Change Management


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• acquire knowledge of the causes and meaning of change management,
• acquire knowledge of theories and concepts of change management,
• acquire knowledge of methods of overcoming resistance to change, forming a positive attitude towards change and leading the process of change,
• acquire knowledge of change management tools,
• acquire knowledge about the properties, course and acceptance of critical and transitive changes.
• identify and distinguish changes in their number, depth and breadth, and determine their impact on the company's internal processes and its position in the external environment accordingly,
• think creatively and critically about the meaning of the changes that affect the company and the choice of an appropriate attitude to these changes,
• orientate oneself in a complex and dynamic business environment, respond appropriately to the flow of changes of different predictability and decide between acceptance, correction, innovation, waiting and partial or complete rejection of changes.
• acquire tools for early identification of external and internal causes of change,
• acquire tools to overcome resistance to change and tools to adapt the business to change,
• acquire tools to identify the motives for the participants in the change process,
• learn basic skills how to adapt to changes and use them for the benefit of the company,
• learn basic skills how to stimulate, implement and use change for the benefit of the company.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Typology of changes.
2. Causes of changes.
3. Processes of planned change.
4. Processes of unplanned change.
5. Adaptation to change.
6. Creating a positive attitude to change.
7. Leading people in the process of change.
8. Selected tools of change management.
9. Management of critical changes. (crisis) I.
10. Management of critical changes. (turnaround) II.
11. Management of transitive changes. (TQM, reengineering) I.
12. Management of transitive changes. (mergers and acquisitions) II.
13. Presentation of seminar papers.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. CAMERON, Esther – GREE, Mike. Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. London : Kogan Page; 5 edition, 2019. 544 s. ISBN 9780749496975.
2. KOTTER, John. P. Accelerate. Harvard : Harvard Business Review Press, 2014. 200 s. ISBN 9781625272546.
3. KOTTER, John. P. – COHEN, Dan S. Heart of Change. Harvard : Harvard Business Review Press, 2012. 214 s. ISBN 978-1422187333.
Supplementary literature:
1. ANTHONY, Scott D. – COBBAN, Paul – NAIR, Rahul – PAINCHAUD, Natalie. Breaking down the barriers to innovation. HBR November – December 2019.
2. CASCIARO, Tiziana - EDMONDSON, Amy C. – JANG, Sujin. Cross-Silo Leadership. HBR May-June 2019.
3. FRICK, Walter. How to survive a recession and thrive afterward. HBR May-June 2019.
4. GIBBSON, Paul. The Science of Successful Organizational Change. Pearson 2015.
5. HAYES, John. The theory and practice of change management. 5 edition, Macmillan Education UK, 2018.
6. CHRISTENSEN, Clayton M. – RAYNOR Michael – McDONALD Rory. What is disruptive innovation? HBR December 2015.
7. SALERNO, ANN – BROCK, Lillie. The change cycle. How people can survive and thrive in organizational change. San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2008. 216 p. ISBN 978-1576754986.
8. PISANO, Gary. P. The hard true about innovative cultures. HBR January – February 2019.
MOLDOVEANU, Mihnea – NARAYANDAS, Das. The future of leadership development. HBR March – April 2019.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Typology of changes. Organization as an object and subject of change. Organizational and strategic change. Depth, complexity and diffusion of change. Content of changes. Typological concepts: passivity and activity, originality and quality, stability and transformation, depth and duration, evolution and revolution. Case study: Where my cheese went. Assignment of seminar work. 2. Causes of changes. Volatility of the external environment. Causes and manifestations of turbulence. Short - term and long - term effects. External and internal influences. Stratification of the causes of change .. Overcoming organizational stereotypes. Causes of change: Change for change. Triggering change: Sources of complacency and self-satisfaction. Inducing a state of need, urgency and necessity of change. Internal and operational causes of changes. Case Study: Adaptation to Digital Photography in Kodak. Worksheet: What drives change in your organization? Electronic medical records. 3. Processes of planned change. Peculiarities of change management. Cyclic models. Linear models. Integrated four-phase model (Bullock - Batten). Five-phase model (Donnelly - Gibson - Ivancevich). Six-phase model EASIER (Hussey). Eight-phase model (Kotter). Metamorphing. Building organizational capacity for change (change agenda, change process methodology, change infrastructure, excellent strategic change center, strategic change office) Case study: Sources of satisfaction and the urgency of the need for change. 4. Processes of unplanned change. Characteristics and factors of the process of unplanned change. Three-phase model of increasing bottom-up performance (Orgland). A comprehensive approach to change management. Participants in the change process. Agent, lawyer, sponsor, holder. The role of participants in the process of organizational change. Interventions to facilitate change Case study: Business education reform. Introduction of the MBA study program in PBS. 5. Adaptation to change. Causes of resistance to change. Individual and group resistance. Methods of overcoming resistance. Adaptation groups. Adaptation formulas. Adaptation cycles. Causes of failed change. Decoding resistance to change. Errors and traps in the process of adapting to change. Case study: Decoding resistance to change. I survived, you will survive. What about the problematic superior? 6. Creating a positive attitude to change. Organizational development. Team building. Feedback evaluation. Matrix of organizational development. Sensitivity training. Organizational flexibility. A corporate culture that supports change. Learning organization. Identification of the learning organization. Cooperation as a tool for change management. Case study: Changing corporate culture at British Airways. Laws of a learning organization. 7. Leading people in the process of change. Leadership characteristics. Conditions for the formation of leadership. Theoretical concepts of leadership. Leadership education and training. Leadership skills. Leading big changes. Leadership dimension of managerial work. Management versus leadership. Charismatic and functional leadership. Case Study: A Melting Glacier. The Nine Principles of Elizabeth I Government 8. Selected tools of change management. Communication of change. Explicit and implicit approach to change management. Hard aspects of change management. Cooperation between initiators and implementers of change. Continuous change management. Motives and reasons for continuous improvement. Theory E and O. Case study: Revitalization of the UK retail network ASDA. 9.-10. Management of critical changes. (Crisis, turnaround). Crisis management tools. Time and content of revitalization. Financing of corrective measures. Holders of revitalization in the company. Turnaround application conditions. Turnaround tools. Reduction of costs, inventories, surplus assets, employees, organizational excess, debts. Change of product, image, ethics. Turnaround performers. Case study: The crisis in Obuvex. 11.-12. Management of transitive changes. (TQM, reengineering, mergers and acquisitions). Principles of TQM. Forms of activating employees to quality. Key characteristics of reengineering. Revision of production and operational processes. Identification of reengineering opportunities. Reengineering changes. Reengineering executors. Mergers and acquisitions. Reinžinieiring operational processes. Case Study: Acquisition of Daimler - Chrysler. 13. Presentation of seminar papers Applications of concepts and methods of change management to practical situations and examples. Presentation and discussion of seminar papers.

Requirements to complete the course

10% teaching activity, 30% seminar work, 60% written exam

Student workload

78 h (participation in lectures 26 h, elaboration of seminar work 26 h, preparation for the exam 26 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022