Entrepreneurial Environment in EU


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• Basic knowledge of international business and business environment in the European Union with a focus on the economic characteristics of the EU in general and individual policies, specific information on business conditions in EU member states and the possibility of developing export and import activities for Slovak companies.
• make effective use of essential information on international business and the business environment in the European Union in practice,
• critically assess the current problems of EU member states, the EU's external relations, general development policy and the EU's relations with third countries,
• characterize the essence and evaluate the economy of EU member states, general tax policy and the consequences of tax differentiation in the EU, common policies in the EU and their impact on a specific company.
• Analyze the suitability of the business entity in an international environment
• Ability to assess the benefits of cooperation for Slovak companies with individual EU countries and risk identification in the case of international cooperation
• Knowledge of the business opportunities of our companies abroad and foreign entities in our country.
• Evaluation of economic policy and tax policy of EU member states, the consequences of tax differentiation in the EU on our business entities.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of exercises:
1. The essence of international business.
2. Origin and development of the European Union.
3. European Union institutions and bodies.
4. European Monetary Union.
5. The European Union's single internal market.
6. Economic and social cohesion in the EU.
7. Selected common EU policies.
8. Selected EU economic policies.
9. Environment and its protection in the EU.
10. Tax policy in the EU.
11. EU budget and its financing.
12. Common Foreign and Security Policy.
13. Education in EU countries.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. ŠÚBERTOVÁ, Elena. Podnikateľské prostredie v Európskej únii. Bratislava : Kartprint, 2014. 128 s. ISBN 9788089553242.
2. LIPKOVÁ, Ľudmila a kol. Európska únia. Bratislava : Sprint dva, 2011. 446 s. ISBN 978-80-89393-33-6.
3. REICHBAUER, Ondrej. Európska únia pre každého. Bratislava : Eurolitera, 2004. 155 s. ISBN 80-968520-8-6.
4. https://een.ec.europa.eu/
5. https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/enterprise-europe-network
Supplementary literature:
1. ELERT, Niklas a kol.: The Entrepreneurial Society (A Reform Strategy for EU). Berlin : Springer 2019. 279 s. ISBN 978-3-662-595-86-2.
2. BALÁŽ, Peter a kol. Medzinárodné podnikanie. Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2020. 306 s. ISBN 9788089710515.
3. http://www.sbagency.sk/
4. https://www.economy.gov.sk/
5. https://www.euractiv.sk


Thematic definition of exercises: 1. The essence of international business (the importance of international business for companies, ways of penetrating and operating in foreign markets, advantages, limitations). 2. Origin and development of the European Union. Legal bases of the European Union (EC Treaties, EU, Lisbon and Amsterdam Treaties, EU enlargement, candidate countries, symbols, sources of law, primary and secondary law) 3. European Union institutions and bodies (Decision-making rules and procedures, Eurlex, European Parliament, European Council, Council of the European Union, European Commission and other EU institutions) 4. European Monetary Union (creation of monetary union, transition to the euro in individual countries, Eurozone, activities of monetary union institutions, degrees of economic integration, European Semester) 5. The European Union's single internal market (development of the European Union's single market, principles of the internal market, regulation of trade barriers, Europe 2030 Strategy, business support) 6. Economic and social cohesion in the EU (objectives of economic and social cohesion, European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund) 7. Selected common EU policies (Common Agricultural Policy, Transport Policy, Energy Policy) 8. Selected EU economic policies (Tourism, Industrial policy, other areas of economic policy) 9. Environment and its protection in the EU (basic objectives of environmental policy, principles of environmental policy) 10. Tax policy in the EU (main priorities of tax policy, measures against tax evasion) 11. EU budget and its financing (characteristics and creation of the European Union budget, budget financing) 12. Common Foreign and Security Policy (objectives and instruments of the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Foreign Affairs Council) 13. Education in EU countries (goals in the field of vocational education, goals in the field of higher education, international cooperation in the field of higher education)

Requirements to complete the course

40 % semestral written exam, 60 % written exam

Student workload

104 h (participation on seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation on semestral exam 16 h, preparation for exam 36 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022