Strategic management


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• to acquire knowledge of the causes and meaning of strategic management,
• to acquire knowledge of theories and concepts of strategic management,
• to acquire knowledge of methods of strategic analysis and synthesis,
• to acquire knowledge of business and corporate strategies,
• to acquire knowledge of methods of strategy implementation.
• to perceive the enterprise creatively, cross-sectionally and compactly, to substantiate the meaning of its current and future existence,
• to think creatively and critically about the company's goals, its position in the industry, in the business environment and about the strategy for achieving the goals in the present and the future,
• to deduce fundamental and long-term conclusions from the broad picture of reality, which will result in sustainable business making meeting the criteria of social and environmental responsibility.
• to acquire the ability to formulate the vision, mission and goals of the company,
• to acquire the capacity to carry out an external strategic analysis in a particular company and to identify its possible positions in the industry,
• to acquire the ability to develop an internal strategic analysis in a particular company and formulate its competitive advantage,
• to acquire the ability to elaborate a strategic synthesis and formulate a business and corporate strategy in a particular company,
 to acquire the ability to elaborate a process for implementing the strategy in a particular company.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Introduction to strategic management
2. Target orientation of the company
3. Analysis of the external environment of the company
4. Predicting the development of the external environment
5. Analysis of the internal environment of the company
6. Strategic synthesis
7. Business strategies
8. Business strategies in selected situations
9. Corporate strategies
10. Management and evaluation of corporate portfolio
11. Strategy implementation: communication, organization and administration.
12. Strategy implementation: leadership, culture, power, internal conflict.
13. Strategic planning and informal strategy concepts.
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Clarification of basic concepts of strategic management.
2. Strategic decisions, strategic thinking, strategic managers.
3. Formulation of the vision, mission and goals of the company.
4. Exploring the external environment of the company.
5. Predicting the development of the external environment of the company.
6. Examination of the internal environment of the company.
7. Strategic synthesis and formulation of business strategies.
8. Generic concepts of business strategies.
9. Business strategies in selected situations.
10. Identification and formulation of corporate strategies.
11. Methods of corporate portfolio evaluation.
12. Strategy implementation.
13. Referencing and evaluation of seminar papers.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. DESS, Gregory G. – LUMPKIN, G. Tom – EISNER, Alan B. – McNAMARA Gerry. Strategic management. Creating competitive advantages. Ninth edition. New York : McGraw-Hill Education, 2018. 592 s. ISBN: 978-1259098680.
2. GRANT, Robert M. Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases. 9th revised edition. Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2016. 848 s. ISBN 9781119941897.
3. ROTHAERMEL, Frank T. Strategic management. Concepts and Cases. 3rd Edition. New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2016. 526 s. ISBN 978-1259913747.
Supplementary literature:
1. BARON, Robert A. – HMIELSKI, Keith M. Essentials of Entrepreneurship. Elgar 2018. 384 s. ISBN 978 1 78811 590 2.
2. BRANDENBURGER, Adam. Strategy needs creativity. HBR March-April 2019.
3. BURNS, Paul. New Venture Creation. London : Palgrave MacMillan, 2014. 484 s. EAN 9781352000504.
4. GANS, Joshua – SCOTT, Erin L. – STERN, Scott. Strategy for start-ups. HBR May-June 2018.
5. MALNIGHT, Thomas W. – BUCHE, Ivy – DHANARAJ, Charles. Put the purpose at the core of your strategy. HBR September-October 2019.
6. MORDEN, Tony. Principles of Strategic Management. Third edition. Ashgate : Routledge, 2017. 640 s. ISBN 9781138297128.
7. NECK, Heidi M. – NECK, Christopher P. – MURRAY, Emma L. Entrepreneurship. The practice and mindset. London : SAGE, 2018. ISBN 9781506376158.
8. SCHMITT, Bernard H. Stratégia odvážnych. Bratislava : Eastone Books, 2010. 171 s. ISBN: 978-80-8109-121-6.
9. VOIGT, Kai I. – BULIGA, Oana – MICHL, Kathrin. Business Model Pioneers. Berlin : Springer, 2017. 215 s. ISBN 978-3-319-38845-8.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Introduction to strategic management Definition of the term strategy. Development of theory and practice of strategic management. Development phases of strategic management. Concepts of strategic management. Strategic management process. Levels of strategic management. Executors of strategic management. Strategic thinking. 2. Target orientation of the company Vision. Mission. Identification of business. The relationship between mission and vision. Mission change. Stakeholders. Mission as a document. Strategic intent. Objectives and hierarchy of objectives. Content of objectives. Formulation of goals. 3. Analysis of the external environment of the company The nature of the external environment. Macro environment analysis. Industry environment analysis. Parameters and driving forces of the industry. Competitive forces. Monitoring and predicting the behavior of competitors. Evaluation of the overall attractiveness of the industry. 4. Predicting the development of the external environment Forecasting and forecasting process. Anticipation and adaptation in a volatile external environment. Prognostic methods. Mathematical and statistical methods. Heuristic methods. Goal oriented methods. Anticipating strategic surprises. 5. Analysis of the internal environment of the company Classification of elements of the internal environment. Competitive advantage. Conditions for the creation of a competitive advantage. Models of competitive advantage. Multivariate analysis of competitive advantage. Sustainability of competitive advantage. Process and methods of internal analysis. 6. Strategic synthesis SWOT table. Compilation of the strategy according to the SWOT table. Offensive and defensive strategies. Strategy compilation according to the SPACE method. Strategy as a tension between goals and resources. Organization of work in formulating strategy. Strategy visualization. Strategy selection. 7. Business strategies Contingent typology of business strategies. Generic typologies of business strategies: Porter, Hall, Mintzberg, Miles and Snow, Nelson Valverde. Typology of strategic hours. Best cost strategy (Porter's typology + hybrid strategy). 8. Business strategies in selected situations Strategies adapted to the structure of the industry. Strategies adapted to the life cycle of the industry. Strategies adapted to the company's position in the industry. Strategies for small enterprises. Strategies for enterprises in crisis. Strategies in cyclical sectors. Strategies in a dynamic and complex environment. Blue ocean strategy. 9. Corporate strategies Company growth and development. Concentration on one business and transition to diversification. Corporate advantage. Growth strategies. Concentration strategy. Vertical integration strategy. Related diversification strategy. Unrelated diversification strategy. Alliance strategy. Acquisition strategy. Stabilization strategy. Revitalization strategies. Decline strategies. 10. Management and evaluation of corporate portfolio Characteristics of corporate strategy. Portfolio analysis methods. BCG matrix and its modifications. GEC matrix. Shell matrix. Industry life cycle matrix. Parent matrix. Evaluation of strategic parameters of business units. Formulation of corporate strategy. Managing a multi business company 11. Strategy implementation: communication, organization and administration. Structure and conditions of strategy implementation. Communication during implementation. Creating a suitable organizational structure. Alignment of the organizational structure with the strategy. The approaches to the organizational structure influenced by the strategy. Integration and integration mechanisms. Administrative tools. Balanced Scorecard concept. Control systems. Remuneration. 12. Strategy implementation: leadership, culture, power, internal conflict. Strategic leadership. Company culture. Open cultures. Interests and power. Power bases. Leader as a coach, agile and prompt leadership. Political skills. Bureaucratic skills. Limits of bureaucracy. Internal conflict. 13. Strategic planning and informal strategy concepts. Comparison of formal and informal concept of strategy creation. Informal methods and procedures for creating a strategy. Effectiveness of informal methods and procedures of strategy creation. Strategic planning process. Formal documentation of strategic planning. Demands, expectations and paradoxes of strategic planning. Strategic planning in practice. Business models. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Clarification of basic concepts of strategic management. Recapitulation of knowledge from the course of Management, the meaning of strategic management, the causes of nascence of strategic management, the content of strategy, strategy versus tactics, the role of competition in strategy formulation, internal and external assumptions for the implementation of effective strategic management. Assignment of seminar work. 2. Strategic decisions, strategic thinking, strategic managers. Executives of strategic management. Thinking of strategic managers. Planned and unplanned business strategy. Strategic and tactical decision making. Chapter 1. collections of case studies: 1.1 Generals in ties 1.2 Unplanned and spontaneous strategy 1.3 Strategic managers and strategic thinking 1.4 Strategic and tactical decisions 3. Formulation of the vision, mission and goals of the company. Target orientation of the company. Reconciliation of values, vision, mission and goals of the company. Content of values, mission, vision and goals of the company. Chapter 2. : 2.1 Formulation of Henkel's company values 2.2 Steve Jobs - the greatest visionary of the IT business 2.3 Formulation of the mission of Virtual Reality Media company 2.4 Company goals 4. Exploring the external environment of the company. Macro environment analysis. Analysis of the industry and competitive environment. Factors influencing the development of the industry. Identification of strategic groups in the industry. Chapter 3. : 3.1 Analysis of the technical-technological environment 3.2 Industry analysis of the chemical industry 3.3 Driving forces of business making in industrial branches 3.4 Industry of construction design 5. Predicting the development of the external environment of the company. Predicting the development of the macro-environment and industry environment of the company based on the identification and prediction of driving forces and the creation of strategic scenarios. Chapter 4. : 4.1 Business making in wellness 4.2 Foresight in food developments 4.3 The future of electro mobility 4.4 The end of the newspaper? 6. Examination of the internal environment of the company. Competitive advantage analysis, application of VRIO method, sustainability of competitive advantage. Long-term metamorphoses of the development of the competitive advantage of a mature company. Competitive advantage of a small nascent company. Chapter 5. : 5.1. Examination of Beiersdorf's company competitive advantage 5.2 The structure of the competitive advantage of Komárno Printers company 5.3 Startup Addwork 7. Strategic synthesis and formulation of business strategies. Application of SWOT synthesis, SPACE, the concept of the blue ocean and bold thinking. Chapter 6. : 6.1 Kofola - how to beat Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola? 6.2 Formulation of business strategy of VTS CR 6.3 Formulation of Xiaomi's business strategy 6.4 Railway transport development strategy 6.5 Developing a strategy of audacious thinking 8. Generic concepts of business strategies. Application of generic business strategies. Cost leadership, differentiation and specialization strategy. Chapter 7. : 7.1 Retail networks 7.2 Medusa Group 7.3 Aerospool 7.4 Application of selected typologies of business strategies 9. Business strategies in selected situations. Application of the strategy of a small nascent company, the strategy of a company in a mature industry, the strategy of a company in a dynamic and complex environment and in a crisis. Chapter 8. : 8.1 Strategy of small nascent company 8.2 Banking in Slovakia 8.3 Strategies in a dynamic and complex environment 8.4 Strategy for companies in crisis 10. Identification and formulation of corporate strategies. Application of related diversification strategy, unrelated diversification, vertical integration and acquisition strategy. Chapter 9. : 9.1 Matador Holding, Co. 9.2 Penta Investments, investment group 9.3 Zara, Co. 9.4 Kofola, Co. 11. Methods of corporate portfolio evaluation. Application of BCG matrix with multiple coordinate systems, GEC matrix, industry life cycle matrix and parent matrix. Chapter 10. : 10.1 BCG matrix 10.2 Philip Morris portfolio 10.3 Industry Life Cycle Matrix 10.4 Ironworks Podbrezová Submission of seminar work. 12. Strategy implementation. Application of strategy implementation tools. Communication, organizational structure, corporate culture, BSC method. Chapter 11. : 11.1 Communication as a tool for strategy implementation 11.2 Samsung Corporation - adaptation to changes in the business environment 11.3 Corporate culture as a tool for strategy implementation 11.4 Application of the Balanced Scorecard method in the implementation of strategy in a passenger rail transport company 13. Referencing and evaluation of seminar papers. Granting of the record to AIS.

Requirements to complete the course

10 % at exercise activity, 30 % seminar work, 60 % written exam

Student workload

156 h (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, elaboration of seminar work 26 h, preparation for exam 52 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022