Psychology (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• The course provides theoretical knowledge in the field of applied psychological disciplines: personality psychology, work psychology, social psychology and psychology of management and leadership of people. All these disciplines form the basis of managerial and entrepreneurial competences and skills.
• understand human behaviour and identify nonstandard employee behaviour in the work process,
• effectively use knowledge of individual personality types in employee selection, employee placement in the company, planning training needs, employee career development, etc.,
• evaluate the choice and purpose of using psychological methods in the company,
• propose solutions to various forms of bullying in the work group.
• diagnostics of psychological states of people working in the work process,
• prevention of negative psychological states in the work process,
• development of work and rest regimes and adjustments to the working environment in accordance with the promotion of the mental health of employees.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Introduction to the subject of psychology.
2. Methods of psychology and their application in practice.
3. Psychology of personality.
4. Personality of the manager.
5. Work and entrepreneurial activity from the psychological point of view.
6. Psychology of working environment.
7. Psychology of performance and efficiency.
8. Psychological tools for increasing work motivation.
9. Psychological phenomena in the work group.
10. Bullying in the work group.
11. Psychological disorders arising in the work process.
12. Psychological conditions arising in the work process.
13. Psychohygiene in the work process.
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Introduction to the subject of psychology.
2. Methods of psychology and their application in practice.
3. Personality psychology.
4. Manager's personality.
5. Work and business activities from a psychological point of view.
6. Psychology of the work environment.
7. Psychology of performance and effectiveness.
8. Psychological tools for increasing work motivation.
9. Psychological phenomena in the working group.
10. Bullying in the working group.
11. Mental disorders arising in the work process.
12. Mental states arising in the work process.
13. Psychohygiene in the work process.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. MATKOVČÍKOVÁ, Natália - SZARKOVÁ, Miroslava. The Occurrence of anxiety disorders amongst managers working in the field of personnel marketing. In Ekonomika a manažment : vedecký časopis Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Fakulta podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 2016. ISSN 2454-1028, 2016, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 88-97 online.
Supplementary literature:
1. MATKOVČÍKOVÁ, Natália - SZARKOVÁ, Miroslava - BELÁŇOVÁ, Benita. Mental Health and Occupational Health and Safety in Human Resource Management in the Stage of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Development Trends. Reviewers: Kristína Králiková, Zdenka Macková. 1st Edition. České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2021. 138 s. ISBN 978-80-7556-085-8.
2. MATKOVČÍKOVÁ, Natália. Motivational orientation of young talented managers. In Societas et Res Publica : medzinárodný internetový vedecký časopis zameraný na problematiku verejnej správy v kontexte interdisciplinárnych spoločenských súvislostí. - [Trnava] : [Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Fakulta sociálnych vied]. 2013. ISSN 1338-6530, 2013, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 183-189.
3. MATKOVČÍKOVÁ, Natália. Psychological effect of stressfull workplace on the performance of the employees. In Studia Społeczne : social studies. - Warszawa : Wydawnictvo Wyższej Szkoły Menedżerskej w Warszawie, 2015. ISSN 2449-9714, 2015, roč. 12, č. 1, s. 143-146 online. VEGA 1/0053/12.
4. ARNOLD, John - RANDALL, Ray. Work psychology: understanding human behaviour in the workplace. 5th ed. New York: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN 9780273711216.
5. LUTGEN-SANDVIK, P. - TRACY, S. J., - ALBERTS, J. K. Burned by bullying in the American workplace: Prevalence, perception, degree, and impact (str. 854). Journal of Management Studies. 2007. ISSN 44(6), 837– 862.
6. SULS, J.; DAVID, J. P; HARVEY, J. H. Personality and Coping: Three Generations of Research. Journal of Personality. 1996. ISSN 64(4) , 711-735.
7. BIRON, C. - BURKE, R.J. Creating Healthy Workplaces - Stress Reduction, Improved Well-being, and Organizational Effectiveness. London, Routledge, 2014. 384 s. ISBN 9781317158530.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Introduction to the subject of psychology. 2. Methods of psychology and their application in practice. 3. Psychology of personality. 4. Personality of the manager. 5. Work and entrepreneurial activity from the psychological point of view. 6. Psychology of working environment. 7. Psychology of performance and efficiency. 8. Psychological tools for increasing work motivation. 9. Psychological phenomena in the work group. 10. Bullying in the work group. 11. Psychological disorders arising in the work process. 12. Psychological conditions arising in the work process. 13. Psychohygiene in the work process. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Introduction to the subject of psychology. The origin and development of psychology in relation to the development of management. Applied psychological disciplines forming the basis of managerial and entrepreneurial competencies and skills. The main psychological approaches (Experimental Psychology, Psychotechnics, Psychoanalysis, Behaviourism) and their application in contemporary management practice. 2. Methods of psychology and their application in practice. Choice and use of psychological methods. The most famous psychological experiments. Online psychological questionnaires. Presentation of psychodiagnostic tests. Demonstration of projective methods. Application of psychology methods in management and marketing practice. 3. Personality psychology. Personality structure. The Big Five five-factor model of personality and its use in practice. Basic typologies of personality. The oldest Hippocratic typology of personality. Four types of temperament. Dimensions of introversion-extroversion. Stability-instability dimensions. Jung's personality typology. Administration of personality test according to Myers-Briggs typology with evaluation. 4. Manager's personality. Personality profile of a manager. Psychical and psychological characteristics of a manager. Manager's abilities. Skills of the manager. Psychological processes of a manager. Mental states of the manager in the work process. Presentation of research results on the importance of personality characteristics of managers in practice. 5. Work and business activities from a psychological point of view. Psychology of work. Analysis of work activity and its methods. Psychological profesiogram, content and its structure. The importance of profesiography and profesiogram in business management. Funkciography and creation of a funkciograph. Mental work capacity. Assessment of mental working capacity. Deviations in mental working capacity. 6. Psychology of the work environment. Psychological effects on performance resulting from the work environment. Current trends in the regulation of the working environment. Workplace lighting. Psychological effect of the use of colors in the work environment. Noise in the workplace. Microclimatic conditions at the workplace. Electrosmog and its effects. 7. Psychology of performance and effectiveness. Work performance and its direct and indirect indicators. Changes in work performance during work shifts. Biorhythm of employees in the work process. Flexible working hours as a factor related to the performance of employees in the work process. 8. Psychological tools for increasing work motivation. Motivational profile of the employee/manager and its use in practice. Motivational personality types. Psychological tools for increasing work motivation. Motivation programs. Motivation of employees of different generations. 9. Psychological phenomena in the working group. The importance of interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Working group vs. team. Team building. Synergistic effect and its significance. Psychological phenomena in a working group (phenomenon of group pressure, group cohesion). Demonstration of a social experiment. Socio-psychological atmosphere in the working group. 10. Bullying in the working group. Negative psychological phenomena in the work group. Bullying in the form of mobbing, bossing. Sexual harassment. Cyberbullying. The personality of the aggressor. Consequences of bullying for employees and companies. Antimobbing and anti-discrimination legislation. Possibilities of solving bullying in the workplace. Case studies. 11. Mental disorders arising in the work process. Mental health and its importance (research results, current campaigns). The most common mental disorders in the work process and their manifestations. Depression. Anxiety disorders. Phobias. Corporate psychopaths. Case studies. Treatment of mental disorders. 12. Mental states arising in the work process. Resources, manifestations of mental states and their impact on the performance of employees and managers. Fatigue in the work process. Stress in the work process. Consequences of stress for the company, employees and managers. Burnout syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. Case studies. 13. Psychohygiene in the work process. Mental balance. Work-life balance. Tools for the prevention of negative mental states in the work process. Anti-stress program in the company and its practical use. Training of relaxation techniques: Mindfulness technique, Autogenous training.

Requirements to complete the course

30 % seminar paper, 70 % final written exam

Student workload

156 h (attendance at lectures 26 h, attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, elaboration of a seminar paper 26 h, preparation for the final examination 52 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 09.05.2022