Defence of the final thesis
- Credits: 10
- Ending: Defence of the final thesis
- Year: 3
- Faculty of Applied Languages
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Teaching results: In the final work the student demonstrates that he is able to work systematically and independently in the relevant field. The student is able to process empirical data, is able to use professional terminology and can identify the problem, criteria for selecting and formulating topics and techniques for formulating research goals and hypotheses, is able to analyze, evaluate and compare relevant data, can use professional literature, is familiar with the given topic, is able to use theoretical knowledge in independent work and apply it to research, can describe a research problem and take a stand, and finally is able to draw conclusions from the researched issues. The topics of the final theses must correspond to the content focus of the field of study and the study program for which they are advertised. The complexity of the final work corresponds to the profile of the graduate of the study program and the scope of knowledge acquired by studying in this study program.
Indicative content
The final thesis has a prescribed balanced structure. The scope and structure of the work are defined by the internal regulation No. 11/2019 on final, rigorous and habilitation theses and its annexes. 1 to 12. The student of the final year of the first degree of study is obliged to submit
the final thesis in accordance with the schedule of the given academic year at the study department of the Faculty of Applied Languages. The final thesis of the first / second degree of study is written and then defended in one of the two profile languages of the study program. It includes a summary in the Slovak language in the range of 10% of the total scope of the final thesis.
Support literature
according to the thesis assignment
Requirements to complete the course
Grade Score Passed A = excellent = 1 91 – 100 B = very well = 1,5 81 – 90 C = well = 2 71 – 80 D = satisfactory = 2,5 61 – 70 E = sufficient = 3 51 – 60 Failed FX = insufficient = 4 0 – 50 Student defenses his/her final thesis and answers the questions of supervisor and opponent.
Language whose command is required to complete the course
the profile language of the study programme
Date of approval: 24.04.2024
Date of the latest change: 20.01.2022