Management Research Methods


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• By completing the course, the student will gain knowledge of processes, procedures and methods used in modern management research, specifically about a wide range of analytical methods, which can then solve business problems of various kinds requiring data analysis.
• Knowledge of practical techniques, tools, processes by which management can obtain new data and use analysis to create practically usable information from the internal (corporate) or external environment.
By completing the course the student will gain the following competencies
• Can transform a selected business problem into a structured research problem that can be solved by exact analytical methods
• Can apply a wide range of specific statistical methods and practically interpret and correctly report the results of these statistical methods and then create a sound research report with a clear basis for the decision-making process.
• Based on the results of the analysis, he will be able to propose available solutions to the problem, be able to defend them, discuss possible alternatives and create practical recommendations that will enhance the insight of management into the problem.
• To be able to obtain new value-added information from secondary internal (company) and external data and to create new knowledge, know-how through systematic application, by which the company can subsequently create an information and knowledge competitive advantage.
• Can thoroughly assess the quality of various sources (managerial research reports, professional and scientific publications or database sources) based on the quality of analysis, description and structure of the sample, the way of presentation of results and the quality of conclusions drawn from them.
• Design and implement practical management research to solve a specific business problem
• Install open source statistical software and prepare the file and data in the required structure for analysis, then select the right analytical method / test to apply to solve a specific business problem and then be able to implement a wide range of analytical methods, set their specific parameters and conditions, understand the results, be able to interpret them correctly and write them in the standard form.
• Search for, critically compare, evaluate external sources, obtain information from them and how to subsequently create new knowledge that can be practically used for business management.
• Gain skills in creating summary research reports, which will include proposals for solutions based on new information generated from the analysis process.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Applied and basic research in business management, its characteristics and starting points.
2. Research process and research cycle.
3. Solving specific business problems using specific research designs.
4. Measurement in research.
5. Description and descriptive analysis of quantitative data.
6. Comparing groups.
7. Comparing groups.
8. Measurement of relationships between variables (Pearson's r, Kendall's tau).
9. Simple and multiple regression analysis.
10. Forecasting trends.
11. Data collection and character of data in quantitative and qualitative research and their quality.
12. Measurement quality and data quality.
13. Summary interpretation and reporting results, creation of research reports.
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Introduction of open-source statistical software: JAM, JASP, and PSPP.
2. Data entry and file preparation for analysis.
3. Probability of occurrence of phenomena and statistical significance.
4. Examination and testing of data distribution, frequency analysis, use of histograms.
5. Description and basic analysis of quantitative data.
6. Parametric tests.
7. Nonparametric tests.
8. Measuring relationships between variables.
9. Simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
10. Trend calculation.
11. Practical procedures of data collection and the nature of data in quantitative and qualitative research and their quality.
12. Reliability analysis of measuring tools Comparison of Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega methods for the whole questionnaire and for individual items.
13. Practical practice of summary interpretation and reporting of results, creation of research reports, presentation of research results.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. ZIKMUND, William - CARR Jon - GRIFFIN Mitch. Business Research Methods. London : Cengage Learning, 2013. 696 s. ISBN 9781111826925.
2. SAUNDERS, Mark - LEWIS Philip - THORNHILL Adrian. Research Methods for Business Students. 4th Edition. London : Pearson Custom Publishing, 2011. 728 s. ISBN 978-0273750758.
3. GREENER, Sue. Business research methods. London : BookBoon, 2008. 110 s. ISBN 9788776814212.
4. THARENOU, Phyllis - DONOHUE Ross - COOPER Brian. Management research methods. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. 350 s. ISBN 978-0521694285.
5. FIELD, Andy. Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. London : Sage, 2013. 915 s. ISBN 978-9351500827.
Supplementary literature:
1. HANÁK, Róbert. Dátová analýza pre sociálne vedy. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2016. 148 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4345-3.
2. PERVEZ Ghauri - GRØNHAUG Kjell - STRANGE Roger. Research methods in business studies. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020. 300 s. ISBN 978-1108708241.
3. FIELD, Andy - HOLE Graham. How to design and report experiments. London : Sage, 2002. 384 s. ISBN 978-0761973836.
4. SOLLÁR, Tomáš - RITOMSKÝ, Alojz. Aplikácie štatistiky v sociálnom výskume. Nitra : Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa. 2002. 253 s. ISBN 80-8050-580-2.
5. HENDL, Jan. Přehled statistických metod. Praha : Portál, 2012. 736 s. ISBN 978-80-2620-200-4.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Applied and basic research in business management, its characteristics and starting points. What types of problems require managerial research: identification of problems or opportunities in the company, subsequent analysis and assessment of problems and opportunities, evaluation of possible solutions, assessment of past procedures and decisions, comparison of the situation in the company with the environment. 2. Research process and research cycle. Creating a research project. Sources of information in professional and scientific literature. Obtaining and searching for relevant literary sources, assessing the quality of literary sources. Description of the process of transformation of raw data into information and subsequently into knowledge. Ethics in research. 3. Solving specific business problems using specific research designs. Basic classification of research designs. Research plan. Comparison of research designs from a methodological point of view (quality of output, limits and possible biases), but also time, labor and cost. Introduction to the probability of occurrence of phenomena and statistical significance. 4. Measurement in research. Variables and their types: nominal, ordinal, cardinal (interval, ratio). Data coding and data insertion. Indexes and summary indicators. Variables and their position in measuring tools. Theoretical basis of the analysis. Creating assumptions, setting hypotheses and testing them. Introduction to the process of creating hypotheses and their verification. 5. Description and descriptive analysis of quantitative data. Central tendency indicators. Variability indicators. Normality of data distribution. Gaussian curve. Presentation of results in graphic form. Frequently chart types used for specific results. Confidence interval. 6. Comparing groups. Parametric tests. Application conditions. When to choose parametric and when non-parametric tests to compare groups. Options for verifying the normality of data distribution. Robustness of parametric tests, susceptibility to distortion. 7. Comparing groups. Nonparametric tests. Application conditions. Verification of normality of data distribution. Robustness of nonparametric tests. 8. Measurement of relationships between variables (Pearson's r, Kendall's tau). Regression analysis compared to correlation. 9. Simple and multiple regression analysis. Creation of regression models and assessment of the quality of the regression model. Coefficient of determination. 10. Forecasting trends. Quantitative, based on time series as well as on regression models. Qualitative techniques as possible development scenarios. Creative techniques based on existing data and expected trends. 11. Data collection and character of data in quantitative and qualitative research and their quality. Primary data and secondary data, their advantages and limits. Secondary data sources. Questionnaire questions and practical application (open, forced answers, scales). 12. Measurement quality and data quality. Reliability, validity, objectivity, sensitivity of scientific measurement and specific measurement tools. 13. Summary interpretation and reporting results, creation of research reports. Ethics in managerial research. Making recommendations for decision making. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Introduction of open-source statistical software: JAM, JASP, and PSPP. Individual installation for different operating systems. Working with files, saving, format, file type. Saving results, data, graphs, and outputs to MS Word, Excel. 2. Data entry and file preparation for analysis. Data import and their format, subsequent storage and data management. Copy, search, aggregate, divide, weigh, sort and organize data. Encoding and recoding variables. Analysis outputs and their format. 3. Probability of occurrence of phenomena and statistical significance. Its level, the most used types and their interpretation. Mistakes in researching and drawing conclusions and ways to avoid them. First order error α, second order error β. Effect size and two calculation methods. Intervals for results, their interpretation and practical applicability. 4. Examination and testing of data distribution, frequency analysis, use of histograms. Normality of data distribution. Graphical representation of normal, platykurtic, leptokurtic data distribution. Contingency and frequency tables, Chi square distribution. 5. Description and basic analysis of quantitative data. Calculations and interpretations of indicators. Indicators of central tendency (mean, mode, median). Variability indicators (variance and standard deviation). Relationship to data distribution and relationships between them. 6. Parametric tests. Two - sample t - test of independent groups. Paired t - test. One - sample t - test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Leven's test, normality of data distribution. 7. Nonparametric tests. Mann - Whitney test, Wilcoxon test. Normality of data distribution and its testing using the Shapiro – Wilk test, use of the Leven test. 8. Measuring relationships between variables. Correlation (Pearson's r). Kendall's tau B and C. Calculation of mutual relations using: Pearson correlation coefficient and Kendall's Tau. Chi-square test. Calculation and interpretation of odds ratio. 9. Simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Difference from correlation. Procedure for creating and verifying regression models. Interpretation of regression analysis results. 10. Trend calculation. Quantitative, based on time series as well as on regression models. 11. Practical procedures of data collection and the nature of data in quantitative and qualitative research and their quality. Methods used in electronic data collection. Advantages and limits. 12. Reliability analysis of measuring tools Comparison of Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega methods for the whole questionnaire and for individual items. 13. Practical practice of summary interpretation and reporting of results, creation of research reports, presentation of research results. Making recommendations for decision making.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % seminar work, 60 % written exam

Student workload

156 hours (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation for credit paper 26 h, preparation for exam 52 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022