taylor & Francis, 1996. 353 s. ISBN 0-419-20040-1.
11. BARKER, Richard. Determining value Valuation models and financial statements. Pearson education limited. Glasgow : Bell & Bain, Ltd., 2001. 240 s. ISBN 978-0-273-63979-4.
12. VYPARINA, Marián. a kol. 2001. Metodika výpočtu všeobecnej hodnoty nehnuteľností a stavieb. Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2001. 113 s. ISBN 80-7100-827-3.
13. VYPARINA, Marián – TOMKO, Milan – TÓTH, Stanislav. Životnosť a opotrebovanie budov v znaleckej praxi. Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2008. 176 s. ISBN 978-80-8070-647-0.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Introduction to asset value management. Basic principles and procedures for valuing assets, revaluation of assets according to applicable legislation and accounting regulations - objectification of asset value, Transfer valuation - principles, methods and use in practice, expertise and expertise aimed at objectifying the value of assets and its application in practice 2. Valuation of assets at fair (market) value according to accounting regulations - acquisition price, own costs, reproduction acquisition value, nominal value, fair value. Explanation of basic principles and valuation procedures according to accounting regulations. 3. Purposes of fair value measurement according to the Accounting Act, principles and procedures for determining the fair (market) price, value determined by the valuation model, expert opinion. Determination of fair value, which is the market value or a qualified estimate or expert opinion 4. International valuation standards IVSC and expert activity in the field of valuation (determination of general value) in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. Organizational structure of the Council for International Valuation Standards (IVS), objectives and methodology, creation of a framework for uniformity and procedures, content, purpose and form of assessment, RICS Code of Ethics. Red Book - Global Standards and Major Changes in the Current Edition Expert activity, expert, expert opinion, form and requisites, methods used to determine the general value of property 5. Real estate appraisal - land and buildings. Determination of the general (market) value of real estate - method of positional differentiation, yield and comparison method, collection of information and documents, application in practice Valuation - comparative, substantive and liquidation method, rating method, valuation and residual value, combined value method, various cost values 6. Valuation of machines, machinery and electrical equipment, classification and valuation methods, accounting regulations, expert regulations and international valuation standards 7. Valuation of means of transport, classification of means of transport, methods and procedures of valuation, accounting regulations, expert regulations and international valuation (valuation) standards 8. Valuation of securities, definition and classification, methods, principles and procedures, current (market) value of shares, business shares 9. Evaluation of receivables from the economic, accounting and legal point of view, categorization of receivables - current, doubtful (dubious), disputed, blocked and expired. Receivables valuation methods - method of financial-economic analysis of the debtor (rating method), method of criteria division into groups (bank classification model), method of differential enforceability, principles and procedures of valuation of receivables. 10. Valuation of inventories from an economic point of view, from the point of view of accounting and within IFRS - IAS 2 standard inventory, classification of inventories according to valid legislation in SR and international standards, methods, principles and procedures, activity indicators - turnover, turnaround time and turnover rate and their impact on value 11. Transfer pricing, rules and principles, transfer documentation, market analyzes, tax aspects, risk and problem management 12. International standardization of property valuation and its principles, conditions and initiatives of international standardization, Council for International Valuation of Standards, organizational structure of the Council for International Valuation Standards, focus of standards, scope of implementation, division of standards, Red Paper - Global Standards and the most fundamental changes in the current edition , European Valuation Standards (EVS), The European Group of Valuers Associations (TEGoVA) 13. Issues of environmental debt assessment, environmental burden - determination, extent of disposal and related costs, methods of measuring environmental debt, evaluation of risks and burdens in the environment, costs of environmental damage removal, time consuming, contamination surveys. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Introduction to the subject, acquaintance of students with the conditions for obtaining credit. Definition of basic concepts in objectifying the value of assets, objectifying the value of assets for accounting operations, transfer operations, expert valuation and according to international valuation standards, application in practice, which is addressed in detail in subsequent exercises 2. Valuation and revaluation in accounting; transfer documentation; analysis of the development of the primary and secondary asset market, factors influencing it, tax aspects and impacts 3. European Valuation Standards (EVS), issued by the international association TEGoVA in the so-called Blue Book, should contribute to a more objective estimate of the market value of assets. Red Book - Global Standards and Major Changes in the Current Edition (2019) 4. Valuation of assets according to valid regulations in the Slovak Republic. Expert activity, expert, expert opinion, form and requisites, methods used to determine the general value of property 5. Real estate appraisal - land and buildings. Determination of general (market) value of real estate - method of positional differentiation, yield and comparison method, collection of information and documents, application in practice. Valuation - comparative, substantive and liquidation method, rating method, valuation and residual value, combined value method, various cost values 6. Evaluation of machines, machinery and electrical equipment, classification 7. Evaluation of means of transport, division into railways, aircraft and ships. Valuation procedures and factors that affect the resulting market value. Historic vehicles and their values (collector's) 8. Valuation of securities, definition and classification, methods, principles and procedures, current (market) value of shares, business shares 9. Valuation of receivables, methods of valuation of receivables - method of financial and economic analysis of the debtor (rating method), method of criteria division into groups (bank classification model), method of differential enforceability, practical examples from practice. 10. Inventory evaluation, methods, principles and procedures. Breakdown of inventories according to the legal regulation of accounting in the Slovak Republic in accordance with Act no. 431/2002 Coll. on accounting and international accounting standards General values of stocks according to evaluation regulations, coefficient of objectification of the value of stocks 11. Current structure and content of European valuation standards (EVS) - to explain that they are more general in valuation, they explain the basic concepts and assumptions of valuation, they determine the qualification requirements for experts and the requirements for expert opinions. 12. Continuous written exam 13. Evaluation of seminar papers and continuous written exam.

Requirements to complete the course

30% continuous written work, 70% written exam

Student workload

130 h (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars and presentation of partial outputs from seminar work 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation for continuous paper 13 h, preparation for final exam 39 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022